The Legend of the Kyubi

Extra 15: Dragon & Dragon Maids (19)

Extra 15: Dragon & Dragon Maids (19)

"I would have liked another way to resign from my office as councilman" - Ultear said as she rolled her eyes at her new companions - "But hey, it's not like I can complain, after all, I was already going to resign because there was no reason to stay in that place now that I had fulfilled my wish."     

"Your wish?" - Tohru asked with a frown.     

"We'll talk later, for now let's go back home" - said Kurama as he looked at the dragon girl.     

"Fine" - muttered Tohru with annoyance as she spread her wings and transported the group back to [Magnolia City].     

Ultear was silent as she looked up at the bluish sky, not noticing how Kanna was silently watching her.     

"Is something wrong, little girl?" - Ultear asked when she noticed the look on the little white-haired girl's face.     

"Are you my new mommy along with Lady Tohru?" - Kanna asked confused because she could sense in this woman, the scent of her father.     

"Hmm, you could say yes" - nodded Ultear calmly.     

"Oh, another mom" - nodded Kanna as she stretched out her hands.     

"Do you want a present?" - Ultear asked as she raised an eyebrow.     

"No, I want food" - replied Kanna calmly.     

". . ." - Ultear was silent for a few seconds because she didn't expect this answer.     

"Kanna is a very voracious little one, even by Draconian standards" - Tohru said in a slightly happy voice.     

"I-I see" - nodded Ultear as she looked at the little girl who was now eating something that seemed to have come out of nowhere - "How?"     

"I always carry a little food with me because you never know when I'll lose my ability to create anything I want" - Kurama replied as he made a bowl of Ramen appear - "Sacred ambrosia of the gods."     

"Is this normal?" - Ultear asked in surprise.     

"Yes, Ramen is his favorite food" - replied Tohru with a slightly enamored tone.     

Ultear gave her a blank look before shaking her head as she realized that her life would not only be more peaceful, but also strange.     

"Anyway, we're coming, prepare to land" - Tohru said as she retracted her wings slightly and carefully descended to the outside of [Magnolia].     

"It feels strange to be so far away from my usual places" - muttered Ultear as she looked at the distant city with a strange expression because she knew that in this place, lived one of her "younger brothers" - "By the way, aren't you curious to know why the magic council tried to hold Erza responsible for the damages?"     

"We are, but I at least know that you'll tell me when we get to our home" - Kurama said calmly.     

"It's boring if you always know what's going on in my head, master" - said Ultear with annoyance.     

* * * * *     

A day later, Kurama was returning to [Fairy Tail] along with Tohru, Kanna, and Ultear, though as he expected, they were all surprised when they saw his new form.     

The girls quickly ran to him and tried to hug him, only to be stopped by Ultear and Tohru, who were finally getting along a little better by leaving their common master's women.     

"How did it happen?" - Mirajane asked curiously, though she had to admit it was a bit strange to see a little fox eating ramen like a normal person, though then she remembered Happy and brushed it off.     

"Using a lot of my abilities, made my body take this form, so I could save energy" - replied Kurama calmly as he watched the girl give him a second plate - "Thank you, Mira-chan, your food is delicious, and I'm sure you'll make a man very happy, or even a woman, I'm not one to judge."     

"Thank you for your kind words, Kurama-san" - smiled Mira sweetly as she tried to stroke the fur of the small silver animal, only to let out a small moan of pain as she felt Tohru's hand pressing her wrist.     

"Tohru" - Kurama said with a frown.     

"Sorry, that was instinctive" - Tohru replied with embarrassment.     

"Seriously, you should control your attitude a bit, Tohru, I'm not your property" - said Kurama with annoyance - "Now, you'd better remember our situation before I start losing my patience."     

"Ok, I get it, you don't have to give me an ultimatum" - muttered Tohru as she sighed regretfully, although she had to admit that she was letting her jealousy get the best of her - "I'm sorry, Mira-chan."     

"Don't worry, it was nothing" - replied Mirajane with a smile.     

"And who are you?" - Lucy asked as she looked at Kurama's new beautiful companion.     

