The Legend of the Kyubi

Extra 9: Kyubi meets Kyubi (10)*

Extra 9: Kyubi meets Kyubi (10)*

"Nii-chan!" - Kunou exclaimed as she ran towards her older brother's room.     

A new day had arrived after Kurama explained the situation to Akeno.     

"Don't come in, Kunou-chan!" - Naruto exclaimed from inside though the little Kitsune ignored and entered her room, only to notice that her older brother was not alone - "This is not what it looks like!"     

"Why so much screaming in the morning?" - Yasaka asked as she frowned as she entered her son's room, only to notice how a beautiful red-haired girl was standing next to Naruto - "Sorry to interrupt your fun."     

"It's not what it looks like!" - Naruto exclaimed with a red face - "I don't even know how she got into my room!"     

"I teleported in" - replied Rias as she stretched.     

"Put some clothes on!" - Naruto exclaimed with a red face as he saw the girl's naked body.     

"Sorry, I have a habit of sleeping naked" - Rias replied with a smile as she reached for her clothes and slowly started to get dressed.     

"At least get dressed in the bathroom!" - Naruto roared as he averted his gaze.     

"I see my little prankster is growing up" - Kurama said as he walked into his firstborn's room and gave his son a thumbs up - "I approve."     

"Tousan!" - Naruto shouted with a red face.     

"Thank you very much, Otou-sama!" - Rias said excitedly as she blushed at the sight of Naruto's expression.     

"Welcome to the family, Rias" - smiled Kurama with a smile on his face as he noticed how his son was about to faint from embarrassment.     

"She's my new Onee-chan?" - Kunou asked in surprise as she looked closely at Rias - "Am I going to have nieces and nephews?"     

"That depends on how hard they try" - Kurama replied with a huge smile as he watched the two young ones blush.     

"I think your joke went too far, honey" - Yasaka said as she shook her head at the sight of her beloved's teasing smile - "Besides, they're too young."     

"If I'm being honest, I was being partially serious" - replied Kurama as he folded his arms - "It was at that age that I did it with my wife and Naruto ended up being born."     

Yasaka rolled her eyes at him as Rias had her face as red as her hair - "I think I better go make breakfast"     

"You want some help?" - Kurama asked as he raised an eyebrow.     

"Of course" - replied Yasaka as she took her beloved by the hand and led him towards the kitchen.     

"They look so happy together" - said Rias unconsciously, only to notice how the little princess of Kyoto was watching her silently - "Is something wrong, little one?"     

"I hope you won't hurt Nii-chan" - Kunou said while showing her fangs to the red-haired girl, although far from looking threatening, she only looked cuter - "Or I'm going to hurt you."     

"Relax, I don't plan to" - Rias replied as she stroked the little blonde loli's hair, only to notice how she seemed to be enjoying it.     

"I believe you, Onee-chan!" - Kunou exclaimed as she ran off in embarrassment noticing that she wasn't very convincing with the expression she had as the red-haired girl stroked her head.     

"She's so cute" - muttered Rias as a small smile appeared on her lips. She began to understand why Sirzechs was so strange, after all, she was beginning to develop a deep desire to spoil the little Kitsune.     

* * * * *     

"Did you not like what you saw?" - Rias asked as he looked at the red-haired boy.     

It had been a few hours since the morning incident, and Naruto couldn't look Rias in the face.     

"It's not that you're beautiful" - Naruto muttered with a red face - "Why do you make me say that kind of thing?!"     

"Beautiful?" - Rias asked in surprise as she felt her face start to heat up - "I-I see."     

"Ahem! You can keep flirting later" - said Yasaka as she rolled her eyes at the two red-haired youngsters.     

"Sorry" - replied Naruto and Rias, only to be embarrassed again as they were in perfect sync.     

"They are so cute together" - said Kurama as he laughed noticing how the two youngsters were again with their faces red with embarrassment.     

"Thank you so much for inviting us" - said Kiba, who was standing next to the other two members of Rias' entourage.     

"Don't mention it" - replied Kurama while shrugging his shoulders - "It would have been impolite not to invite you, more so when we have your leader with us."     

Koneko nodded silently as she continued to eat the lunch Yasaka had prepared, and she had to admit it was delicious. A small smile appeared on her face as memories of the past popped into her mind, memories of times when she was still with her loved ones and everything going to shit.     

Akeno was silently watching the white-haired man. She had found the hairbrush her mother had used and to her relief, there were still some hairs on it. For the first time in her life, she was relieved that she had not cleaned her mother's only memory.     

* * *     

30 minutes later, lunch was over.     

Naruto and the others had decided to go to the beach again, with the only exception of Akeno who was heading to the basement of the residence along with Kurama and Yasaka.     

"Let me out, damn it!" - roared a man as he began to utter hundreds of obscenities.     

"How polite" - Yasaka snorted at her husband's 'guest'.     

"What else could you expect from a rapist with over 50 cases?" - Kurama replied as he shrugged his shoulders. He slowly opened the door, only for the women to see a middle-aged man who was bound in chains.     

"Untie me once and for all, you bastards!" - roared the man angrily, but his expression changed to a perverted one when he saw the sexy blonde who was accompanying his captor - "But look at those tits!"     

Yasaka frowned in disgust as she fought the urge to kill the man, after all, she knew her beloved needed him alive.     

"As I said before, to gain something, you need to sacrifice something" - Kurama said as he looked at the black-haired young woman - "The law of equivalent exchange."     

"A reference to Full Metal Alchemist?" - Akeno asked in surprise. With Rias' obsession with Anime and Japanese culture, she had picked up some unnecessary knowledge.     

"No, that was a happy accident," replied Kurama as he used his Onmyoton to create a coffin and stuff the noisy man into it. With a quick movement of his hands, he prepared everything needed for the Jutsu as he began to steel himself because he honestly didn't like using this technique.     

The two women looked seriously at the white-haired man, who seemed to be meditating.     

"To attract a soul from the world of the dead, you need something that works as a target" - Kurama said as he slowly opened his eyes - "You also need something that works as an anchor, that's why you need the DNA of the person you wish to revive, as well as a living soul that works as a catalyst."     

Yasaka maintained her silence as she gave her husband a worried look, after all, she did not wish for him to become the number 1 enemy of all the Pantheons in the world for extracting a soul from the afterlife.     

"This is your last chance, Miss Fallen Angel" - Kurama said as he looked at the black-haired young woman - "You are about to sacrifice a life so you can bring back your mother. You are about to soil your hands with the blood of an 'innocent human'."     

"I don't think a rapist can be categorized as innocent" - Yasaka said while frowning.     

"Maybe, but from our little guest's point of view, he is an innocent, after all, he hasn't done anything wrong to her" - replied Kurama while noticing how Akeno's eyes widened in surprise - "And I see that she now understands that."     

". . ." - Akeno was silent as she bit her lip, though quickly an expression full of conviction appeared on her face. She didn't mind having to sacrifice that human, no, she was willing to sacrifice as many humans as necessary so she could have her mother back.     

Akeno wished she could go back to the past, she wished she could be in her mother's arms, talk to her about mundane matters. She wished she could tell her about her life, about her 'mistress', her friends, all the people she had known during the time she was not with her.     

"Well?" - Kurama asked as he looked at the girl - "What is your decision?"     

"I" - muttered Akeno as she looked carefully at the white-haired man - "I accept"     

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