Naruto: Rise to the top

51- The task of delivering supplies

51- The task of delivering supplies

●Note: I changed Special Jonin to Jonin (Low).I've heard that special jōnin are not a true strength level. are a ninja who, rather than having all-around jōnin skills, only excel in a specific area.     

The three people died after being tortured for 6 hours straight. Ryuu was feeling at ease after torturing them, Ryuu thought, 'I wonder if I became sadistic because I enjoyed torturing them, n not, I was angry at them because they insulted Kushina and Mikoto'.     

"Let's go back to Konoha to present the information we got to the Hokage," Ryuu said as he moved toward Konoha while the girls followed him.     

'It takes a very long time to move around like this, I have to learn the Flying Thunder God technique to facilitate movement and it is also useful in combat.'     


After arriving in Konoha, they went to the Hokage's office and submitted a report on the mission and the information they had obtained. The Hokage decided to change the course of the war supplies and then assigned them the task of protecting the supplies that would be sent two days later to the war.     

After that, Ryuu and the girls went to their homes to rest, and two days later, Ryuu and the girls gathered in front of the Konoha Gate and waited for five minutes, after which three Chuunin and one Jounin appeared with the supplies.     

They identified themselves, then went to the Rain Country, and used the ancient supply path that was discovered by Suna Village, because Ryuu asked the Hokage not to change the direction of the path in order to destroy the Suna forces who would ambush them there.     

The Hokage accepted Ryuu's request but did not give Ryuu all the supplies but divided them into two parts. Three-quarters of the supplies would take the new route, and the remaining quarter would be taken by Ryuu via the old route.     

That's why there were Jonin with them, usually the people who delivered the supplies are Chunin and Genin. Also, the Hokage knew that Ryuu's strength was at Jonin level or above so he was confident that they could eliminate the Suna forces who had ambushed them.     

Ryuu is also confident in his current strength and that most people in the current ninja world can't face him only some people who can be counted with one hand. Sayuri is also with them and she is strong too.     

As expected when they reached the border of Rain Country, they were surrounded by two jonin (low) and four chunin, ninjas from Suna Village.     

As soon as the enemies appeared, Ryuu and Sayuri quickly moved towards them, their speed was so great that the enemies didn't notice them moving, within moments they appeared next to the jonin (low).     

Sayuri used a claw blade to decapitate the jonin (low), while Ryuu used the chidori to stab the other jonin (low) in the heart.     

Sayuri uses a claw blade to cut off the head of the Jonin (low), while Ryuu uses Chidori Current against the other Jonin (low) and immobilizes him, then looks into his eyes and uses Genjutsu: Sharingan to extract information from him, then cuts the throat of the Jonin (low) using Kunai.     

As soon as this happened, the four Chuunin were shocked, and then bounced in different directions trying to escape as fast as they could.     

Mikoto blocked the path of one of the Chunin, when he saw her blocking his way, he took out kunai and tried to stab her but the kunai passed through her and then she disappeared as if Mikoto was just a mirage, then he felt something stabbing him from behind, and the last thing he heard before he died was Mikoto's voice, "I didn't expect To be deceived easily with a simple technique like Clone Technique, you are very weak."     

At the same time, Kushina blocked another Chunin's escape route and started fighting with him. After clashing with him in Taijutsu for a while, Kushina pulled away from him and took of decree paper with some seals on it from her jacket pocket and threw it at the Chunin, the Chunin sensed danger so he avoided the paper.     

After they avoided the paper, Kushina approached him and started to fight him closely again, then after a while she retreated and then threw the paper at the Chuunin again, which the Chuunin dodged.     

Kushina did this cycle three more times, then Kushina kicked the Chuunin and made him take a step back. At this moment, the Chuunin found that his body was not moving and then noticed that he was standing inside a five-pointed star made of five paper seal.     

Using one hand seal, Kushina activated the seal completely. In a moment, the five-pointed star on which the Chuunin was standing caught fire, burning the Chuunin, causing him to scream in pain. He wanted to get out of the seal, but he couldn't move. After a minute, the Chuunin no longer screamed. Five minutes later, his body was reduced to ashes.     

The other two were also killed by the Jounin and the three Chunin who came with Ryuu.     

"Let's go deliver supplies, then we'll go back to Konoha," the Jonin said to everyone, and they started moving again toward the main Konoha army camp.     

Half a day later, they arrived at the main camp of Konoha's forces, and when they wanted to enter the camp, Gonen appeared in front of them and then examined them, after verifying their identity and the reason for their coming here, he made them enter the camp.     

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