I Hunt and Purge Reincarnators

Chapter 118: Rivalry?

Chapter 118: Rivalry?

After leaving the classroom, Kel and Tagaki went to their lockers to change shoes before preparing to leave school.     

Kel remained silent throughout while Takagi kept glancing at him occasionally as if about to ask something. As they approached the school gate, she got ready to speak but was interrupted.     

"Oh there you are, I almost thought you had left school already"     

Standing at the gate was the girl Kel had met the previous day on his way home.     

"Saeko?" Kel responded in an almost inquisitive manner.     

"Did you forget we have to go to the police station together to file a report?" Saeko stated with her head slightly tilted.     

"Actually I did. It must have slipped my mind when I was still in the nurse's office" Kel replied in a friendly tone before shrugging his shoulders.     

"What police report?" Feeling left out, Takagi couldn't help but ask curiously.     

"Oh well you see...." Saeko then quickly summarized the events that transpired to Takagi who now have Kel an odd look. But before she could ask another voice joined the scene.     

"Miss? Are you ready to depart?" An older man dressed in a butlers attire approached the group and asked politely while facing Takagi.     

"Yes I am, but we'll need to make a few detours today to assist my...friends" Takagi explained oddly but the older man simply nodded in agreement.     

"As you wish" he responded before walking away towards a luxurious car and opening the door.     

"Let's go, the police station isn't far from here" Tagaki quickly instructed before walking over to the car.     

"Your girlfriend is a bit strange" Saeko suddenly commented with a slight smirk on her face.     

"She isn't my girlfriend but I agree she's a bit strange" Kel shrugged his shoulders as he replied before walking over to the car. Saeko paused for a moment before following him into the car.     

Inside the luxurious vehicle, Kel found himself seated in between Tagaki and Saeko. Although both of them were silent, they'd occasionally cast glances at each other as if sizing each other up.     

'Charlie's mother always told me women are territorial but this...'     

"So Kel, how are you liking your stay in Japan so far?" Both Kel's thoughts and the silence were cut short when Saeko suddenly asked this question.     

"It's going alright I suppose, I haven't had the chance to make any friends but Tagaki has been helpful"     

Kel's reply caused Saeko to raise a brow in curiosity while Tagaki wore a sort of victorious smirk as she glanced over at Saeko.     

"Interesting..." Saeko muttered with a light smirk before leaning back into the chair and staring out the window quietly.     

Tagaki did the same except with a proud and victorious look on her face while Kel began thinking of other matters.     

The rest of the drive was uneventful and they soon arrived at the police station. Once there, Saeko and Kel exited the vehicle before going into the station to give their report.     

2 hours later...     

"Sorry to have had you come, I didn't think it would take so much time. It's gotten pretty late." Saeko sighed and apologized to Kel as they walked out of the station. However Kel simply shook his head and was about to reply when....     

"What took you guys so long?" A frowning Tagaki with arms crossed stood in front of the station while impatiently tapping her foot against the ground.     

"You're still here?" Kel asked a bit surprised she decided to wait. Saeko however didn't seem all that surprised at Tagaki still waited for them.     

"I did say I'd take you home didn't I? Besides I can't let you walk on an injured foot so let's go already" Tagaki expressed in an impatient manner before turning and walking over to the car without waiting for Kel to reply.     

"She really is strange." Saeko commented and chuckled before walking past Kel then getting into the vehicle.     

'Aren't we all.' Kel thought to himself before following Saeko in.     

Once again much of the drive consisted of silence and occasional glances between Saeko and Tagaki.     

"We're approaching your stop Miss Saeko." The silence came to an end when the driver announced they'd be reaching Saeko's home soon.     

Less than a minute later, the vehicle parked in a quiet suburban area. The driver then quickly rushed out of the car and opened the backdoor.     

"Thank you for the lift Tagaki. Oh and Kel since you don't have any real friends yet, I'd like to help you get settled by showing you around this Saturday. Goodnight" Saeko paused at the door then quickly stated and left before Kel could even reply.     

'By Saturday everyone in this world will be fighting to survive.' Kel showed a complex expression as he was reminded of the cruel fate that awaited the people of the world he was in.     

"Haven't I been helping you get settled?" Tagaki asked with her arms crossed and a frown but Kel simply showed her a weak smile and nodded.     

"You have. Thank you for that." The manner in which Kel said this was completely different from what Tagaki had seen of him so far.     

Tagaki had stopped herself from saying anything more as Kel's current demeanor showed he simply wasn't in the mood.     

Once they arrived at the apartment building he was staying at, he quickly said his thanks and left without saying anything more.     

Upon entering his home, Kel once again found Silvya waiting, except this time rather than a cheerful greeting, Silvya was seated while leaning against a wall with her eyes closed. In her arms was a pie that seemed to have gone cold with the words "welcome home" engraved with jelly on top.     

Kel showed a slight smile and took the pie out of her hands before carrying her into his arms.     

"Welcome home..." Silvya weakly muttered while still asleep as if by reflex. Kel could only show a smile at the statement before taking her to her room and settling her into bed.     

Afterwards Kel returned to his own room and sat on the edge of his bed. He then proceeded to take out the gloves Lilith had given him and began looking at them.     

"Has the time to pass Judgment come?" A voice resonated from an odd looking blade on top of Kel's dresser.     

"No and what's with the change in mannerisms, you aren't going to ask me to release you?" Kel replied with a question of his own while still keeping his gaze on the gloves.     

"Well, you're a god. I'm willing to cooperate as long as you free me from this accursed state in future." The voice replied in a dissatisfied manner but Kel simply shook his head in response.     

"I'm not a god. At least not yet" Kel announced before putting the gloves away and calling it a night     



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