The Legend of the Kyubi

Extra 9: Kyubi meets Kyubi (9)*

Extra 9: Kyubi meets Kyubi (9)*

"Do you like my Nii-chan?" - Kunou asked as she approached Rias curiously.     

Rias blushed in response as Kurama's laughter was getting louder and louder.     

"That's enough" - Yasaka said as she saw how the Maou Lucifer's younger sister was wishing the earth would swallow her up.     

"Sorry, it's just that it's so funny" - replied Kurama with a smile, only to notice how Naruto was looking at Rias with confusion - "This must be a joke, how come my son is so dense?"     

"Who are you calling dense, old man?!" - Naruto exclaimed in annoyance.     

"You, meteor head!" - Kurama exclaimed as the duo began to argue.     

Those present watched this with amusement as Yasaka shook her head - "I swear to god those two look like brothers, instead of father and son."     

"They know Senjutsu" - Koneko muttered while frowning - "But it's very different from the one Kuroka learned."     

"I don't know how, but my husband can absorb the Nature Energy of this corrupted world, and purify it within himself" - replied Yasaka calmly - "Then he uses that energy to heal the world and create life in his surroundings"     

"Impressive" - murmured Rias as her eyes widened in surprise - "It's like he's a God of Nature."     

"I think so too" - replied Yasaka with a smile as she looked at her beloved - "It's interesting, isn't it?"     

"Hai" - nodded Rias as he looked at the father and son duo.     

"Which one?" - Akeno asked with an amused smile on her face.     

"The son, of course" - replied Rias, only to blush after hearing what she had said - "Akeno!"     

"Ara ~ Ara ~ Fufufu ~" - Akeno only let out a small, refined laugh as she watched her best friend's face turn the same color as her hair.     

"They're weird, Okaasan" - muttered Kunou as she shook her head, only to look in the direction of the white-haired girl - "Hello".     

"Hello" - replied Koneko neutrally.     

"Kunou-chan!" - Naruto exclaimed as he grabbed his sister and sat her on his shoulders - "Tousan gave me permission to go to the arcade!"     

"Yey ~!" - Kunou exclaimed as the two of them ran off towards the arcade that was on the beach.     

"That brat" - muttered Kurama as he shook his head, only to shoot a glare at the red-haired girl - "What are you waiting for, go to that idiot!"     

"Huh?" - Rias was taken aback when she heard this, only to feel her cheeks flush.     

"It looks like the father is giving you his blessing to try to conquer his son, Rias" - Akeno said with a huge smile as she noticed how her friend was getting redder and redder.     

"Well, she's right" - replied Kurama while shrugging his shoulders - "You don't look like a bad girl, not to mention that you have the perfect hair color."     

"Huh? My hair?" - Rias was confused when she heard this as she tilted her head.     

"Exactly" - nodded Kurama as he snapped his fingers to take in the look he had during his teenage years.     

"Wow" - said Rias with a slight blush as she saw how the boy in front of her, was slightly better looking than Naruto.     

"The ancestral Uzumaki clan is a clan as old as the first races of the world" - said Kurama while telling them a bit of their history - "We are characterized by having hair as red as blood, in sign to the pact we made with the first god of death"     

"That's impressive" - muttered Rias as those present nodded. None of them had ever heard of this mysterious clan, but it didn't seem like the albino was lying, in fact, he had nothing to gain by doing so.     

"Pact?" - Akeno asked curiously.     

"The Uzumaki clan is responsible for maintaining balance in the world" - answered Kurama calmly - "We are also trained to contact the afterlife, and even intervene with life and death."     

"That doesn't seem so different from what we do" - said Rias as she folded her arms.     

"We can bring back to life people who have died centuries ago, as long as we have something that is connected to them" - replied Kurama with disdain.     

"!" - Akeno's eyes widened in surprise as she felt her breathing begin to quicken. If what Kurama said was true, then she could be reunited with the most important person in her life.     

Rias gave her best friend a look as she thought about what to do now that she had this information - "I guess there's a price to pay."     

