The Shinobi With The Straw Hat

Ashina Vs Kinkaku And Ginkaku

Ashina Vs Kinkaku And Ginkaku

Ashina stood back up and saw the two brothers charging at him, Kinkaku was composed and Ginkaku was enraged.     

'Fire Style: Fire Pillar Jutsu!' Ashina spewed enormous amount of flames, they formed pillars that turned in circles around him.     

Kinkaku and Ginkaku came to a halt, they knew that Ashina had control over the flame pillars. Going further would prove dangerous, their only option being to use a long range attack.     

"Gold And Silver Art: Silver Horns!" Ginkaku's horns slowly changed color, they became silver and as sharp as a blade. They stretchted and whipped towards Ashina.     

'Ginkaku has complete control over the horns, I need to be extra careful when dealing with them.' Ashina formed a few hand seals, the flame pillars shot at Kinkaku.     

Kinkaku's had the golden cover activated since earlier, he only wrapped his hair around his body and waited for the flames to strike him.     

The flames hit Kinkaku's cover, from inside, he could feel the great heat. This could only mean that this jutsu was of high level.     

While Kinkaku was protecting himself from the flames, Ginkaku was trying to cut and stab Ashina down with his silver horns.     

"This bastard is agile for an old man!" Ashina was avoiding every strike of the silver horns by jumping up and going down, he had to use his blades a few times to block the horns.     

The thirteen remaining shinobi of the unit came running to assist the brothers. They were not the strongest shinobi, but they could render themselves useful.     

Ashina dashed forward, the silver horns could not follow him as they were too long and had to become smaller.     

His targets were the thirteen shinobi, taking them down would make the battle easier for him. Ashina stopped when he was in front of them.     

Two shinobi charged at him from the sides, one left and one right. Ashina slightly threw his blades up and palm striked the two of them, he quickly grabbed his falling blades and dashed forward.     

The two shinobi who had been palm striked fell on their knees, their body had stiffened and they couldn't move a finger. Ashina placed a paralysis seal when he struck them.     

The flames extinguished and Kinkaku unwrapped himself from his hair, together with Ginkaku they looked at the skirmish further ahead.     

Ashina was monstrous, he dominated the skirmish. It was clear to see that he had complete control, he placed a paralysis seal on each of the thirteen shinobi.     

"Now that they have been taken care of, I can fully focus on the two of you without having to think about them." Ashina walked closer to Kinkaku and Ginkaku.     

"And now that they are uncapable of fighting, we'll have to really use our power against you." Kinkaku formed hand seals.     

"Gold And Silver Art: Golden Needles!" Kinkaku's hair shot hundreds of golden needles at Ashina, the needles were thick and as long as a knife.     

He tried to move out of the needles' range, it was impossible. Ashina covered his face and throat, the needles struck his upper body.     

Ashina removed his hands from his face and throat, he suddenly felt something weird. His chakra was being absorbed by the golden needles, Ginkaku acted before he could remove them.     

"Gold And Silver Art: Silver Cover Absorption!" Ginkaku's hair got closer to Ashina and stopped when it was twenty meters away.     

From the golden needles, chakra strains were attracted to Ginkaku's hair and were absorbed by it. A portion of his hair then went to the left and placed itself on Kinkaku's whole right arm.     

"Gold And Silver Art: Brother's Share!"     

"I got my share, Ginkaku!" Ginkaku transfered Ashina's absorbed chakra to Kinkaku. This would able him to use one of his jutsu at a very stronger level.     

'Gold And Silver Art: Golden Blast' Kinkaku opened his mouth, a powerful and flashy golden lightning blast fired towards Ashina.     

Ashina formed hand seals and placed his two hands in front of him. When the blast was supposed to hit him, it was progressively sealed by an invisible wall.     

"Those fucking sealing jutsu. How come those Uzumaki we fought weren't using that kind of stuff?" Ginkaku was irritated from seeing Kinkaku's golden lighting blast being sealed.     

"It's because he's the leader of their clan, it's obvious that he'll be the strongest. I have the feeling that he isn't even using serious jutsu." as a shinobi who fought since birth, he could distinguish a shinobi who fought seriously and one who didn't.     

When the whole golden lightning blast had been sealed away, Ashina formed many hand seals in the span of a second. He placed his hand on this invisible wall.     

"Unsealing Jutsu!" the hue of the golden lightning blast took Kinkaku's attention, the next second, the golden lightning blast shot towards him.     

"Fuck!" Ginkaku hurriedly ran next to Kinkaku and placed his hand on his shoulder, they had to quickly protect themselves from the attack.     

"Golden And Silver Art: The Gold And Silver Cover!" the two brothers said it at the same time, their hairs joined together and wrapped around the two of them.     

'I think I've wasted enough time like this. I need to make sure that they think that our plans have been completely ruined.' the blast slowly became smaller until it was no more.     

Ashina sheathed his blades back and formed hand seals. The ground shook, six chains came out of the ground and coiled around the wrapped Kinkaku and Ginkaku, the chains started squeezing them.     

"Earth Style: Black Hole Jutsu." the ground under Kinkaku and Ginkaku became wet and turned into a large hole, they fell inside while still being squeezed by the chains.     

Ashina walked near the hole and looked down, he saw a pile of gold and silver hair fidgeting and trying to break free from the chains.     

"Kinkaku, Ginkaku, from those chains you can't break free. I could've sealed the two of you away at the beginning of our little fight." Ashina said very calmly.     

"Shut your old mouth! When I get out of here, I'm gonna kill you! Right, Kinkaku?" Ginkaku wanted to rip Ashina's head off, he was really frustrated to not have been able to kill him earlier together with Kinkaku.     

"Because of you two, our plan of laying traps all over the place has been disrupted. There's no reason for me to kill you now." Ashina slightly loosened the chains and walked away.     

The five remaining Uzumaki stood up, they killed the majority of the paralyzed shinobi and carried five of them, they followed behind Ashina. In reality, he was reluctant to leave without killing Kinkaku and Ginkaku, they had killed many of his clansmen today after all.     

But it was all for the good of the future plan.     

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