The Legend of the Kyubi

Extra 19: Change the World (30)

Extra 19: Change the World (30)

"I think it's time for us to start with the second part of the plan" - Sesshomaru said as he waved his hand in boredom.     

"As you command, Sesshomaru-sama!" - Jaken exclaimed as he tapped the ground with his staff.     

* * * * *     

Yura continued to watch silently, and though everything seemed fine, she still had this bad feeling, though her expression quickly changed to a neutral one when she felt like something was watching her from the forest.     

"Who's there!" - Yura exclaimed as she looked neutrally towards the forest, only to feel the gaze still glued to her, so she quickly ran in that direction.     

The gaze quickly disappeared, as if it was running away from the hair demon, who quickly ran to the spot where she had felt the eyes land on her, and found nothing.     

"I'm sure this was the place" - Yura muttered while looking at the surroundings with a frown - "Are my instincts playing tricks on me?".     

Yura was silent for a few seconds before opening her eyes, surprised because she noticed how the ground started to glow.     

"Shit!" - Yura tried to escape the place when she realized she was standing on a seal, only to have a look of despair when she saw the seal activate just as she was about to step a foot out of range.     

Yura's gaze darkened as she watched a group of goblins emerges from the forest as she connected the dots - "I see, this is part of that Sesshomaru guy's plan..."     

The goblins didn't respond, they just stood outside the seal, making sure this woman couldn't escape.     

* * * * *     

"Have you seen Yura Onee-chan, Kagome?" - Shippo asked as he frowned as he looked around and didn't see the hair yokai anywhere.     

"No, though it's quite possible that she has to be training in the forest, I'm sure she'll be back shortly" - Kagome replied calmly as she watched with a smile as Izayoi and Inuyasha continued to make up for lost time - "I don't understand how she still thinks there's something weird with Izayoi-san, I mean, you don't have to be a genius to see that she's harmless."     

Shippo didn't say anything, he just looked at the woman who was walking beside Inuyasha towards the river, though when he did, he noticed a detail that froze him.     

"What's wrong, Shippo-chan?" - Kagome asked as she looked down at the small Kitsune.     

"Kagome, look!" - Shippo exclaimed as he tried to aim, only to feel his body being surrounded by a strange sensation.     

Kagome let out a cry of surprise as she fell to the ground as she felt as if her body was being bound by chains.     

"Kagome!" - Shippo exclaimed in terror as he watched a group of goblins appears around them along with the chains that had captured them.     

"Shippo-chan!" - Kagome exclaimed as she trembled because she finally understood why Yura was so tense. It was obvious that this was no coincidence, after all, they had been captured right after Yura disappeared, and she was the one who was most suspicious of Inuyasha's mother.     

"Look towards the river, look at Inuyasha's mother's reflection" - Shippo shouted with concern.     

Kagome quickly followed the little boy's instructions, only to freeze because the hanyo's mother's reflection had no face - "W-What is that? W-Why Inuyasha's mother doesn't have a face?"     

"It is obvious that she is not Inuyasha's real mother" - Shippo answered seriously - "She is a Muonna (Nothing Woman), she is a female Yokai that was created by the soul of a mother who could not find eternal rest because of her hatred at the loss of her children, this Yokai is not strong, but she is troublesome because she directly attacks the soul of her victims"     

"That doesn't explain how she managed to take the appearance of Inuyasha's mother" - Kagome said with a frown as she looked around and noticed how the goblins seemed to be watching them very carefully, as if they didn't want them to intervene in what was going on.     

"It's because it's possible that they used a catalyst to attract a fragment of Inuyasha's mother's soul from the other world, that's why for Inuyasha, that Muonna has his mother's scent."     

Kagome was silent as she gritted her teeth through the guilt she felt. She should have trusted Yura more, though that wasn't important, after all, they were in danger, since it was obvious that that Muonna was a servant of Sesshomaru.     

