I Hunt and Purge Reincarnators

Chapter 120: Countdown Part 2

Chapter 120: Countdown Part 2


A period after Tagaki and Kel returned to class, the bell rang to indicate the school day had now come to an end. As the teacher gathered his things and left the classroom, Kel raised his head from the sleeping position he was in on the desk.     

"Finally." He muttered in a low tone before stretching out his hands and releasing a yawn.     

"Tsk, Maybe if you paid attention you wouldn't need my help catching up with the rest of the class you dummy." Tagaki pointed in an irritation while Kel simply shrugged her off.     

'Not like it will matter starting tomorrow.' Kel thought to himself as he stood from his seat and collected his bag from the side of the desk.     

Tagaki narrowed her eyes at him and huffed in an irritated manner before turning her gaze away since he was ignoring her.     

Her mood would only become more sour however as Koji,Hasashi and Rei approached her desk. Tagaki pretended to not see them and collected her bag and attempted to leave.     

"Tagaki? You and Rei should talk about what happened earlier, it's not good to have conflict in hard times. We all cared for Takashi so don't you think he'd want us to get along?" Koji spoke out trying to be the voice of reason but Tagaki only frowned.     

"Don't act like you know me, I have nothing to talk about with you people so goodbye." Tagaki replied in a low but angry tone before hurriedly walking away from the trio.     

"It'll be alright, she just needs time." Hasashi could only sigh and look at Rei before giving her a small reassuring smile. Koji on the other hand watched Tagaki leave with a momentarily foul expression on his face before faking a smile and turning to Kel.     

"Hey Kel, sorry you had to see that. Come to think of it, she seems to be more open to you so do you mind talking to her? It's in our best interests that all classmates get along, y'know?" Koji placed his hand on Kel's shoulder and asked in a friendly manner but Kel shook his head without hesitation.     

"We aren't close, she just tolerates me a little more. Besides, this all sounds like a personal issue. It has absolutely nothing to do with me see you tomorrow m..."buddy"..." Kel replied with a small smile on his face before putting his bag over his shoulder and walking away.     

Koji wore a sour expression on his face as he wasn't used to people not agreeing with him ever since he reincarnated into this world. As Hasashi and Rei turned to him, he quickly recomposed himself and let out a helpless sigh.     

"What happens now Koji? Sorry for putting you in that position." Hasashi apologized sincerely but Koji shook his head.     

"It's fine, I'm sure by the end of tomorrow things will be different." Koji replied while showing a confident smile that reassured Hasashi who simply nodded in response.     

'I doubt you'll live that long though Hisashi, I can't very well have Rei's crush tag along.' Koji thought to himself before giving Rei a quick look.     

Meanwhile, Kel had already left the main school building and was on his way out. But as he approached the gate, he spotted a familiar pink haired tsundere standing with her arms crossed and immediately sighed.     

'God why?' He sighed and thought before approaching her.     

"Took you long enough, come on let's go." Tagaki quickly instructed but Kel remained standing in one spot and shrugged.     

"Go where?" He asked with one brow raised but received an irritated look from Tagaki.     

"Home, it's still dangerous to walk alone, are you still half asleep or something?" She asked while standing by the vehicle impatiently.     

"Guess I am, let's go." He answered plainly, causing Tagaki to give him a piercing glare. She continued to glare at Kel for much of the ride to his place but not once did he utter a word. Five minutes later, they arrived by Kel's block and he disembarked.     

"Well thanks for the lift, see you tomorrow." Kel said in a casual tone as he exited the car. Tagaki remained leaning into the seat and didn't reply.     


"That girl really needs friends..." Kel muttered while shaking his head as he watched the vehicle drive away.     

Kel quickly shrugged off those thoughts and walked towards his apartment in quick strides. Upon entering, he found the place to be unusually quiet.     

"Huh. I was half expecting Silvya to greet me upon reaching, not sure whether her not doing it is a good or bad thing." Kel jokingly pointed out before showing a smirk and walking inside.     

"Silvya?" He called as he walked further into the apartment but got no response.     

'Maybe she's asleep?' Kel concluded before proceeding up the stairs to check her room. What he found however was something entirely different.     

Silvya stood at the center of her bedroom wearing only a tight black thong with long black stockings. But what really caught Kel's attention was what she held. In her hand was a silver handgun that Kel immediately recognized.     

"A Smith & Wesson Model 460..." Kel muttered as he remembered the deadly handgun his uncle cherished during his time at military school.     

"Oh, Lord Kel?" Silvya quickly looked towards the door when she heard Kel's voice and lowered the gun she held.     

"Don't mind me, I was just checking on you but it seems you're very much ready for tomorrow. Approximately 15 hours left until the world goes crazy." Kel leaned against the door and pointed out while sighing.     

"Yes, I can't use magic here like in Skyrim but I have a very good aim so I conjured a pistol I can use. Do you like it?" She asked with an eager smile on her face. But as she turned to face Kel, her large breasts abandoned the laws of physics and jiggled unnaturally.     

*click* "Noice" Kel replied after giving her a proper look and walked away.     

'He liked it...wait if he likes one then...' A happy Silvya quickly pondered before conjuring another Smith & Wesson Model 460. Silvya then pointed the two weapons at a mirror and giggled.     

"Two deadly weapons will make Lord Kel twice as happy. Wait..."     

A/N: My OG novel "King Of Limbo" is now out so please check it out and vote for it. Other than that, it's zombie time     

Edited by: Rawaz The Shota Hunter and Shota The Server Trap     



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