Naruto: Rise to the top

14- Konoha Council

14- Konoha Council

After a day.     

In the Hokage's building.     

In the meeting room.     

"Hirozen, why did you do this without consulting me?" Danzo is angry with the Third Hokage for making Ryuu a disciple of Tsunade without his knowledge.     

"I don't understand why you are angry. There is no problem in making Ryuu a disciple of Tsunade, they are both future clan chiefs if the relationship is good between them, this can bring the relationship between the Senju and the Uchiha closer and may ease their hostility, this is good for resolving conflicts within Konoha."The Third Hokage doesn't understand why Danzo is so angry, what he did would bring benefits to Konoha and no harm to Konoha.     

In fact, there is another reason for Danzo's anger, during the past month he made several attempts to assassinate Ryuu, but they were stopped by Tsunade. If Ryuu becomes a disciple of Tsunade, they will be together most of the time. It will be much more difficult to assassinate Ryuu than before.     

"What do you think of that Homura, Koharu?" the Third Hokage asked.     

"I think what Hiruzen did was right. If we can get rid of the conflicts within the village, we can focus on more important things." Homura said in support of the Third Hokage's decision.     

"I also agree with what Hiruzen said that it will benefit Konoha." Koharu said in agreement with the Third Hokage's decision.     

"Did you hear that Danzo? Homura and Koharu agree with what I did. Do you have anything else to say?" The Third Hokage said.     

"Well, since you all agree to this, I have no objection to that anymore."     

Danzo is angry at Homura and Koharu for not supporting him but agreeing with Hiruzen's decision, but he knows how to get them on his side.     

"But I have something else to discuss, about Kushina Uzumaki's relationship with the ryuu Uchiha. You all know it will be jinchūriki in the future, but if it is in the hands of the Uchihas, their influence will increase greatly, affecting the balance of power between clans in Konoha."     

"Danzo, we've talked about it many times, and Mito-sama is in favor of Kushina's relationship with Ryuu. We can't interfere with their relationship," said the Third Hokage.     

"I'm not saying to force them to separate, all we have to do is get Kushina to refuse him willingly." Danzo said with a smile.     

Danzo was thinking of a way to make Ryuu break up with Kushina, and the best way was to get Kushina to reject Ryuu herself. To get Kushina to separate from Ryuu herself they have to distort the idealized image of Ryuu in her mind, and the best way is to spread bad rumors about Ryuu in Konoha.     

"What do you mean? Danzo," the Third Hokage asked, feeling that Danzo would say something he didn't like.     

But the one who answered his question was not Danzo but Homura.     

"It means in order to break up the relationship between ryuu and Kushina, we have to make Kushina hate ryuu," Homura said.     

"So we have to spread offensive rumors about ryuu all over Konoha. I agree with Danzo's idea," Koharu said.     

"I also agree with Danzo's idea." Homura said.     

"Why do you want to do this?" The Third Hokage asked angrily, not believing that his colleagues who fought together in the First Ninja War would do such a shameful thing.     

"We're doing this for Konoha," Danzo replied, feeling relieved that Homura and Koharu are by his side now.     

"Kushina and Ryuu are also part of Konoha, you hurt them and then say for Konoha's sake" Hiruzen was getting angrier the more he talked to Danzo.     

"If you care about them that much, let's choose someone else to be jinchūriki, I have someone at the root with great vitality, suitable to be jinchūriki."Danzo's real goal was to get the kyuubi under his control.     

"No, no matter what person you're bringing in, their vitality can't be compared to that of someone from the Uzumaki clan." The Third Hokage sensed Danzō's desire to obtain the kyuubi, so he refused him outright.     

"So you're saying that if I can find someone from the Uzumaki clan, we can make him a jinchuriki?"If the Third Hokage agrees, Danzou will send Root for research right away.     

"The Uzumaki clan has recently been destroyed and even if there are survivors, they will be hard to find in the current turmoil among the ninja villages."     

When the Third Hokage said this, he felt sad about the fate of their ally who had been annihilated by the ninja villages, and he felt remorse for not being able to help them.     

"Even if you find someone from the Uzumaki clan, you can't make him a jinchūriki, because the reason Kushina was chosen as jinchūriki is the special chakra she possesses that is compatible with the kyuubi." The Third Hokage removed Danzō from the dreams of controlling the kyuubi.     

"And even if you find someone with Kushina's qualifications to become a kyuubi jinchūriki, you have to take approval from Mito-sama," the Third Hokage added, in order to get Danzō to get the idea of ​​controlling the kyuubi out of his head.     

'If you want to say no, say from the beginning' Due to anger, Danzo's left eye became bloodshot.     

"So you're saying it's okay for the Uchiha clan to take the Kyuubi jinchūriki?"Danzo said.     

"The Uchiha is part of Konoha, so even if you take the Uchiha jinchūriki, that's okay."     

"I don't want to talk more than this so the meeting will end here, so you can leave," the Third Hokage said as he started to feel a headache because of Danzo.     

'Hirozen, you don't deserve to be the Hokage, so I will definitely take this position from you in the future,' Danzo thought as he walked out of the meeting room.     

When Danzo, Homura, and Koharu were exiting the hall, they heard the Third Hokage's voice from behind them.     

"If I hear any rumors about Ryuu or Kushina, don't expect to stay in your position."     


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