The Legend of the Kyubi

Extra 19: Change the World (26)

Extra 19: Change the World (26)

"What happened here!" - A beautiful girl of about 16-17 years old exclaimed. She had long brown hair and was wearing an outfit that appeared to be pink armor.     

"Kyu ~?" - On the girl's shoulder was a cute cat with yellowish fur, huge red eyes and two tails that was calmly sniffing the place.     

"Tell me there are survivors, Kirara..." - The girl said as she looked around worriedly. She had returned home after a Yokai extermination mission when she saw how everything around her only found a burned village along with the corpses of her clan.     

Kirara, the little Nekomata shook her head because the smell of blood made it almost impossible for her to detect the scent of any living thing.     

Sango, the brown-haired girl, could only let out a sigh of concern as she ran with her pet to her home, only to see with terror how at the entrance of her home, there was a small grave with the name of her father.     

Without her being able to do anything, tears began to stream down her cheeks because even though her father had been the harshest and strictest person she knew, he was a good father figure to her and her younger brother.     

"Kohaku!" - Sango exclaimed as she ran inside her home, only to let out a sigh of relief when she heard her beloved younger brother's voice.     

A few seconds later, a brown-haired boy who was wearing armor similar to Sango's appeared. He was excited to meet his sister and thankful that she wasn't around during the attack because he knew it was quite possible that both of them would have died.     

"Kohaku, thank god you're alive," Sango said as she relaxed a bit before asking him what happened.     

Kohaku quickly began to relate what he heard and saw during the attack.     

Sango's expression darkened when she heard this as she gritted her teeth in fury.     

"Wait, how did you manage to survive then?" - Sango asked with a frown. Oh, don't get her wrong, she was happy that he survived, but the problem was that according to Kohaku's own words, the man who had caused the attack, that stranger named Naraku, was extremely strong and skilled.     

"Come, follow me and I will show you the person who saved me" - Kohaku replied as he led his sister towards their mother's room, this surprised Sango because neither of them had entered this place since her death.     

The duo walked in silence until they reached the sliding door.     

Kohaku quickly slid it aside, revealing a beautiful black haired girl with red locks who appeared to be in pain.     

"She was the one who saved you, Kohaku?" - Sango asked with a frown as she could feel the demonic presence inside the young girl, and her assumptions were confirmed when she saw how Kirara was growling at the unconscious girl.     

"Yes, and although it was coincidence that she arrived when Naraku was killing our father, I thank her for saving my life" - Kohaku answered honestly - "By the way, Naraku seemed to know her, or at least her companion."     

"But if she stopped Naraku, then they are not friends" - muttered Sango while frowning - "Wait, companion?"     

"Yes, that was what I could infer from the conversation, it seems that Naraku is a little scared of the person who accompanied this girl, that's why he decided to retreat without fighting" - answered Kohaku seriously.     

"I understand" - nodded Sango as she looked at the girl, and although she instinctively wished to eliminate her, her gratitude prevented her from attacking the person who had saved the most important person in her life. Again, don't get her wrong, she loved her father and the other deceased clan members, and that's why she was going to avenge them, but if they put everyone on a scale next to Kohaku, then she would choose her younger brother without a second thought.     

"How did it happen?" - Sango asked as she raised an eyebrow.     

"Naraku used poison on her, though from what I could see, it wasn't lethal, it was just strong enough that she didn't attack him while he escaped" - Kohaku answered while shaking his head - "I think she'll regain consciousness in another hour or two"     

"I see, I guess I'll wait to thank her, though after that I'm going to have to ask her to leave this place, we can't have an unknown Yokai with us" - Sango said with a frown.     

"Sister, I don't think that's right, remember she saved my life and as hunters, we have to return this favor" - Kohaku replied with a frown.     

"I think you have done more than enough for her by taking care of her while she is unconscious" - Sango answered seriously - "Besides, we don't know if the person behind this girl, is around, and if Naraku was afraid of her, then he will be a much bigger problem than the murderer of our clan."     

Kohaku was silent before nodding at his sister's words because he knew she wasn't lying - "Still, I think we better wait a bit, maybe the person who was protecting this girl isn't a bad Yokai."     

"Kohaku, I know you wish to see the good in others, but we can't risk that with a Yokai, they are monsters that only wish to destroy us, the humans" - Sango said with a frown.     

"Ironically, we don't need to do that when you destroy yourselves" - said a male voice.     

Sango and Kohaku quickly drew their weapons and looked in the direction of the voice, only to stare in surprise at a handsome man with platinum white hair.     

"Who are you..." - Sango said with hostility because she didn't expect someone to get so close to her without her noticing.     

"Oh, my name is not important" - replied Kurama clone while shrugging his shoulders - "What is important is that you are alive because you were kind enough to take care of my daughter."     

"Daughter?" - repeated the brothers, only to unconsciously look at the unconscious girl and connect the dots. She looked a little like the man, though from the look of him, they didn't look like father and daughter, but more like siblings.     

"Yes, she's my daughter" - Kurama replied calmly as he walked over to Izumi and checked her pulse to make sure Naraku hadn't done anything wrong to her.     

"T-Tousan..." - Izumi muttered as she was still suffering from the poison.     

Kurama sighed before shaking his head.     

"Did you see everything?" - Sango asked with a frown.     

"Yes" - nodded Kurama as he looked at the beautiful brown haired girl.     

"And you did nothing to stop Naraku!" - Sango exclaimed angrily.     

"Why should I?" - Kurama asked as he narrowed his eyes.     

Sango tried to say something when she felt as if her body was surrounded by a thin layer of ice that froze her completely. The man in front of her only needed one look to stop her, and she wasn't the only one in pain.     

Kirara looked at Kurama in terror as she quickly bowed her head, as if she was trying to shrink as much as she could, so he wouldn't see her.     

"Listen, child, my job as a father is to make sure my baby is safe, but I've overprotected her too much, that's why I'm now watching over her from a distance" - Kurama replied with a frown - "She has to learn that I won't always be there for her."     

Sango understood what he was saying, so she didn't answer anything about it.     

"Anyway, I just came to thank you for protecting my daughter" - Kurama said before disappearing from the place.     

Sango remained silent before focusing on her brother, who was as if nothing had happened - "Didn't you feel that?"     

"What?" - Kohaku said, confused by his older sister's question.     

"He didn't feel it..." - Sango muttered as she started to think - "Was it because of my clear hostility?"     

Sango kept thinking about this as she stroked Kirara's fur, who had once again relaxed - "I think we'd better go check on our guest, and we'd better make sure we treat her right if we don't want a monster on us.     

"Sure" - Kohaku nodded as the two brothers walked back inside the room.     

* * * * *     

"I see..." - Muttered the original Kurama as he slowly opened his eyes. He had received the memories of the clone he had sent to take care of his daughter, only to get to thinking about Naraku's actions - "There is a lot of destiny energy around that man, which means that he is important to the "plot" of this world, which means that he is the "ultimate enemy", or at least that's what I think because his actions don't seem to be that of a "protagonist"..."     

Kurama was silent again before closing his eyes and sensing all that was going on around him, though there was one thing that surprised him, and that was that there was a guest at his door - "You may come in, Kikyo."     

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