I Hunt and Purge Reincarnators

Chapter 127: Guide To Surviving The Zombie Apocalypse Part 3

Chapter 127: Guide To Surviving The Zombie Apocalypse Part 3

"Saeko...." Kel muttered as a feminine voice reached his ear and caused him to turn in its direction.     

"I agree, it's fucked up how quickly the society that took years to establish is falling apart in just a matter of hours" Saeko explained as she approached Kel who showed no particular reaction on the surface but was internally relieved.     

"Yea." Kel replied in a helpless tone before turning his head to face the street not too far from the flat they were in. There he saw the same mother daughter pair that had been attacked slowly start turn.     

"You can't save them all." Saeko leaned on the opposite side of the door and advised the straight faced Kel who simply showed a weak smile.     

"It's not that, I just feel the life I'm currently living is slowly starting to change who I am." Kel replied to Saeko in vague terms but it was almost as if she understood in a way what he meant as she retorted shortly after.     

"Although the world is quickly turning into a mess, I've never felt more like myself than now. Kind of funny isn't it? So maybe the change you're slowly becoming is the real you Kel." Saeko advised Kel in a sincere manner and made him chuckle in the process.     

"Now there's a truly fucked up and scary thought." Kel expresses while leaning his head back and sighing. Saeko looked at him for a moment before turning to leave.     

"Maybe it is." She stated as she began to walk away from Kel. Kel however faced her direction and gave her some some parting words.     

"Maybe isn't a definite answer you know, it's the same as not knowing." said Kel but Saeko gave no reply as her figure soon disappeared from Kel's line of sight. Only then did he hear her say in more thing.     


Meanwhile back at the school, Koji and his group where currently standing in the middle of the school's front gate with numerous bodies of the undead laying on the ground around them.     

Koji who stood at the front had a stern expression on his face as he looked at the bodies around him and then and the bus's damaged tires.     

"Koji, we found some spare tires!" exclaimed a student rushing towards Koji, causing him to face him.     

"Quickly start changing them with the others, Hisashi, Rei, Subaru, Basara and Myself will make sure no undead come close. Just be quick, it won't be long before the sun starts to set and that's the last thing we need right now." Koji ordered and the student gave a nod before leaving.     

*clap* *clap*     

Just as the student left Koji, the sound of hands clapping reached his ears causing him to turn in the direction of the school where a man in a suit was approaching him with another large group of students behind him.     

"Very, good. Excellent even. We wondered why we stopped hearing the sound of those things and came to see, only to find a diligent student and his friends had not only gotten rid of those things but are also in the midst of fixing the bus so we can all be rescued. Isn't that great everyone?" The man asked and the students behind him immediately began to murmur and look hopeful but Koji only wore a dissatisfied look on his face.     

"Cut the crap! No one is coming to rescue any of you. You already know the bus isn't big enough to house all those students and even if it was, the world is now gone to shit so useless people are only a burden. You should know this Mr. Shido" Koji angrily exclaimed and stated causing both Mr. Shido and the students to show looks of concern.     

"That's not fair!"     

"You can't do this!"     

"We're all students here!" The students one by one began to complain and protest. While Mr.Shido showed a sly smirk.     

"Seems the students disagree, if you are that keen to not help then we'll be forced to take the the bus. It is after all school property." Mr. Shido explained with a sly smile and his hands spread wide while looking at Koji who soon began to laugh.     

"I'd like to see you try." Koji gripped his bat tightly and his group gathered near him as he faced Mr. Shido.     

[Zombies Killed: 34, Upgrade Points Gained: 2450]     

Koji showed a confident smirk as this message resounded in his mind.     

'Use all points to upgrade strength, speed, agility and stamina.' Koji thought mentally and felt an entire surge rush through his entire body.     

After the sensation stopped, he looked at Mr. Shido and rushed towards him before landing a deadly punch on his chest.     

"You said you'd take the bus right? Well then show me just how you useless excuse for a teacher hahaha" Koji laughed aloud and stepped on Mr. Shido and announced confidently.     

The other students behind Mr. Shido stepped back slightly and looked at Koji with frightened expressions.     

"I-I can do whatever you want if you let me follow!" A petite pretty student rushed out of the group of students and offered in a desperate manner.     

"M-me too!"     

"My father kept guns at our home, we can get those!"     

"I'm a good shooter!"     

One by one the students began to state what they could offer while Koji just smiled.     

"Alright, everyone who has something to offer will be brought along. Then afterwards all that will be left is..."     

"To get a comfortable base..." he said in a suggestive tone while smiling.     



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