Naruto: Rise to the top

87- The end of the war

87- The end of the war

"Even if you can fly, do you think you can defeat me?" Annoyance appeared on the third Tsuchikage's face as he looked at Ryuu.     

Onoki flew to Ryuu's side while using hand seals to cast a jutsu.     

"Earth Release: Fist Rock Technique"     

Onoki's entire arm was encased in rocks, then he punched Ryuu with a very strong punch.     

Ryuu looked at this indifferently as his long black hair fluttered in the wind.     

When the punch reached him, he simply raised his arm and stopped the Third Tsuchikage's rock punch with his palm, causing Tsuchikage to feel very shocked. 'How can he stop my ninjutsu using only his body?'     

It is impossible for any ninja to stop Ninjutsu using only their own body without any techniques, even the greatest Taijutsu user in the future Might Guy won't be able to stop Ninjutsu directly with his body unless he uses the Eight Gates technique.     

Of course, Ryuu didn't use his body to block the attack but rather used ninjutsu to block Tsuchikage's third attack, but he didn't need to do any hand seals to do this ninjutsu.     

(Wind Release: Air Wall)     

This ninjutsu was invented by Ryuu himself, the air condenses to form a thin layer of a transparent wall in front of him and the hardness of this wall is similar to steel.     

The Tsuchikage couldn't see the transparent wall so he thought Ryuu had fended off the ninjutsu with his hand.     

Onoki frowned and then used the hand seals again.     

"Earth Release: Added-Weight Rock Technique"     

This time he increased the weight of the boulders on his arm and then sent another punch in Ryuu's direction, but this time Ryuu didn't block it but rather turned away from the attack path.     

After he walked away he took a strong breath and exhaled a large amount of wind, and the winds began to gather to form a thousand sharp wind blades that headed towards the Tsuchikage.     

"Wind Release: A thousand blades of wind"     

Ryuu's use of ninjutsu was very fast so the Tsuchikage didn't have the time to perform a ninjutsu to block the attack so he used the rock arm to protect his body to buy time for him to use another ninjutsu.     

The wind blades gradually pierced the Scream Arm until they reached the Tsuchikage's side, but this was enough time for him to perform another ninjutsu.     

"Earth Release: Golem Technique."     

This is the fastest jutsu he can use that requires one hand seal.     

The rocks began to fly alongside the third Tsuchikage and began to form a giant golem in front of the wind blades.     

After a while the golem was completely destroyed but it also stopped the wind blades.     

"where did this kid get this strong ninjutsu from? I've never seen such a ninjutsu in my life." The third Tsuchikage thought while gritting his teeth.     

Ryuu smiled as he looked at the Tsuchikage contemptuously, "Are you wondering where you got this ninjutsu from? Since you're curious I'll tell you, I invented this ninjutsu."     

"Don't look at me like that, kid." The Tsuchikage was annoyed by Ryuu's looks, so he decided to use his strongest technique and brought his hands close together.     

"Dust Release: Detachment of the Primitive World Technique."     

A conical structure was formed with a ball in the center between the palms of the third Tsuchikage's hand.     

He then thrusts the attack toward Ryuu as the structure expands very quickly to cover the area Ryuu is standing on.     

The Tsuchikage smiled when he saw Ryuu disappearing due to his attack, "An arrogant kid, it's strange that he's still alive even now despite his arrogance."     

"Looks like rumors have exaggerated his accomplishments. It doesn't matter anymore, now I have to destroy the Konoha ninja and Suna." Tsuchkagi looked at the Konoha ninja and Suna fighting the Iwa ninja below and his eyes flashed with a cold look.     

But at this moment, Ryuu appeared to Tsuchikage's side and kicked his head so fast that he flew away and crashed into a rocky hill, causing Onoki to spit blood.     

Onoki stood up and wiped the blood from the corner of his mouth while looking at Ryuu, "You damn kid, I'm sure you were within my attack range how you escaped."     

"I wonder about this, I don't know either." While Ryuu said the first half being too far from Onoki, the second half said he was right behind Onoki while giving him a kick in the back.     

'The Flying Thunder God Technique is really useful, if this technique falls into Madara's hands in the original series, no one can defeat him.' Now there were many chances to kill Onoki but Ryuu didn't, because he wanted to learn more Ninjutsu from Tsuchikage.     

He wants to learn Dust Release, he really likes this technique that can turn even Susanoo into dust.     

And if he kills the Tsuchikage now, he won't be able to learn this technique from someone else because he's the only one alive who knows how to use it now.     

Onoki starts using the Dust Release again to fight Ryuu, while Ryuu is happy with it as he watches how fire, wind and earth are combined and learns the secrets of this technique.     

The fight continued for a long time, injuries accumulated on Onoki's body while Ryuu was completely fine, in the end Onoki felt despair and decided to surrender and establish a truce with Konoha in order to end the war.     

Ryuu wanted to refuse but the decision was not up to him but Tsunade who is the leader, Tsunade ordered the fighting to stop when she heard the surrender of the Third Tsuchikage, Iwa village army eventually withdrew to their village.     

Tsunade sends the news to the Hokage and the Kazekage to see if they will agree to a peace treaty with Iwa Village. The Kazekage refuses to make a peace treaty but the Hokage agrees to it.     

After several attempts, the Hokage persuaded the Kazekage to make a peace treaty in order to end the war.     

In Konoha, although the war had been proceeding favourably for the village, the Third Hokage established a policy of reconciliation to bring an end to the fighting with an unprecedented offer to not seek reparations from Iwa. Advocates for the war opposed Hiruzen's seemingly weak decision, and to keep dissatisfaction in the village in check, he decided to step down as Hokage.     

The Konoha shinobi that received the most attention for their war efforts in the village were Ryuu, Tsunade, Hatake Sakumo, Orochimaru, and Jiraiya. factor in the war that gained the moniker of the God of Death and the Silver Demon alongside Tsunade, were the only two candidates village officials put forward to succeed Hiruzen.     

In fact, they only wanted to nominate Tsunade, but because Ryuu had spread his name so widely and knew about his accomplishments, they couldn't ignore him even though he was a member of the Uchiha clan.     

In Suna, The Kazekage did not do the same as the Hokage, but rather extorted the village of Iwa in order to obtain many resources and rare minerals, and Iwa had to submit to demands despite the hatred between the two villages due to the death of the Jinchuuriki.     

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