Fairy Tail: Djinn Take Over [COMPLETED]

Irene Belserion

Irene Belserion

A/N: I was busy today so I was unable to make any chapters before. I know you guys have been waiting for this chapter so here it is.     


Irene: How??     

Axel: I like to know about my enemies, especially those working are working for 'him' of all people.     

Irene: Ohhh... so you know that too?? So I am your enemy why didn't you kill me or forced yourself on me?? Isn't that what happens??     

Axel: You are slightly wrong about me... I may kill my enemies in cold blood but I will never force someone to have my way with her. The people who do that I hate the most. That is one of the most disgusting crimes in our world. I might appreciate a lady's beauty but I will never force her to have my way with her.     

Irene: Ok... I can see that you are really serious about what you are saying. So why didn't you kill me?? Did you take a liking on me??     

Axel: Of course you are a beautiful and attractive woman there is no doubt in that. I would even agree that I like you... but you are only alive because you seem similar to a woman I plan to marry.     

Irene: 'A woman' not 'the woman'??     

Axel: I love multiple women and I plan to marry them all.     

Irene: That isn't uncommon and seeing you are so strong I could have guessed something like that. So tell me about the woman who is similar to me.     

Axel: To tell you the truth... she looks exactly like you would have looked in your younger age.     

Irene stiffened a little but unfortunately, Axel noticed her action.     

Axel: Same scarlet hair, same kind of figure... if I have to guess then she is your daughter.     

Irene shuddered a bit but again turned normal but her eyes betrayed her. Her eyes contained longing for her daughter which Axel noticed and decided to take advantage of because he wanted Irene on his side.     

Irene: I have no daughter.     

Axel: You can lie as much you want but your eyes gave you away.     

Irene: Yes I might have given birth to her but I never considered her my daughter... that is the reason I abandoned her and went off to live my own life.     

Axel: You could have fooled yourself with the lie but not me... I can clearly see in your eyes that how much you long for her... how much you want to see her.     

Irene: You don't know me....!!! I AM IRENE BELSERION... QUEEN OF DRAGONS, I don't need relationships of that kind.     

Axel: Wow...!!! You really love your daughter.     

Irene: Are you stupid or simply retard?? I just told you I don't need her.     

Axel: Then why are you crying, Irene??     

Irene: Huh...     

Irene touched her cheeks and felt tears rolling from her eyes uncontrollably. She finally broke down and dropped on her knees and sharted to scream and cry uncontrollably.     

(A/N: Many of you will say that Irene would never do something like this but remember when she fought Erza she decided to kill herself rather than kill Erza. She has always loved Erza, she just didn't want to show her weakness in front of others)     

Axel immediately went to her and hugged her and started to pat her back. Irene cried her eyes out. Axel now knew that behind that proud and arrogant woman was a loving mother and a fragile woman. After about 1 hour of crying, she calmed down. She looked over to Axel who was hugging her and showing her his most gentle smile. She didn't back away from Axel like she would have done before.     

Irene: Can you take me to her??     

Axel: Then let's go...     

Irene: What... Now? But I am not ready... what if she hates me for what I have done to her??     

Axel: She would understand... you need to tell her truthfully. She might not forgive you instantly but you still have to try...     

Irene: Can you show me how she looks like??     

After that Axel stopped hugging her and took out Erza call card which had a picture of Erza in her usual clothes and armor which she wore in the guild. Irene immediately snatched the card and started inspecting the card. Excitement and happiness could be clearly seen on her face and her body language also changed.     

Irene: She looks exactly like me when I was younger... I can't believe that she is still alive and has grown up to become such a beauty.     

Axel: See... I told you. So why don't you come with me??     

Irene: I want to... but I don't want to make an enemy out of our king.     

Axel: You have seen how strong I am... I can kill him if I want.     

Irene: Will Erza ever accept me??     

Axel: I told you she will... but you have to try at least.     

Irene: Ok... then take me to her.     

Axel moved away from her and started to stretch his body a bit. Though the fight was not interesting as he wanted but he was still hurt during the fight. He looked at himself and saw that half of his shirt was gone. Axel tore off the rest of the shirt and took out a new shirt but before he wore the shirt he looked at Irene. She was looking at him with a dazed face and slightly red cheeks.     

Axel: Don't worry Erza won't mind sharing me with you.     

Irene immediately turned redder and looked away trying to deny Axel's claim.     

Irene: I don't know what you are talking about.     

Axel: Yes... of course. If it is any consolation to you... I have a mother-daughter pair who love me and don't mind me sharing.     

Irene didn't reply Axel but inside her mind, she was a little bit relieved to know that. Axel wore the new shirt but before he could he even move he was surrounded with black ribbons covered in yellow lightening. Irene was shocked too... she knew it was Heine who attacked Axel.     

Irene: Heine stop...!!     

Instantly two girls came out of the shadow with a shocked expression on their faces. They have never imagined that Irene would ever protect an enemy so Heine stopped the attack and withdrew her ribbons to see that Axel was still standing there without a single scratch on his body. Irene knew how strong Axel was but the two girls were completely shocked.     

Axel: Wow... that tickled...     

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