Naruto: Rise to the top

68- Nawaki

68- Nawaki

Author: As promised, the words of this chapter are up to 1569 words.     


Ryuu quickly packed their belongings, Ryuu returned to the clan and told Fuku and Soota about his deployment for the battlefield. Souta prepared some food pills and the tools and give Ryuu and he also gave Ryuu a tanto as a weapon,This is because the sword that Mikoto gave him was broken in his battle against Suna's troops.     

But Fuku was a little unhappy, pouting her mouth as she didn't want to see Ryuu leave.     

"Ka-san don't worry, I am strong and I got stronger after awakening the Eternal Mangekyou Sharingan, I can take care of myself." Ryuu sighed when he saw Fuku frowning.     

"I know you are strong, but you have to be careful and come back safe," Fuku said while kissing Ryuu's forehead.     


At this time at the entrance of the village, Ryuu saw another acquaintance.     

"Nawaki, I thought you were on the front lines, I didn't expect you were already in Konoha," Ryuu said as soon as he saw Nawaki standing in front of the Konoha Gate.     

Nawaki had short light-brown hair, hazel eyes and distinct blushes on his cheeks. For attire, he wore a dark teal poncho top and light green pants.     

"I was given a week's leave so I went back to Konoha a week ago and my vacation is now over, I have to go back to the front lines" Nawaki sighed sullenly because his vacation was short and he has to go back to war, he hasn't been back to Konoha since the war started and even when he came back he'd be out After a short while it made him feel depressed. But he encouraged himself, saying, "I will endure these hardships and become a Hokage."     

"Anyway, I've been waiting for you. We'll go back to the front steps together since we're both going to the battlefield facing Iwa Village." After Nawaki said this, he patted Ryuu's shoulder with his eyes turning to stars as he pointed to himself, "Don't worry Ryuu, the future Hokage will protect you well."     

"You know I'm stronger than you, aren't you? You must have received news that I killed Ebizo who is a semi-Kage, so I'm the one who should protect you, not you." Ryuu said in a lukewarm voice as he removed Nawaki's hand from his shoulder.     

After hearing Ryuu's words, Nawaki felt depressed and crouched next to a tree, drawing circles on the ground using his finger, muttering, "What if you become more powerful and famous than me, I'm the one who will eventually become the Hokage."     

"Nawaki, stop being depressed, we have to go."     


The figures of Ryuu and Nawaki flashed, completely disappearing from the entrance of the village and traveling to the country of rain. Ryuu and Nawaki were not slow and they also carried maps with them. They knew where Orochimaru and Jiraiya's troops were, who were facing Iwa Village troops, so they ran without stopping.     

Ryuu and Nawaki trek for two days before they arrived at the border of the country of rain.     

Nawaki suggested to Ryuu that To be cautious, and his suggestion is that they remove Konoha forehead protector, Ryuu and Nawaki both removed their Konoha forehead protector from their foreheads to hide their identity. In the battlefield, the ninjas of the major countries wear forehead protectors for easy identification of their own people. And when Ryuu and Nawaki had just arrived at the border and didn't meet with Orochimaru and Jiraiya's troops, of course it was better to be speculated.     

As soon as they entered the border of the country of rain, they felt that the surrounding air was humid, with thunderclouds rolling in the sky and continuous rain.     

Along the way, Ryuu and Nawaki witnessed many sights. At the main battlefield, the country of rain is full of chaos, broken walls, and devastation. There are faint cries from the town and occasionally fighting sounds can be heard. Ryuu and Nawaki entered a small town in the country of rain and when they saw this scene, they felt a little depressed and sad.     

Although Ryuu went to war and killed hundreds of Suna ninjas, he felt depressed and sad because innocent people who had nothing to do with the war were suffering because of it.     

But they didn't have time to sigh, they heard a wave of footsteps and it was obvious that there were ninjas from other countries approaching. At present, the country of rain has completely become a battlefield. Konoha, Suna, Iwa and Ame are all fighting separately, presenting a four- country battle royale.     

"Ryuu let's hide quickly" Nawaki whispered as he tried to drag Ryuu into a hidden corner but Ryuu didn't move.     

