In Love With The Fake Bride

C40 The Food He Likes

C40 The Food He Likes

Over the night, Su Ci did not sleep well. Shen Xining, who was lying on the side of the bed, held her swaying head and lowered her head. When she heard Su Ci's heavy breathing, she immediately opened her eyes.    


Su Ci's face was very pale, and there was a layer of cold sweat on his forehead. He frowned and showed a rare painful expression.    


Shen Xining carefully reached out her hand to touch his forehead. It was so hot.    


She immediately ran into the bathroom, twisted the towel and put it on Su Ci's forehead. She wiped his body with a red face and changed into a dry sleeping robe for him.    


After a few rounds, Su Ci's body finally did not feel that hot anymore.    


It was already past three o'clock in the morning. She sat on the carpet beside the bed, exhausted, and fell asleep on the edge of the bed.    


Shen Xining closed her eyes, and Su Ci opened them. He turned his head and stared at the sleeping Shen Xining. In the gorgeous and cold room, there was suddenly a trace of warmth.    


He got up and carried Shen Xining onto the bed. Shen Xining comfortably pulled the blanket over, rubbed the soft pillow, and turned around to get close to his arms.    


Su Ci did not feel annoyed at all. He looked at her small and delicate nose and unconsciously touched her face.    


"Little stutter."    


"Mm??" Shen Xining answered vaguely.    


"Who am I?" Su Ci asked in a deep voice.    


"Third Master." The glutinous man said.    


Su Ci curled his lips and closed his eyes.    


Shen Xining slept until noon. When she opened her eyes, she discovered that she was tightly clinging to Su Ci. She was so frightened that her eyes widened.    


She tiptoed out of the bed and ran out of the room. She heard quarrels in the living room.    


She walked to the living room and saw Wen Jinyan arguing with a foreign man with a big belly and a beard.    


The foreign man was wearing a fitting suit with a hotel badge on his collar. He should be from the hotel.    


"Harris, San Ye won't like this food. You can take it back."    


Wen Jinyan's expression was serious, as if he wanted to block Harris's body.    


"Mr. Wen, this is the best food in our hotel. I believe San Ye will like it." Harris narrowed his eyes and smiled. He stepped into the room.    


Shen Xining immediately raised her hand to block the foreign man. "Sorry, Third Master is resting."    


"Young Madam, it is already noon. Why is Third Master still resting? Is he not feeling well?" Harris had a smile on his face and looked like a harmless gentleman. However, there was an aggressive tone in his words.    


Shen Xining did not understand. She looked up and saw Wen Jinyan giving her a look. She immediately smiled at Harris and said, "Accompany. Accompany me to reverse the time difference."    


Harris was obviously not satisfied with this answer. He politely pointed to the dining car and said, "Our hotel prepared food for the two of you. Why don't we invite Third Master and Young Madam to enjoy it together?"    


Shen Xining walked up and looked at the food on the dining car. They were all ingredients that could only be seen in magazines. They were rare and precious.    


However, these ingredients were all very nutritious food without exception. Some of them were able to revive blood and prevent the wound from healing.    


Shen Xining looked at Wen Jinyan with uncertainty. Wen Jinyan nodded slightly and gave her an affirmative answer.    


Only then did she confirm that the Harris in front of her was not just here to deliver food. She wanted to see if Su Ci was really injured.    


She thought carefully and then said to Harris, "Then, you, go and wake Third Master. I, I dare not. You must know Third Master's spleen better than me. His temper, he is angry..."    


She deliberately made a fearful and terrifying expression.    


Harris, who was in front of him, was originally happy to turn to the bedroom. However, when he saw that his wife Shen Xining was so afraid, as an outsider, what right and ability did he have to disturb Su Ci's rest?    


He secretly observed Shen Xining and did not look worried at all from top to bottom. Could it be that Su Ci was not injured?    


Before he was sure, he could not afford to offend Su Ci.    


Harris paused his steps and bowed slightly to Shen Xining, "Sorry, Young Madam. It is because I did not think it through. Please show my welcome to Third Master after he wakes up."    


"Okay." Shen Xining nodded.    


Harris left the dining car behind and left.    


Wen Jinyan could not help but smile when he saw this. The traditional education of the hairpin family made his temperament refined and refined. His handsome body under the crystal lamp was coated with a layer of gentle radiance.    


Shen Xining could not help but sigh. Wen Jinyan was really a gentle and good-looking man.    


"Miss Shen, you did very well." Wen Jinyan said lightly.    


Shen Xining realized that she had been staring at him for a while. She felt embarrassed and asked curiously, "Harris, why... why is he like this?"    


"Harris is the successor of this hotel. Because the hotel's management is not good, he has to take action. Su Ci is the buyer, but because Su Ci found a loophole in the hotel's management, the hotel's purchase price was lowered very low. Harris has always been making things difficult for him. It is very likely that he was the one who secretly ordered Su Ci to get injured this time. "    


Wen Jinyan explained in a serious manner.    


Shen Xining covered her mouth. Her sparkling eyes were filled with disbelief.    


This was the first time she felt the danger of being lonely at a high place. No wonder Han Shaozhe kept saying that Su Ci was a dangerous person.    


She had also provoked such a person. If Su Ci knew that she had been lying to him in the future, he wouldn't kill her, right?    


Thinking about it, Shen Xining couldn't help but touch her neck.    


Wen Jinyan looked at the rich expression on Shen Xining's face and couldn't help but lower his eyes and smile.    


She was really different from other women.    


Other women were eager to sit on Young Madam Su's seat, but she was like holding a hot potato and wanted to throw it away.    


"Miss Shen, you don't have to be afraid."    


Shen Xining immediately covered her face and her dark eyes flashed, "No, sorry."    


Just as she finished speaking, Chung Jin hurriedly knocked on the door and entered.    


"Dr. Wen, the boss of that restaurant went on a vacation."    


Wen Jinyan looked at his watch. "Su Ci hasn't woken up that quickly. Go and find if there are any similar dishes. He's picky and doesn't like French dishes."    


"Third Master is in a bad mood after he got injured. If he doesn't eat what he likes, 80% of the people will suffer." Chung Jin shook his head nervously.    


Shen Xining heard it and asked in a low voice, "What, what are you guys talking about?"    


Chung Jin explained, "Young Madam, the old master liked the food in this restaurant very much when he was alive. Every time San Ye went out on business, he would go and eat. I didn't expect that the boss would close the door and go on vacation. I'm worried that San Ye will be unhappy when he wakes up."    


"What's that restaurant selling?" Shen Xining asked seriously.    


Chung Jin thought for a while and said, "Every time Third Master goes, he will order the Three Fresh Little wontons that the old master ordered before he died. The old master had said this before. The first time he brought Third Master's mother abroad, he came here. Third Master's mother was a little unhappy and could not eat the food here. The only thing she likes is the Three Fresh Small wontons in that restaurant. "    


Shen Xining was stunned. She really didn't think that Su Ci's father was also a person of deep love. He used this kind of method to miss a woman.    


And to Su Ci, this bowl of wonton was also a nostalgic memory for his parents.    


"I, I will do it. I will make it." Shen Xining nodded at herself.    


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