I Hunt and Purge Reincarnators

Chapter 184: Calm Before The Storm Part 4

Chapter 184: Calm Before The Storm Part 4

Some time passed after Rias and Kel's conversation came to an end. Rias and Akeno soon left after that leaving only Kel, Raynare and Silyva at the residence as Issei had already left aswell.     

"What were they asking Master~" Raynare asked Kel playfully as the trio gathered in the living room.     

Although the sofa was spacious Raynare couldn't help but slowly try to move closer to him. However Silyva was on guard and she came to sit between the two. "I'm also curious." Silyva added with a smile.     

"Couldn't you be curious from the other sofa?" Raynare was clearly displeased by the interruption but Silyva didn't care in the least. "Couldn't you be loose on the other sofa as well?" She asked with a genuine smile on her face which seemed to irk Raynare even more.     

'Ah yes the standard females fighting for the guys attention trope... could be worse. I could've gotten a violent loli tsundere. Well at least I've got Silyva to keep me grounded.' Kel thought while ignoring Raynare and her new found devotion for S/M.     

"We were talking about the tournament that will take place roughly two months from now and what it's composed of..." Kel proceeded to explain the contents of the tournament to two just like Rias had and they more or less got the picture.     

"So it's just a formal way to steal someone's wife, husband, lover or crush huh? I see why you're called devils." Raynare completely overlooked everything else and focused solely on this part, however Silyva also focused on this part as well. "Does Lord Kel plan on competing as well?" Silyva asked while fidgeting her fingers, the last thing she wanted were more of his horny driven women near him.     

Mordred was alright because her relationship was that of a clear master and servant, Serana was also just overly flirtatious at times whilst Meridia hated Kel's guts and lastly Lilith was just Lilith.     

However the world they were in now practically functioned on sexually driven persona's and ideals were women also fell in love easily and had no qualms sharing a man.     

If one of these women were to actively pursue Kel then what would she do?     

"If we haven't sorted the Julius issue by then yes. I'll probably be challenged by thirty or more people anyway so I won't have much choice. If anyone tries to take you from me by challenging me then they deserve to watch me take their lover, mother or even daughter... it's only fair." Kel explained in what could only be described as a noble manner.     

Truly a man with a goal.     

'Lord Kel is fighting to win them he is fighting to keep me...' Silyva couldn't help but forget about the worries that had risen in her mind and felt all fluffy instead.     

"What about me master? Won't you fight to keep me to?" Raynare showed a slight look of worry at the thought of falling into the hands of another master. Kel was basically a god send so why give up on the cozy life to be used and thrown around elsewhere instead. "Don't worry I guarantee you that not many people will want you." Kel reassured but Raynare didn't wether to take that as good or bad.     

"Because most devils hate fallen angels?" Silyva asked and Kel nodded hurriedly in agreement. "That too, unless you know they're sadists who want a doll to toture every now and then."     

Raynare could actually see the sense and got even more worried deep down. "But Lord can't lose." Silyva said confidently.     

'I'm basically plot armor personified in this world, what Julius should have been. Let's hope we hear some news about him soon. But then again... milfs.'     

As Kel sorted his priorities and remembered his virtues, Sairaorg and Misla were on a train coming from the underworld.     

"Mother, you seem troubled..." The pair were seated together in one of the compartments when he noticed his mother's worried expression.     

She showed Sairaorg a gentle smile and held his hand before shaking her head. "I'm just concerned about your brother, It's only natural for a mother to worry about her dear children."     

"But... Julius doesn't treat you like you deserve. It's not fair..." Sairaorg spoke bluntly as he disliked seeing his mother miserable but she maintained a smile still. "I'm sure he has his reasons, always try to understand others before judging too harshly okay?" She asked and Sairaorg nodded with a smile on his face.     

"Even when I find those responsible for doing that to brother?" Sairaorg asked thinking his mother's gentle nature may make things difficult but she shook her head.     

"Those who hurt my children so cruelly can only pay the consequences, wether my child was in the wrong or right... I'll always support my child."     

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