I Hunt and Purge Reincarnators

Chapter 131: A True Massacre Part 1

Chapter 131: A True Massacre Part 1


After Kel had left Mr. Shido to perish by the hands of his very own students, he began walking back towards the home.     

*grrr*, as he was about to enter, he began to hear numerous grunts coming from all directions and showed a small frown.     

'With all the noise we caused I'm not surprised this many zombies have come this way...' He thought to himself as he looked to his right at the now clearing fog.     

He then clicked his tongue before finally entering the safety of the gated flat. Once inside, he found Saeko leaning against the wall seemingly waiting for him.     

"I don't here any voices." Saeko moved from the wall and stood upright upon seeing Kel's figure enter the premise. Her statement caused Kel to look over to her and nod his head.     

"Well, zombies don't speak now do they?" Kel sighed and asked upon getting closer to Saeko. Saeko looked up at Kel's figure and didn't see a drop of fresh blood on him. He looked the same way he did when he had left which caused her to raise a brow.     

"No they don't." She showed a faint smile and nodded but didn't bring up the observation she made. Kel only nodded once more at her before walking passed her and entering the home.     

'He didn't even carry a weapon...' Saeko thought to herself as she looked at Kel's figure entering the building. Soon she shook her head and continued to smile as she followed him inside.     

Once inside the home, Kel and Saeko found a frowning Takagi with her arms crossed seated on the staircase.     

"Something wrong?" Kel asked with his brow raised causing Takagi's frown to grow even more apparent. She simply looked at Kel for a moment but when she didn't see even a scratch on him, she simply stood up and humphed before going up the stairs.     

"Cute." Saeko commented before walking up the stairs with a smirk on her face. Kel simply sighed and shook his head before walking up as well.     

Upstairs they found Silyva walking away from the direction of the balcony while Nurse Shizuka was laying sleepily on the couch.     

"So what now?" Takagi asked plainly as she took a seat next to nurse Shizuka.     

"Hmm, is it time to go already? Five more minutes". Shizuka muttered in a sleepy tone before leaning against Takagi.     

"We won't be going anywhere right now, you guys should get some rest though." Kel announced all of sudden causing all eyes to turn to him.     

"What? We can't exactly start navigating through the fog, it's too risky so everyone should get some rest and we'll see where to go from there when we're awake" Kel continued before pausing to look at the others for feedback.     

"Agreed, we should get some rest and then reassess the situation when we're awake" Saeko who was standing next to Kel readily agreed before looking to the others to see what they had to say.     

"Yes...more shlee...." Nurse Shizuka muttered in a low tone before trailing off and falling asleep on Takagi's shoulder. Takagi showed an irritated expression before quickly standing up and walking away.     

"Fine, let's do that." She said in an agitated tone before storming away leaving the others perplexed.     

"Takagi...wait for me." Nurse Shizuka called out before rushing after her with he left busty chest bouncing madly the entire time.     

"Well are we going to keep a lookout?" Saeko turned to Silyva and Kel before asking confidently but Kel shook his head.     

"We can all rest for now, just go get some sleep it's been a long day. I just have something to talk about with miss Silyva." Kel smiled towards Saeko and replied before turning to Silyva.     

"Hmm, *yawn* I suppose I could use a short nap but you two do the same after you're done talking. Anyway have a goodnight you two." Saeko yawned for a moment and stretched her hands before agreeing with what Kel suggested. After saying goodnight she left the room, leaving Silyva and Kel alone.     

"She's gone..." Silyva muttered in a low tone and Kel nodded in response.     

"Yea, we should keep this short so that you should go join them. For now leave the fog as is, the noise may have attracted not just zombies so while we're asleep it's good cover. As of what I learned from Shido...." Kel quickly instructed before proceeding to explain what he learned from Shido.     

"So it's all the reincarnators doing as suspected. Do you wish to purge him now or prolong it?" Silyva nodded before asking Kel what he wanted to do next.     

"Koji isn't that smart but he is cunning, I'd prefer to get rid of him before his system becomes a problem, I have no way of knowing what's purchasable so it's best we end this soon. How far am I from earning enough to gain 1 alteration?" Kel quickly assessed before asking the question that would determine his conclusion.     

"You're on 79%, much of it from the anger he has towards you. I think you can make it to 100 Lord Kel." Silyva smiled and suggested causing Kel to raise a brow in curiosity.     

"Sounds like you have a plan Silyva. I'm all ears." Kel smiled back at Silyva and replied to which Silyva nodded.     

"It's a stretch but I do...Lord Kel"     



A/N: it's that time again. Those of you on discord already know I've been away grieving due to the passing of my friend. I'll schedule the chapters to automatically release because there's still a lot left to do in real life. Anyway thanks for the support. I'll post the advance chapters on ******* till the final chapter of the arc. If you're on discord I'll announce as soon as they are up.     

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