"Indeed" - Kurama nodded as he shrugged his shoulders - "To gain something, you have to sacrifice something."     

"What is it that has to be sacrificed?" - Akeno asked earnestly.     

"There must be a balance in the world" - replied Kurama as he looked at the black-haired young woman - "If you want to revive someone".     

"You have to give up a life" - muttered Rias as she widened her eyes in surprise at the conclusion.     

"Exactly" - Kurama nodded as he looked at the group in front of him - "One soul, for another soul."     

Akeno was silent for a few seconds before biting her lip, though an expression full of conviction appeared on her face. She slowly walked over to where the white-haired man to prepare to make her request when she saw him shake his head.     

"I know what you want to tell me, but this is not the time to talk about this" - Kurama replied as he shook his head- "For now enjoy your day."     

Akeno bit her lip before nodding.     

"As for you, Miss Gremory" - Kurama said as he looked at Rias - "I recommend you to make your move quickly, after all, you're not the only one who is interested in my son, and you won't be the last one to be either."     

". . ." - Rias was silent as she pondered her situation, then looked in the direction where the red-haired young man had disappeared.     

"What's holding you back?" - Kurama asked as he noticed how the girl seemed to be struggling with her decision.     

Rias was silent for a few seconds before telling him about Riser and her situation. She felt that talking about this with someone would make her more at ease with herself.     

"I see" - muttered Kurama as he started to think - "As a person who is in the same situation as you, I can only tell you one thing."     

"What" - muttered Rias as she sighed regretfully because she didn't expect a good answer.     

"Follow your heart" - replied Kurama with a smile - "Seek your happiness and fight for it, with that you will not only be much stronger, but when you are older, you will be able to look back at the past and say that you lived a good life."     

"!" - Rias started to cry when she heard this because it was the first time in her life that someone supported her - "Thank you."     

"You don't have to thank me" - Kurama replied with a smile - "Now go and have fun"     

"OK" - nodded Rias as she ran towards the arcade together with Koneko and Kiba who came out chasing after her.     

"Aren't you going with them?" - Kurama asked as he raised an eyebrow seeing how Akeno was still with them.     

"I'm sorry to bother you, but I really need to talk to you" - Akeno said as she looked at the white-haired man.     

"What do you need, descendant of Baraquiel?" - Kurama asked as he looked at the girl.     

"!" - Akeno's eyes widened in surprise and terror as she felt her emotions begin to run wild - "How?"     

"When you are as strong as I am, there are very few things that are hidden from our senses" - Kurama replied as he shook his head.     

Akeno bit her lip again as she glared hatefully at Kurama, though he could sense that the hostility wasn't directed at him - "Please don't say that name anymore."     

"Why?" - Kurama asked curiously.     

"Because that bastard was responsible for my mother's death" - Akeno replied hatefully. She quickly began to recount her past, so she could ask Kurama to fulfill her wish - "That's why I ask you to revive my mother."     

"I feel that things are not as simple as you think" - Kurama said as he started to think - "Have you ever tried to talk to your father?"     

"He's not my father!" - Akeno exclaimed angrily, only to calm down as she noticed the look on the albino's face - "And no, I haven't talked to him, and he hasn't tried to contact me all these years either!"     

Kurama frowned again upon hearing the girl's words, only to shake his head - "I understand."     

"Please bring my mother back" - Akeno said as she bit her lip and looked at Kurama with tears in her eyes - "I'm willing to sacrifice everything, even my body, and soul"     

Kurama gave the girl a look, only to let out a sigh - "Ok, I understand."     

"Really?!" - Akeno exclaimed excitedly.     

"I gain nothing by lying to you" - Kurama replied as he shook his head - "I'm going to need a personal item from your mother though, something she used that has her genetic code on it"     

"I have a brush that she used regularly" - replied Akeno - "It's the only thing I have left of hers."     

"That's perfect" - nodded Kurama - "Now I just need someone who deserves death, a sinner."     

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