I Hunt and Purge Reincarnators

Chapter 117: Fooled

Chapter 117: Fooled

Kel left the gymnasium with a smirk on his face while faking to walk like he was injured.     

'With this, I've got him off his high horse. Plus getting injured will make him underestimate me for the time being. Just have to sell it for 2 more days' Kel thought to himself as he finally arrived at the nurses office.     

"Uh anyone...here..." He trailed off as he saw a blonde haired casually sleeping on a desk.     

Kel walked over to the woman and tried tapping her shoulder to wake her up but she instead sleepily held on to his hand and began rubbing it against herself.     

"*ahem*..." Kel cleared his throat and caused the woman to slowly wake up looking around confused.     

"Hm, Yes?" She faced Kel and asked in a drowsy manner.     

"I got injured during gym class so the coach asked me to come see you." Kel quickly explained and the woman rubbed her eyes before yawning and standing up.     

*boing* *boing*     

When she did stand, what she revealed was a chest that could rival Silvya's. Even after doing some quick mafs, Kel couldn't properly analyze them.     

"*yawn* hmm, I'm nurse Shizuka. Where are you injured?" She asked in a slow manner as if still not fully awake.     

"My right ankle." Kel replied before pointing to his leg.     

"Ohh...ok. Take a seat while I get what I need to treat you" she replied sleepily before looking around herself as if not knowing where to go.     

'She really reminds me of Silvya...' Kel thought to himself as he got seated on the bed.     

Soon Nurse Shizuka returned and sat on the side of the bed. She took out a cloth and asked Kel to remove his shoes before beginning to massage his leg.     

"Does it hurt?" She asked while pressing the cloth over and over again with her breasts bouncing in unison.     

"Yea...still very sore" Kel replied while faking to grit his teeth.     

"Oh...I'll be gentler then uh what's your name again?" She asked while continuing to slowly massage Kel's leg.     

"It's Kel." Kel answered briefly and Nurse Shizuka nodded.     

"Well...it doesn't look serious so you'll be fine, just don't put it to work too hard" She advised before pulling away from Kel.     

"Take this to relieve the pain and come back if it starts to hurt again okay? For now just rest" She added before handing Kel a small white pill. After doing so she returned to her desk and continued to nap without a care in the world leaving Kel seated with a pill in his hands.     

"...She's definitely an odd one. Might as well just use this chance to take a nap as well. I've got nothing planned for now so there's no harm" Kel thought to himself and shrugged before tossing the pill away and laying on the bed.     

Time flew by as Kel rested without a care in the nurse's office. When he finally woke up it was late afternoon and classes were soon to end.     

He let out a sigh as he got off the bed and turned to nurse Shizuka who was still fast asleep.     

"The plot armor was strong in this one to survive that long in the series..." He muttered as he got off the bed and left the office.     

E/N: more like her boobs deflected the attention of the zombies from her     

After leaving the office, Kel decided to return to class for the last lesson before calling it a day. Upon entering the class, all gazes turned to him.     

Kel immediately noticed that there was no teacher and the reason for this was written on the board in large characters "Free Study".     

'I should've just napped longer' he thought to himself before ignoring the stares he was getting and returning to his seat.     

He made sure to make walking look like it was painful for him to maintain the act of being injured. After finally reaching his seat, he took out a random book and began reading despite all the gazes he was receiving.     

"Hey Kel? Good game today, you're really a good player. Sorry about your leg. How is it?" Koji was of course the one to break the silence as he walked over to Kel's desk.     

"Basketball is popular in Canada so it's only natural that I practiced it a lot. My leg will be fine after about a week. Until then I'll have some trouble walking around *sigh*" Kel replied feigning disappointment at his predicament.     

"Oh? Well I'm glad it's not serious. When you're better you should teach me some of your moves alright? Haha, anyway get well soon bro." Koji stated in a friendly tone before giving Kel a pat on the back.     

'A week? Hah. The world will be in chaos after tomorrow so he's basically screwed. I wanted to recruit him but it's too risky. He might end up taking some of the limelight from me.' Koji concluded as he returned to his seat with a smile on his face.     

Takagi, whose desk was closer to Kel's, would occasionally glance at him with furrowed brows but said nothing...that is until class ended.     

"Pack your things." She said in an impatient manner with her arms crossed.     

"Excuse you?" Kel replied while giving her an odd look.     

"It's stupid to walk home after getting injured so I'll give you a lift." Takagi quickly explained while maintaining her arrogant tone.     

"Are you offering because you volunteered to the teacher to help me adjust?" Kel's question immediately caused Takagi to frown.     

"Does it matter? Are you coming or not?" She asked even more impatiently, causing Kel to shrug and stop teasing her.     

"Fine, thanks for the offer....damn Tsundere" He said before muttering the last part in a low tone.     

"What did you call me?" Takagi pointed a finger towards Kel and asked in an angry tone but he simply shrugged.     

"What are you talking about? I said it's too hot in here." He answered as if stating something obvious.     

Takagi continued to stare at him for a moment but he maintained a small smile throughout.     

"Fine, whatever let's go" She said after finally shifting her gaze away from him.     

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