The Shinobi With The Straw Hat

Deadly Combination

Deadly Combination

Kentaro and Madara first sized up their strengths. They attacked each other using their weapons     

Madara struck Kentaro on the head with his fan and tried to chop his leg off with his scythe.     

Kentaro saw it before getting hit in the head, he jumped in time to avoid the sharp scythe.     

While in the air, Kentaro kicked Madara in the face and landed back on the ground.     

He punched four times in Madara's stomach, sending him six meters away.     

With a motion of his fan, Madara created a gust of wind powerful enough to send Kentaro in the air.     

Kentaro formed hand seals faster than the gust of wind. He used the wind present in the air and sent it towards the gusts of wind.     

This negated Madara's gut of wind. Kentaro charged at him with his katana.     

He slashed twenty times in a matter of seconds. The hits that landed, landed on Madara's armor.     

Madara grabbed Kentaro's right wrist and throwed him thirty meters away.     

"Fire style: Majestic Demolisher Flame!"     

When Kentaro landed, he saw a sea of flames coming towards him. This was Madara's first jutsu in the battle and it was an impressive jutsu.     

'Earth style: Mud Wall!'     

From Kentaro's mouth, mud came out of his mouth to create a impressively large mud wall.     

It was large enough to completely stop Madara's flames.     

Kentaro walked on the thirty meter high mud wall until he was at the top. He overlooked Madara.     

Kentaro clasped his hands together and the ground around Madara began turning into mud in a radius of one hundred meters.     

"HAAAAAAAAAAA!" this asked for a lot of efforts, Kentaro was seeing forward to his jutsu.     

"Mud style: JIGOKU!"     

Madara was slowly being pulled down into the mud. He tried to cut what was pulling him down and saw hands and screaming faces made of mud.     

"Kentaro, I understand why your jutsu is called HELL. But this CANNOT stop me!"     

Kentaro formed hand seals before Madara could act and find the solution to get out of Jigoku.     

"Mud Style: Emma-ō!"     

The mud slowly created a towering figure figure. Next to the figure, came two mud pillars, one gigantic mud head was created on each pillar.     

Emma-ō's fierce and devilish expression looked down on Madara, he wore his judge's cap and held a menacing mud mace in his gigantic muddy right hand.     

"Emma-ō, condemn his wicked soul to perish in one of the sixteen regions of fire and ice!"     

Emma-ō's mace descended down towards Madara. When he looked at the mace, he could see it hardening.     

The next second, Madara managed to jump to the right, avoiding Emma-ō's hardened mace.     

The hardened mace exploded upon contact with the mud and lava spread from it, nearly burning Madara down.     

Madara summoned his Armored Susanoo to protect him from the lava.     

"ROOOOAAAAAR!" the Susanoo performed his signature roar and grew layers until he had his armor.     

While the Armored Susanoo was protecting him from the attacks of Emma-ō and his mace. Madara was burning the mud hands that were pulling him down.     

He managed to stop the hands pulling him down but only for a couple of seconds, they would grow back and began anew.     

What Madara noticed was that Kentaro stayed still while holding the horse hand seal. That could only mean that he had to stay like that for one of his specific jutsus.     

Madara took a big breath and sent one of his signature fireball towards Kentaro.     

'Fire style: Fireball Jutsu!'     

Kentaro who was on top of the mud wall saw the big fireball coming.     

"It seems that I will not be able to use the complete form of Jigoku anymore."     

Kentaro stopped holding the horse hand seal and quickly moved twenty meters to the left.     

The big fireball hit the wall and destroyed fifteen meters of the wall from where Kentaro was previously standing.     

While all this was going, Madara had finally left the large mud field and was in its surroundings. When Kentaro stopped holding the hand seal, the hands that were pulling him in the mud disappeared.     

As for Emma-ō, he was walking towards the surroundings of the large mud field, but he was not going to leave it. The two mud pillars followed besides him.     

"This giant made of mud is truly troublesome, because as long as there is a mud source he will never dissappear. Unless the user, which is Kentaro, dies."     

Kentaro jumped down from the mud wall. He then entered the large mud field, he had no trouble walking or running in it. It was as if mud was not present.     

'The mud field is an incomplete Jigoku, because the hands are not present. It doesn't matter, Madara is out of it anyways.'     

When Emma-ō was close enough from Madara, he began holding his muddy stomach. His throat began swelling and gave an orange glow. Emma-ō spewed lava out of his mouth.     

The lava fell on the Armored Susanoo. It visibly managed to melt its armor, altough very slowly.     

"Mud giant, it is time to die."     

The Armored Susanoo cut Emma-ō in half, but the mud of Emma-ō's lower body joined his upper body, regenerating him quickly.     

Emma-ō stopped moving for two seconds and moved again when he fully regenerated. He grabbed one of the giant mud heads from the right mud pillar and throwed it to the Armored Susanoo.     

The giant mud head hardened before hitting the Susanoo. Upon contact it exploded and a black substance spread all over the susanoo.     

Kentaro formed one hand seal and the volcanic ash hardened, impeding the Susanoo's arms.     

"ROOOAAAAAAR" the Susanoo roared with rage.     

With great difficulty, the Susanoo managed to break the hardened volcanic ash. Just as he had broken it, fire engulfed him.     

With Kentaro's fire, the volcanic ash began warming and gases set free.     

From the information he received after having purshased Lava style, carbon dioxide and fluorine collected in volcanic ash and those gases were toxic to humans.     

The gases were not something that the Susanoo could stop from reaching Madara.     

When they reached Madara, his skin and eyes began turning red. The surface of his skin began scratching and his eyes began itching.     

'I need to get out of this area, he has spread gases everywhere and I can't see th-"     


Emma-ō's hardened mace fell on the Susanoo's weakened head. The armor had molten significantly with the lava Emma-ō had spread earlier.     

The susanoo received a full blow in its head and more lava spread on its armored body.     

Kentaro entered in Emma-ō's gigantic foot and navigated in him until he reached his head.     

"Alrighty then, it's time to get serious!"     

Kentaro fused with Emma-ō's body and became one with him. He now had control over his body.     

It felt like the gigantic mud body was his. Kentaro kicked the Susanoo with his right foot.     

The hardened foot exploded upon contact and spread lava. The kick was so powerful that the Armored Susanoo was sent flying.     

The two hundred meters tall Emma-ō had only shown a glimpse of his capabilities.     

It began walking towards the far Madara who's susanoo had been completely destroyed.     

"Let's finish him once and for all, Emma-ō!"     

In response to that, the overlord of hell grabbed the two heads from the pillars and roared in rage.     


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