"We don't need to hide, they are 12 people that are at most Chuunin level, and they seem to be from Iwa Village." Ryuu said in a cold voice, he really wanted to kill these ninjas, it's possible that these ninjas destroyed this town even though the people living in it are normal people and not ninjas.     

Moments later, the group of ninjas appeared in front of Ryuu and Nawaki, one of the ninjas spoke while pointing at them, "Look, there are two stupid civilians who didn't hide."     

"What are you doing outside, boy? Shouldn't you be hiding?" One of the ninjas looked at Ryuu and Nawaki and spoke sarcastically, despite hearing the sarcasm of the ninja, Ryuu and Nawaki did not speak and did not move so the ninja thought that Ryuu and Nawaki were so afraid that they They can't talk or move "Haha, look at them how scared they are"     

A ninja approached and looked at Ryuu's face closely, then smiled and licked his lips, "Look at this boy's face. He looks better than all the girls I've had fucking with in this town, and his skin looks smooth and soft."     

Moments after the ninja finished speaking, his head was cut off from his body and the smile was still stuck on the ninja's face despite his death, Ryuu looked at the smile on the dead ninja's face and said sarcastically, "What a great ninja died with a smile on his face."     

All the Iwa ninjas were shocked when they saw their colleague suddenly die by the boy in front of them, one of the ninja quickly shouted, "Beware, he's not a civilian, he's a ninja."     

"There is no point in being careful of me, you are already dead at this moment." Ryuu said those words as the corner of his lips rose into a mocking smile.     

"You're just a marauding brat, don't talk nonsense" a ninja shouted at Ryuu, but in the next moment Ryuu's body dissipated as if it were a mirage. And in the next moment, all but one of the ninjas fell dead.     

Ryuu grabbed the only remaining ninja of the ninja group by the neck and looked into his eyes, then Ryuu activated his Sharingan.     

At this time, the three tomoe sharingan in Ryuu's eyes appeared and eye contact with the Iwa ninja, as the three tomoe slowly spin. This Iwa ninja only felt that his consciousness became more and more blurred, until finally there was nothing at all.     

Ryuu used the genjutsu with his sharingan to get the information.     

"Genjutsu: Sharingan."     

The reflection of the sharingan appeared in the Iwa ninja eyes, expressionless and he was obviously hypnotized by Ryuu.     

"Who is the leader of Iwa in this small town now? What is his strength?" Ryuu frowned slightly. It is obvious that the town is now controlled by Iwa and they are hostile to Konoha. So Ryuu thought of eliminating them.     

"It's Kanaye-sama, a jonin from our Iwa, his strength is very close to elite jonin."     

"Are there any other jonin?" Ryuu asked again.     

"There are three other jonin who are less powerful than Kanaye-sama."     

Ryuu nodded, knowing the strength of Iwa in this small town. Iwa jonin whose strength is close to the elite jonin, named Kanaye. There are also three jonins, a total of four jonins.     

he directed the hypnotized the Iwa ninja to say: "Now take us to find the jonin "     

"Ryuu, what do you want to do?" Nawaki was startled.     

"I guess what I'm going to do is very clear and you can figure this out without me telling you. But I'll answer anyway, I'm going to kill all the Iwa ninjas in this town." Ryuu said coldly, a sharp look in his eyes and a serious expression on his face.     

"What? Are you kidding me? Didn't you promise the Third Hokage that you wouldn't be too reckless when sent to the front lines? Don't do that, if you did that means you're disobeying the Hokage's orders," Nawaki said, frowning.     

"No, I'm not disobeying orders, I promised the Hokage that I wouldn't be reckless when I got to Konoha's troops, but we haven't gotten there yet. Also how did you know about that?" After Ryuu finished, Ryuu looked sharply at Nawaki.     

"The Hokage told me to watch you and stop you if you do something reckless."     

"Then are you going to try to stop me?" Ryuu looked at Nawaki and said with a smile.     

When Nawaki looked at Ryuu's smile, he felt a chill run through his body, so he quickly replied, "No, I will never stop you."     

"Good, now let's go."     

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