Kagome and Shippo could only watch as Inuyasha was embracing the Muonna and being slowly absorbed into the female Yokai's body.     

"Wake up, Inuyasha!" - exclaimed Kagome as she tried to draw attention to the only chance they had to be able to save themselves from this precarious situation.     

"I would save my strength if I were you" - said Jaken as he appeared from the forest - "When the Muonna has absorbed part of its victim's body, that means that it has already taken possession of its soul and is now searching even the deepest corner."     

"Why are you doing this..." - Kagome said with fury and fear - "Inuyasha already told you that he doesn't know anything about his father's graveyard!"     

"True, consciously he doesn't know where the key to enter his father's grave is, but that doesn't mean he doesn't know where it is" - replied Jaken with disdain - "After all, the answer may lie in the memories of the times when he was not yet aware of his surroundings, the years he doesn't remember"     

Kagome immediately understood what the goblin king was trying to say - "You mean it's possible that the Inuyasha of 1 or 2 years old, knows about the key?"     

"I'm sure of it" - Jaken replied as he walked over to where Inuyasha was and ignored the human girl's cries of indignation - "Did you find out what we're looking for?"     

"Not yet, Master Jaken, I have to move carefully, or I'll end up destroying this little one's soul in the process" - replied the Muonna as she "looked" in the direction of Sesshomaru's subordinate.     

"I don't care if you have to break the soul of this filthy stain on my master's family, I just want to have the results within 30 minutes, or we will do it my way" - Jaken said neutrally - "Is that clear?"     

The Muonna nodded weakly before going back to work, only much faster now, though she was still doing it carefully because she didn't want to hurt this boy's soul. She could feel Inuyasha's feelings calling to her even though she understood that she was not his real mother.     

"Poor boy, he wishes for a mother" - thought the Muonna with regret as she continued to search the soul of the boy, who was still sunk in her body. She could feel Inuyasha's hidden desire and how he wanted to be reunited with his mother.     

Time slowly moved on, and the time limit had come to an end.     

Jaken returned again to ask her about the results, only to be met with a negative answer - "It's a pity because my master is starting to lose patience, Muonna."     

"I'm sorry, but I cannot simply destroy this boy's soul" - Muonna replied as she shook her head - "My instinct as a mother prevents me from harming a boy who so desires the affection of his progenitor."     

"That's why I hate working with Yokai of human origin" - Jaken growled as he narrowed his eyes. He slowly brought the feminine head of his staff close over the Muonna's face, only for both her and Inuyasha to let out a piercing cry of pain - "You heard right, I'm going to give you only 15 minutes to complete this job, or I will have to fall to the painful necessity of destroying your soul, and in the process the soul of this filthy hybrid, so if your stupid maternal instinct again gets in the way of my master, both you, and your stupid 'son' will die... Is that clear?"     

"As clear as crystal, Jaken-sama" - replied the Muonna as she went back to work.     

"I hope for good news because I don't want to eliminate you so soon, Muonna" - Jaken said as he stepped back, so he could give the female Yokai space to work.     

Muonna sighed slowly before again increasing the speed of her scanning through Inuyasha's soul, who was in a state of semi-consciousness. It was as if he was observing everything from a far distance.     

Inuyasha wanted to wake up, but Muonna's warm motherly embrace, prevented him from waking up again.     

Muonna slowly peered into the deepest corner of Inuyasha's soul as she finally discovered a clue - "Pearl.... Left..."     

"Pearl? Left?" - Jaken repeated as he ran to his master.     

Sesshomaru slowly walked in Muonna's direction and told her to let go of her brother.     

Muonna nodded weakly before releasing Inuyasha from her embrace. She slowly fixed her clothes and watched as Inuyasha opened his eyes.     

"Ugh..." - Inuyasha let out a groan of pain and discomfort, only to let out a choked cry as he felt Sesshomaru grab him by the neck and lift him up without much difficulty.     

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