"My name is Ultear Milkovich, former member of the [Magic Council]" - Ultear replied calmly.     

"What did you say!" - Gray exclaimed when he heard the woman's name, only to run to her side and look at her with utmost care, noticing the huge similarity with his deceased teacher - "Impossible, Ur told me you were dead!"     

"Gray Fullbuster, apprentice to the mage Ur Milkovich, my mother, it is a pleasure to meet face to face, younger brother" - Ultear said quizzically because if this had happened before, she would have barely resisted her desire to eliminate the boy in front of her, but now that she knew the truth, there was no way she would attack her younger brother in anything but blood.     

Gray froze, which was ironic because he was a mage specializing in the ice element.     

"You, me" - Gray said confused - "Ugh, I don't know what to say in this situation."     

"I know you have a lot of questions, but for now it's not the time to talk, later I'll explain how I'm still alive" - replied Ultear as she looked at the young man before shaking her head because such seemed that her bad habit had remained intact over the years.     

"Ok" - sighed Gray as she returned to her table, though Ultear could feel him glancing at her from time to time with conflicting emotions.     

"Are you Gray's teacher's daughter?" - asked Mirajane with surprise.     

"Yes, though we parted ways for reasons I don't want to explain" - Ultear replied as she sighed regretfully.     

"I understand, we all have secrets that we don't want to reveal" - said Mirajane with understanding - "Anyway, if you need anything, you can ask me without care."     

"Thank you for your kindness" - Ultear said as she nodded weakly.     

"Well, are you planning to join [Fairy Tail]?" - Mirajane asked with a smile.     

"I would like to, but first I have to talk to Master Makarov" - replied Ultear while shaking her head.     

"I understand, I'll see if he's unoccupied" - said Mirajane as she left for a few minutes.     

"I'm surprised to hear that you are Gray's relative" - Lucy said with surprise as she looked at the beautiful black-haired woman - "How does it feel to be reunited with your family again?"     

"If I'm honest, I have no idea" - Ultear replied as she sighed regretfully - "After all, until recently I found out that I had more relatives than I thought."     

"I see" - muttered Lucy as she sipped her cup with soda - "Ultear-san, may I call you that?"     

"You can call me whatever you want" - nodded Ultear calmly.     

"What kind of relationship do you have with Kurama-san?" - Lucy asked as she went straight to the point.     

"Are you curious?" - Ultear asked with a teasing smile.     

"Hai"- nodded Lucy as she waited for the woman's answer.     

"Well, if we're technical, I'd end up being his woman, or something like that" - replied Ultear with amusement as she noticed Lucy's cheeks blushing.     

"I heard something interesting and confusing" - said Kana, who was drinking unconcernedly until she heard the topic of conversation of the two beautiful girls - "What do you mean by that?"     

"That technically I'm his woman because of a contract we signed" - answered Ultear calmly - "I won't go into details, but Kurama-sama is in that state because he fulfilled my wish, and as payment I offered my body and soul, and since he doesn't like the idea of having slave, this was the closest thing to my pact."     

"Contract?/Wish?" - Lucy and Kana said respectively as they looked in confusion at Ultear, who was beginning to be amused by the two women's expressions.     

"That's a story for another time" - said Ultear with an amused smile as she noticed how the two women frowned at how she had changed the subject - "Mira-san, I'd like a cup of coffee."     

"How did you know I was back?" - Mirajane asked in surprise.     

"I could sense your magic signature, it's not hard for someone who has enough power to work in the council" - Ultear replied calmly, but her expression changed when she saw the small older man who was following the white-haired girl - "It's a pleasure to see you again, master Makarov."     

"Same to you, Councilor Ultear" - replied Makarov calmly - "I heard that you want to talk with me."     

"Yes, it's something of utmost importance that could affect [Fairy Tail] in general" - Ultear answered seriously, although this was said through a spell because he didn't want to create chaos in the guild.     

Makarov's expression changed slightly before he indicated her to follow him.     

"I think it's something serious for the master to act so reserved" - said Mirajane while Kana nodded seriously.     

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