I Hunt and Purge Reincarnators

Chapter 170: Ominous

Chapter 170: Ominous

Kel and his group had arrived at the park thirty minutes early and were currently gathered by the park's square seated near the fountain.     

"To be honest I don't like the idea of us being in different teams, especially being on the same team as that Julius." Raynare let out a sigh and complained while Issei nodded in agreement. "Yea I feel he's out to get to me on top of that so I'm not looking forward to spending a whole evening with the guy..." Issei rested his head on his hand in a helpless manner as he spoke.     

"Well look at it in this way, this investigation could be an opportunity to redeem himself especially if he can manage to make it seem the angels are behind what happened to him, but if someone else were to take the spotlight..." Kel trailed off and Raynare showed a sly smile before finishing his sentence. "... he'd remain the same if not worse in everyone's eyes. You're quite devious Sir, I love it. Leave it to me." Raynare leaned in closer to Kel and squeezed her breasts against his chest but Sylvia let out a chuckle seeing this.     

"I've already prepared something to not only make Julius look bad but to also make Lord Kel and his servants look good... even the slutty ones." Sylvia confidently revealed before muttering the last part in a barely audible tone which everyone still heard. "Mind sharing what the plan is exactly? I'm sure I have something better in mind." Raynare not willing to lose asked this as she pulled away from Kel bumped chests with Sylvia.     

""So this is how it feels like to have a harem, must be nice to be strong." Issei sighed as he looked at Kel who simply shrugged. "You'll get there soon, don't stress over it. Sylvia I'm also curious what you have in mind, let's hear it." Kel instructed to which Sylvia nodded happily and turned to him before explaining.     

"Well, it all starts after each of us reaches our respective destinations, from there all you have to do is follow the instructions on these pieces of paper. Then as for Julius, he'll...." As Sylvia began to explain what she had planned out for Julius, Kel raised his brow in surprise while Issei looked ready to vomit at any second. Then lastly Raynare wore the most shock as she just looked at Sylvia blankly.     

"....and that'll be all. What do you think Lord Kel?" Not caring for anyone else's opinion but Kel's, Sylvia didn't hesitate to turn to him and ask. "I'm impressed, a little lost for words but impressed." Kel praised her, causing her to wear a confident and victorious smile which she then showed to Raynare.     

'This woman is even more twisted than I gave her credit for...' Raynare frowned as she thought this while Issei still wore a look of disgust. "I could have honestly done without the vivid details, I won't be eating for a while," Issei added while still trying his best to not throw up.     

Before anything more could be said on the matter, the group noticed the others had arrived and were heading towards them.     

"I hope you didn't have to wait for too long?" Upon reaching the fountain, Rias who stood at the front of the group asked this but Kel shook his head. "Not for long, just enough time for us to plan our strategies in certain scenarios," Kel responded casually before the entire group began exchanging greetings.     

"If everyone is ready I believe we can start now, teams can work out plans amongst themselves once they see what kind of situation they'll be faced with," Rias added before she and Koneko walked over to Kel, the others soon followed suit and gathered next to their team members.     

"Tsk. No plan will even be necessary, I'll destroy whatever those fallen angels bring my way before they can even bring harm to anyone. Count yourself lucky." Julius proclaimed confidently before turning to Issei and boasting further. "I'm overwhelmed with joy..." Issei sarcastically replied making Kel and the others chuckle, adding to the humiliation he already felt.     

'Just you wait, once I get a peerage it's over for you.' Julius stayed quiet and thought with a menacing look that Issei didn't bother paying attention to. After hearing what Sylvia had planned, he was actually looking forward to the mission.     

With nothing more left to discuss, the groups set off after being given an area to investigate.     

Kel, Rias, and Koneko's area of investigation was in a forest just outside of the town. They would be dealing with a group of rogue devils.     

"It's strange..." Rias broke the silence as the group was slowly making its way through the forest. "What is it?" Kel raised a brow in curiosity and asked while Koneko just looked at her and waited to hear her answer.     

"Rogue devils normally try to survive on their own and almost never band together. They've reached a stage where they wouldn't hesitate to kill anyone if it meant more power and growth for them." Rias explained while keeping her arms crossed under her breasts. "I don't know much about them in the first place so all I can say is we'll find out soon enough," Kel replied to which both Koneko and Rias nodded.     

At around the same time Raynare, Issei, Julius, and Sona had also arrived at the place they'd be investigating. "An abandoned warehouse complex, this place just screams 'do not enter'" Issei pointed out as the four of them stood at the gate.     

"Don't be such a coward, you have two clan heirs here. No matter what it is I can handle it." Julius shoved Issei aside and took the lead while Sona didn't say anything except sigh as she followed behind.     

'I take back whatever pity I felt for this guy...' Issei glared at Julius before receiving a pat on the shoulder from Raynare. "Calm down, it'll be worth enduring, so let's go." Raynare teased before the two also went into the compound.     

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