Fairy Tail: Djinn Take Over [COMPLETED]

Spriggan Twelve (I)

Spriggan Twelve (I)

Axel informed Mira and Cana that all the Spriggan Twelve were coming towards him, so if they wanted to fight anyone they should come now or they will never be able to fight them. Axel also informed Erza that he was going to fight against the Spriggan Twelve or Ten now. They should come here as soon as possible. Irene has decided to only oversee the battle because she doesn't want to fight against her previous team. Though she doesn't have any feelings for them, she just doesn't want to fight them because they work under Zeref. And Zeref was the one who helped her in her moment of need.     

Axel was calmly waiting for the Spriggans to arrive here but before they arrived Mira and Cana came flying towards him.     

Mira: You can fight anyone you want... but I want to fight against Magic King August.     

Cana: I want to fight Bloodman... I want to see all the abilities of demons of Tartaros in one demon.     

Axel: Fine... I don't care... get ready they are here.     

Axel said looking at the horizon when he saw the Spriggan Nine coming towards them since Brandish was sitting out of this fight. God Serena was also there so Axel was sure that he would tell everyone about Axel and his girlfriends and wanted to see the reaction of the Spriggans.     

Axel saw Serena was already sweating while speaking to Invel and August. The rest of the Spriggan looked at Axel, Mira, and Cana trying to gauge their abilities and power. Axel saw August come forward to speak with Axel.     

August: Axel Summers, where is Ajeel?     

Axel: Since he was the Desert King, I made him rest here for eternity.     

Nothing more needed to be said, all of them understood that Ajeel has died. All of them didn't wait and released their Magic Power. Axel, Mira, and Cana didn't even flinch when they felt their combined Magic Power which shocked them. August knew that Axel was strong since he defeated their Emperor but all of their combined power must affect him slightly.     

Axel: Mira, don't kill August...     

As soon as Axel finished speaking both Mira and Cana disappeared from there and attacked August and Bloodman. August and Bloodman were caught completely off-guard and were blown away by the Mira and Cana. The rest of the Spriggans were about to attack them but before they did that all of them felt a chill run down their spine when Axel released his Magic Power.     

Axel: Don't ruin their fun... why don't all of you fight with me?     

All of them didn't know what to do. Some of them wanted to support August and Bloodman but the rest wanted to kill Axel first and then support August and Bloodman.     

Dimaria: My... My... you are really arrogant but let's see what are you in front of the power of Time.     

Dimaria immediately froze the time and rushed towards Axel who didn't move. Dimaria was completely sure that her power worked on Axel and decided to kill him because he could cause more trouble. When Dimaria was about to grab Axel's throat, her hand was grabbed by Axel.     

Axel: You are really a feisty one... aren't you??     

Dimaria's face was immediately filled with terror and fear. Her power of Time didn't work on him. Axel was able to freely move within the frozen time. This scared her, this has never happened to her. No one was ever able to nullify her power of Time like this. This was the power of Cronos, the God of Time and he nullified it. Axel let her hand go so that she could again attack him.     

Dimaria didn't wait and used this chance to attacked Axel with Age Scratch but as soon as the clock hands touched Axel, they disappeared into thin air without even leaving an effect on Axel.     

Axel: Power of God, Cronos... this won't have any effect on me.     

(A/N: Cara made Axel's body which won't be affected by the power of any other Gods, I have said this in some previous chapter)     

Dimaria was unable to accept this, she roared in rage and transformed into God Soul Cronos. She launched several energy beams towards Axel which disappeared as soon as they touched Axel. Dimaria again screamed in rage and launched herself towards Axel. She didn't accept and wasn't ready to accept that her powers didn't work on Axel.     

Axel had enough of this and decided to kill Dimaria but suddenly remembered something from the original canon. Dimaria and Brandish were friends so he decided to spare her life and knock her ou. He wasn't interested in Dimaria but he decided to spare her because of Brandish. Axel appeared in front of Dimaria in a blink but before she could react Axel slammed his fist on her stomach knocking her out.     

As soon Axel knocked her out the time returned to normal. The rest of the members were shocked to see Dimaria knocked out and Axel holding her in his arms. They were completely shocked, Axel laid Dimaria at his side gently and then looked at the rest of the members.     

Axel: So who is next?     

None of them made a move and all of them just stood in their position. They could work together to attack Axel but they have never done that, they never fought together against someone so that idea didn't even come to their mind.     

Axel: Since you aren't coming... I will be attacking now...     

As soon as Axel finished speaking several weapons appeared in the sky and started to rain down on them. All of them acted instantly and started to defend themselves. A red barbed spear appeared in Axel's hand and was about to attack Wall Etho but Serena attacked him with a breadth attack. Axel started spinning his spear and the attack dissipated. Axel saw that Larcade was about to attack him so he pointed his spear towards Larcade and a huge amount of lightning shot towards Larcade which made him dodge the attack.     

Axel: Hahaha... Come on this is getting even more fun...     

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