Naruto: Rise to the top

57- Ryuu died?

57- Ryuu died?

Tsunade was worried, upon seeing Ryuu completely surrounded by the enemy and being attacked from all sides by dozens of wind jutsu.     

Tsunade wasn't the only one who was worried about Ryuu. Kushina and Mikoto also became anxious upon seeing this attack heading towards Ryuu.     

But Sayuri is the only one who shows no signs of concern for Ryuu, and continues to watch Kushina and Makoto, to intervene if they are in danger.     

At this time, all the jutsu reached Ryuu and collided directly with him, hitting him from all sides.     

Dust rose and covered the logic that Ryuu was in previously. All the Suna ninjas were prepared for the possibility of Ryuu surviving so their defense did not loosen, and after a while the dust cleared and the area Ryuu was standing on appeared.     

Ryuu was still there but he wasn't standing but he fell to the ground with the loss of both arms and the bones in his legs were shattered and there was a huge hole in the middle of his chest and half of his head was smashed and the shattered brain appeared in front of everyone.     

One of the Suna ninja was skeptical so he went to check on Ryuu's body. After examining it, he shouted with joy to tell the Suna ninja the good news, "We did it, we killed him."     

Hearing the loud voice of the Suna ninja, the fight between Konoha and Suna stopped for a moment and they all looked towards the direction of Ryuu's body lying on the ground.     

Upon seeing Ryuu's death, all the Konoha Ninja members were saddened, and most of them were thinking one thing: 'He was a talented young man with a brilliant future, but his ego killed him early on the battlefield.'     

"Ryuuuuu" When Tsunade saw Ryuu's smashed body from afar, she tried to approach him, but the Suna ninja group got in her way and couldn't advance. Ryuu has made a lot of progress within Suna's troops, so it's hard to get to him in a short time. She knew only from watching Ryuu's body that he was already dead and there was no way to save him, tears began to flow profusely from her eyes.     

"As I expected, arrogant people like him won't survive long on the battlefield." At this moment, Dan spoke scornfully.     

Dan's words caused anger within Tsunade, and she looked at him and said, "Shut up, I don't want to hear another word from you, if you say another word I will break all your bones."     

When Dan heard Tsunade's words, he closed his mouth and no longer spoke.     

"Nooooo, this is a joke, isn't it, Ryuu isn't dead, is it?" Tears were flowing from Kushina's eyes as she said this, and she tried to go to Ryuu but Sayuri stood in front of her and blocked her way. "Why are you stopping me? I have to go to Ryuu's side."     

"You will die if you go over there" Sayuri said seriously, then looked at a certain direction within Suna's troops for a moment and then withdrew her gaze.     

Kushina tried to oppose Sayuri's words and tried to rush towards Suna's troops, but one of the Konoha ninja grabbed her by the shoulder and prevented her from going, then spoke with some sadness, "You can't do anything, he's already dead, that's clear from the state of his body. I know it's hard You accept the death of someone dear to you, but you should not kill yourself for this."     

When Sayuri heard the words of a Konoha ninja, she wanted to tear him apart.     

Suddenly Mikoto reached out and grabbed the wrist of the ninja who was holding Kushina's shoulder and pressed his wrist hard. The ninja felt pain and said, "Why are you doing this? I didn't say anything wrong."     

"We don't need words, get out of here," Mikoto said coldly, looking into the eyes of the Konoha ninja that made him frightened so he retreated.     

'I remembered his face, I'll kill him later,' Mikoto thought as she looked at the face of the Konoha ninja. Moments before, when Ryuu died She heard him sneer, "He deserves it because he's arrogant. I warned him earlier not to go there" which made her very angry.     

"Mikoto, your eyes are...." Kushina said in astonishment as she looked into Mikoto's eyes.     


"Haha, this is what happens to you when you underestimate the ninjas of Suna Village," said one of the ninjas as he approached Ryuu and kicked his dead body.     

A 15-year-old ninja approached Ryuu's body and then took out Kunai and started stabbing Ryuu's body repeatedly while tears streamed from his eyes as he said, "How dare you kill my brother, you deserve more than death."     

At this moment, two kunai flew at great speed, one towards the young Suna ninja and pierced his head, killing him directly, and the other towards the Suna ninja who kicked Ryuu's body and the kunai pierced his heart.     

"Who did this?" These were Suna's last words before he died.     

"The Uchiha girl did this."     

"How is that possible? This place is far from her location."     

"She is from the Uchiha clan and they have good eyesight and they are good at using kunai and shurkin."     


While this was happening, a middle-aged ninja wearing a Suna village jacket was quickly approaching the location of Chiyo and Ebizo and when he arrived he got down on one knee and spoke respectfully, "Chiyo-sama, Ebizo-sama. The sensing squad sensed dozens of identical chakra signatures infiltrate our troops."     

"Locate them, we'll eliminate them quickly, let's go, I'll come with you," said Ebizo, walking beside the Suna ninja.     

But as soon as Ebizo got close to the Suna ninja, the Suna ninja moved very quickly and took out the sword hanging on his back and cut off Ebizo's head, the ninja speed was so great that Ebizo didn't see his movements so he didn't have time to dodge and died straight away.     

When Chiyo saw that the Suna ninja had killed her brother, she was shocked and angry, and took out several coils and inserted some chakra in them.     

The ninja threw eight kunai at Chyio,He took out the ninja another kunai with an Explosive Tag attached to it and then threw it towards the sky.     

Ten dolls dressed in white appeared and the dolls protected Chiyo from the kunai, after which Chiyo spoke angrily, "You are not a ninja from our village, who are you?"     

"Who am I? You can guess." After the ninja completed his words, his Explosive Tag exploded into the sky, "Do you want to sit back and enjoy what's going on now?"     


When the Explosive Tag exploded in the sky it was noticed by all the ninjas on the battlefield.     

There were dozens of ninjas disguised as Suna ninjas scattered all over the Suna troops. When they saw the explosion, they used one hand seal and put their hands on the ground.     

"Earth Release: Ten Thousand Spears of Earth"     

Ten thousand spears began to shoot out from the ground from the middle of the Suna's forces. The spears ripped the bodies of 532 Suna ninjas, killing them, and the number of critical injuries was 374.     

After doing this jutsu, all the ninjas in disguise canceled the transformation technique and their true form appeared, and it turned out that they were all Ryuu clones.     

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