I Hunt and Purge Reincarnators

Chapter 149: Doubts

Chapter 149: Doubts

A day had now passed since Kel had arrived in the underworld. In this time he was doing his best to try and understand just what consequences the reincarnators wish had on the world.     

The biggest was of course that all 72 or rather 73 pillars were all still in existence. Although the Great War had led to many casualties, only clan Zagaroth suffered the greatest.     

Lucifer and God had still died, something known to only a select few however, the same for their descendants. Although it could be said there was peace right now. Many pillars still wished to go to war, be it with the angels or fallen angels. Although each group had agreed to a truce, minor conflicts would still occur when these groups met, especially on earth.     

Another major difference was that there were not four but only 3 Great Satans currently in the underworld with the fourth still undecided upon. The current 3 were chosen due to their great contributions to the underworld. Ajuka Beelzebub, Serafall Leviathan and Sirzechs Asmodeus, leaving only a position for the Great Satan Lucifer which was currently being debated upon.     

"I suppose it's less chaotic that I would have imagined but it looks like it will break at any moment." Kel sighed as he sat on a throne in an empty throne room with Silyva by his side after she had finished answering all questions he had.     

"That is true, it's not impossible for another war to start." Silyva agreed while leaned back and began to ponder for a bit.     

"It's no surprise Grayfia Lucifuge is among the top candidates for the vacate position, along with Lord Bael but other clans are saying their contributions are far less than the other 3 current Great Satans, not to mention the many other candidates. Well I'm just glad my territory is in perfect condition, I'm really not in the kingdom building type of mood." Kel expressed to Silyva who smiled and agreed.     

"Your territory is among the most prosperous, even on earth much of Europe is considered territory belonging to you. It's why although low ranked, you're a candidate as well Lord Kel. Oh we've received a letter!" Just as Silyva was speaking to Kel, her staff gave off a bright glow as a letter appeared in her hands.     

"What does it say?" Kel asked casually while leaning back comfortably into his throne. Despite what he would say about it, he truly gave off the aura of a powerful devil in every sense of the word.     

"Sirzechs has agreed, he says you can go over the finer details when you go see him at the Gremory Estate when you're ready." Silyva expressed happily, causing her larger than life chest to bounce along.     

"Well if that's the case then have everything prepared, we leave as soon as possible. The sooner I can assess what kind of person we're dealing with the better." Kel instructed in a casual manner but even that came across as different to Silyva due to his even more now domineering voice and intimidating gaze. Silyva could only shuffle her staff around between her breasts as she adhered to his commands.     

Meanwhile at around the same time in Bael Clan territory, Julius awoke in a large bed filled with multiple naked young women all over. He first showed a satisfied grin before stretching his arms wide in relaxation.     

'That was fucking amazing, I could do whatever I wanted to them, pussy, anal, mouth and they didn't even make noise like those fake pornstars!' Julius thought with a large grin on his face as one of the maids woke up.     

"Oh? You're still awake after mighty Javelin took you to paradise last night. Don't worry you can rest more, I wish to go see father then we can continue more." Julius spoke without giving the maid time to respond as he got out of bed and got dressed before leaving.     

"The master's Javelin is anything but mighty..." one of the maids muttered in a low disappointed tone.     

"Shush! It is your honor to be chosen to service the master" another maid scolded before they all got into a debate over how size doesn't matter.     

As they did so, their clueless formerly virgin Master was making his way through the halls when he saw a familiar figure not too far away, Sairaorg. But he wasn't alone, to his left was a mature woman with brown hair and violet eyes which seemed to light up as she saw Julius.     

"Oh brother? Are you also done from enjoying your night? But why only one maid?" Julius blurted ouf happily causing the woman's expression to change along with Sairaorg who closed his fist and looked ready to speak.     

However before anyone could say anything, a maid coming from another bowed before speaking.     

"Oh, Master Julius, I was just about to come wake you. Lord Bael is requesting you join him for breakfast in the main dining hall." The young maid announced causing Julius to nod     

"That sounds lovely, a meal with my two sons together after so long is the perfect way to start the day." The violet eyed woman next to Sairaorg expressed causing him to smile once again.     

'He probably just forgot, he was rather young when mother and I left. I'm sure it will be a wonderful surprise to him' Sairaorg thought to himself and turned to the maid who had a nervous look on her face before speaking again.     

"L-Lord Bael only requested I call for Master Julius, Master Sairaorg's meal along with yours Lady Misla has been prepared in the southern dining hall...." She explained hesitantly.     

'Lady Misla? Shit that's my mother in this world. I couldn't fucking tell with the way she's dressed so simply. I better do damage control later.' Julius thought before clearing his throat.     

"He must want to tell me something specifically, maybe we can have lunch together. I'll see you later brother,mother and sorry for the crude joke it just blurted out." Julius spoke quickly before turning to leave.     

"Oh that's quite alright Julius, I'll be looking forward to it" Lady Misla spoke before watching Julius leave with the maid. After this she lowered her head and let out a sigh.     

"Perhaps he hates me for leaving him behind when he was still a boy... I wouldn't blame him for despising me so much that he wouldn't recognize me." She muttered in a low tone that only Sairaorg could hear.     

"..." Sairaorg gave no answer and only watched as Julius casually walked away, even groping the very maid that came to call for him.     



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