In Love With The Fake Bride

C367 Cooperation Is That Right?

C367 Cooperation Is That Right?

Shen Muxue did not know how to describe her face. Her face was pale and blue, and her shoulders were trembling uncontrollably.    


No matter how rude and unreasonable she was, she understood that Chu Yaruo's words were like the lifeline of the Shen family. No one in the Shen family could move.    


"I, I don't know what you are talking about!" Shen Muxue's lips were trembling so much that her words sounded like they came out of her mouth one word at a time.    


Chu Yaruo, however, slowly walked in front of Shen Muxue, "Miss Shen, why do you need to play dumb? If you think that I said something wrong, why don't we go to the Third Master and talk about it now? I think as long as the Third Master brings you and Shen Xining to the Shen family, everything should be clear, right?"    


Finishing her words, Chu Yaruo seized the opportunity when she was not prepared to grab Shen Muxue's wrist, scaring Shen Muxue so much that she cried out in shock.    


"Let me go! Let go of me! It's not my fault! It has nothing to do with me! "    


Shen Muxue's mind was filled with the cold look Su Ci gave her just now. She knew very well that if this man wanted to kill her, it would be like pinching a little ant to death!    


She could only quickly get rid of the relationship. When she came back to her senses and realized that she had said the wrong thing, she did not even dare to look at Chu Yaruo.    


Chu Yaruo patted the back of her hand and comforted, "Miss Shen, you are also smart. If I really wanted to report you and Shen Xining, why would I help you just now?"    


Shen Muxue bit her trembling lips and looked at Chu Yaruo in shock, "Help me? You, what exactly do you want to do?"    


"What I want to do, just follow me and you will know."    


Finishing, Chu Yaruo looked at Shen Muxue and walked to the window at the side of the restaurant.    


Shen Muxue was somewhat flustered but her legs still unconsciously followed Chu Yaruo's footsteps to the window.    


"Let's see." Chu Yaruo pointed to the noodles in the restaurant.    


Shen Muxue followed Chu Yaruo's gaze and just so happened to be able to see Su Ci's position in the restaurant from this window.    


It was just that there was an additional Shen Xining in front of Su Ci. Shen Xining ate as she ate. As she tilted her head and said something, Su Ci quietly listened. There was no impatience on his face. He was a completely different person from his previous cold look.    


Shen Muxue stared at Su Ci in disbelief. She saw that after he finished eating, he elegantly wiped the corner of his mouth and drank a mouthful of water. His gaze never left Shen Xining's face.    


At this moment, Su Ci raised Shen Xining's face. Then he used his handkerchief to wipe the corner of her mouth. He said something to her, and Shen Xining's face turned red.    


This scene was perfect for anyone who saw it. Even the surrounding employees secretly smiled when they saw it, as if they had completely accepted Su Ci and Shen Xining's love.    


How could it be like this?    


Was this still Su Ci?    


Why could everyone accept Shen Xining, but not her? She clearly looked so similar to Shen Xining!    


"Did you see it clearly? Do you still think Shen Xining is a simple person?" Chu Yaruo's tone was filled with hatred.    


Shen Muxue immediately looked away and said with jealousy, "Anyway, her good days are about to come to an end! Why should I be afraid of her?"    


"It seems that you really came here to exchange with Shen Xining, but you can't even stay for this day. How are you going to fight Shen Xining? " Chu Yaruo said, "Other than that, you should not know that Shen Xining was friends with An Xin and Yuh Wanwan when you were not around. Are you familiar with these two people? "    


Shen Muxue looked at Chu Yaruo blankly. Clearly, she did not understand the two of them.    


Chu Yaruo sneered and analysed on Shen Muxue's behalf, "I heard that you made a big fool of yourself at Mrs. Chi's dance. Think about it carefully, the person who intervened in this matter at that time."    


Hearing that, Shen Muxue lowered her eyes and thought back. The faces of those people at the dance were rolling in her head one by one. Suddenly, a bright and charming face froze in her mind.    


Because she was unwilling to recall the events of the ball, she almost forgot that there was also Yuh Wanwan among the people who added fuel to the fire at that time.    


"Yuh Wanwan!" Shen Muxue gritted her teeth and called out her name.    


"Have you thought it through? What happened to you at the ball was most likely because Yuh Wanwan and Shen Xining worked together from the inside and made you lose face. She even taught the people of Qiao family a lesson. Do you think she is still the same timid Shen Xining from before? "    


" Besides, An Xin's elder sister is Young Master Chi's girlfriend. Shen Xining and the comfortable elder sister are good friends. Other than the Third Master, they are also good friends. Do you think she will be afraid of you? To tell you the truth, even the people in this building have to give An Xin some face."    


Chu Yaruo's tone became more serious with each sentence. She knew very well what Shen Muxue was afraid of, so she increased that Shen Muxue's fear.    


Sure enough, Shen Muxue's face was filled with jealousy and worry.    


"It was all Shen Xining's fault! It was she who stole everything from me!"    


"Yes, it was her fault!" Chu Yaruo echoed.    


Shen Muxue was stunned and stared at Chu Yaruo, as if she still had doubts about Chu Yaruo.    


"Why are you saying this to me? What does this have to do with you?"    


"Because I hate Shen Xining! Even if I can't get it, I don't want her to get it! It doesn't matter if you want me to use you, but our goal is the same. Isn't it just to make Shen Xining disappear?" Chu Yaruo said solemnly to Shen Muxue.    


Shen Muxue took a step back, "Why should I believe you?"    


"Miss Shen, if I had not made up my mind to help you, I would not have stopped you from leaving just now. This way, Shen Xining's plan would be completely successful. It would be impossible for you to return to the Su's Jewelry! Then how are you going to exchange with her? " Chu Yaruo explained.    


" Then why didn't you choose to report us? This way, not to mention Shen Xining, even the Shen family would disappear. Don't play tricks on me. What is the purpose of you getting close to me? " Shen Muxue questioned.    


Chu Yaruo teased as she combed her hair and said, "Miss Shen, did you forget one thing? Miss Su is still unconscious now. I will report the two of you now. Doesn't that mean to tell Third Master that Shen Xining was not the one who hurt Miss Su? With his current love for Shen Xining, he would most likely be more happy to accept her? When the time comes, you will be finished."    


" No, no! You are not allowed to say it! " After Shen Muxue thought it through, she grabbed Chu Yaruo.    


"Don't worry, I am not stupid. I will definitely not help Shen Xining! So you believe me? If you believe me, I will help you. If not, then it is up to you. I want to see how long you are still in Su's. "    


Chu Yaruo laughed lightly and shook off Shen Muxue's hand as she prepared to leave.    


Shen Muxue turned her head and looked at the window. Shen Xining smiled so happily that it hurt Shen Muxue's eyes. Even if she was unwilling to admit it, her heart was filled with jealousy.    


She was the woman that should be envied!    


It was definitely not Shen Xining!    


"Stop! Let's work together!"    


"Miss Shen, I won't let you regret this choice." Chu Yaruo smiled at Shen Muxue.    


"Tell me, what should I do?"    


"First, you must restrain your temper. You must remember those who oppose you. In the future, Young Madam will be expelled one by one. Why do you have to fight to the death with others now? Instead, it will increase Shen Xining's popularity."    


"As for the second one... It is Yuh Wanwan and An Xin."    


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