Fairy Tail: Djinn Take Over [COMPLETED]



After all the formalities were done Axel and Makarov left the meeting together. Both of them weren't talking but Makarov finally decided to break the ice.     

Makarov: So what more are you hiding kid?     

Axel: I have no idea what are you talking about master.     

Makarov: Oh ok, at least tell me how strong are you?     

Axel: I could have defeated God Serena but this city would be completely destroyed.     

Makarov: So kid, Erza must be really proud when she hears this.     

Axel: Yes she will be.     

Makarov: So tell me, kid, how did this happen and how far have you gone??     

Axel: In case you die, who is going to become the new master I guess? Hmmm….     

Makarov hears that and turns completely pale and starts to shake like he has seen a ghost.     

Makarov: I was just joking kid.     

Axel: Oh, well.     

After that, both of them went towards the train station to go to Magnolia.     


Both of them walked out of the Magnolia train station and walked towards the guild. Makarov was truly happy because of Axel. He was also proud and kept saying continuously that Axel was the only sensible member in the guild and how he was saved from going to an early grave.     

They reached the guild and found it completely silent which was pretty unusual. They pushed the doors and entered the guild and Axel started to look for Erza but only found Mira talking with Cana. Mira looked towards the newcomers and a smile adorned her face along with Cana's. Axel and Makarov walked up to the bar.     

Mira: Congratulations Axel on becoming a Magic Saint.     

Cana: Yes, congratulations.     

Axel: Well I didn't become a Magic Saint.     

Mira: What, I am sorry to hear that Axel.     

Cana: It is ok you will get it next time.     

Axel: By the way where is Erza?     

Mira: Oh… So cant spent any moment without your lover?     

Axel: It is not that.     

Cana: Well as soon as she came to the guild she took Natsu, Gray and the new girl with her on a mission.     


Axel: Master I will be going to look after her. I want to give her the news first.     

Cana: What news? Don't I and Mira deserve to hear that??     

Axel: As both of you are my closest friends I would tell you that I didn't become a Magic Siant I became a God of Ishgar.     

A bottle fell from the hands of Mira and Cana choked on her drink and their eyes became like saucers and their jaws dropped on the ground. They tried to say something but nothing came to out of their mouth. Axel waved them goodbye and walked out of the guild. Axel transformed into Focalor and flew towards the pointer given by Vega. Axel flew at a tremendous speed towards the given direction.     

Axel now could already see Lullabuy in its monster form fighting along with Erza, and the rest. They were stopping it from heading towards a small village. Axel moved at close proximity.     

Axel: You guys get back.     

Erza and the rest heard the voice the rest were confused but Erza knew who it was. She signaled the rest to get.     

Erza: Get back you all.     

When they heard Erza all of them jumped backward. They looked up and saw Axel using Focalor. Axel raised his both hands up and he was directly standing over Lullaby. Winds started to gather in Axel's hands.     

Axel: Foraz Zora.     

Two different tornados that formed on his hands transformed into a drill and made whole into the earth along with Lullaby. As soon as the attack dissipated there was a huge hole but no sign of Lullaby. Erza had a proud smile over her face and the rest had their jaws hanging seeing the sheer size of the attack. Axel started to descend downwards and transformed into his human form and landed on the ground. Erza came running and hugged Axel like a Koala. Erza forgot that she was still in her armor and banged Axel's head on it.     

Erza: Sorry sorry darling I am really sorry please forgive me, if you want you can hit me.     

Axel: No, I am ok don't worry.     

Erza re-equips her armor into her white blouse and again hugs Axel. While Erza was still hugging Axel Natsu, Gray and Lucy came towards them and they were waiting for the couple to separate. After a few moments, Erza separated from Axel.     

Erza: So what rank did you get?     

Axel: I didn't become a Magic Saint.     

Erza, Natsu, and Gray became worried about Axel but Lucy was confused.     

Erza: Don't get so down, you will get another chance.     

Axel: Actually I became a God of Ishgar.     

Erza, Gray, and Lucy's eyes almost popped out and their jaws hit the ground but this time Natsu was confused. Erza quickly collected herself and kissed Axel on his lips forgetting there were others beside them.     

Natsu: God of what?     

Lucy: Are you really that stupid? God of Ishgar they are the strongest men of Ishgar. There is so much difference between their power and the rest of the members like there is between Heaven and Earth.     

Natsu: What…??     

Only then Erza separated herself from Axel and when she remembered that there were others she turned red.     

Axel: Now let's go back, I have a party to attend.     

After that, all of them started walking back towards the guild. Natsu, Gray, and Happy wanted to tease Erza but none of them wanted to die so they let it go. Lucy was pretty nervous and Axel looked towards her.     

Axel: Hello my name is Axel Summers are you the new member??     

Lucy: Hello, my name is Lucy Heartfilia yes I joined the guild 1 week ago. What kind of magic you use??     

Axel: I use Take Over magic and what about you Lucy?     

Lucy: I am a Celestial mage.     

Axel: Whoa…!! That's pretty rare.     

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