In Love With The Fake Bride

C406 You Worked Together to Set up a Peaceful Plan

C406 You Worked Together to Set up a Peaceful Plan

When Shen Xining felt uneasy, Shen Muxue had already entered the ward after Huo Manyu left Ann Ying's ward.    


Ann Ying's face was still covered in tears. When she heard someone enter, she was also lazily lying down and did not feel anything.    


"Miss Ann." Shen Muxue softly called out.    


Ann Ying's expression changed and she sat up straight in fear as she stared at Shen Muxue.    


"What are you doing here? Look at what your plan has done to me."    


Shen Muxue did not get angry when she heard that. She even looked like she was trying to persuade him. "Miss Ann, is it really my fault that you are like this? My people had already said that he was clearly making gestures. He was prepared to create a false impression of comfort, but who knew that comfort would trip him. It made him unable to control his strength at all. "    


Ann Ying pinched the blanket, "How can I be sure?"    


" If it were my problem, would I still dare to come here? Didn't I come here to help you? "Shen Muxue sighed.    


Ann Ying looked at Shen Muxue doubtfully and her eyes were filled with caution.    


Shen Muxue walked to the bedside and said in a low voice," Miss Ann, it doesn't matter if you believe it or not. In my opinion, comfort is deliberately crippling your hands. This way, your only specialty will be gone. It will be extremely difficult for you to enter the Chi family. "    


"An Xin!" Ann Ying gritted her teeth and called out the name of An Xin.    


Shen Muxue secretly smiled and pretended to comfort her, "Miss Ann, I did not want to see peace succeed so I came to find you. I wanted to help you."    


Ann Ying stared at Shen Muxue and her heart was unsettled.    


She knew that her hand was already crippled and there was only one path in front of her. It was to sit in the position of the Chi family's Young Madam that she could protect her value.    


Otherwise, no matter if it was Huo Manyu or the An family, they would think that she was a useless person and would never care about her anymore.    


She did not want to be forgotten, nor did she want to lose everything that was originally there.    


Ann Ying held her broken hand and looked at Shen Muxue seriously, "What should I do now?"    


"Miss Ann, just believe me." Shen Muxue patted the back of Ann Ying's hand, "Actually you have Mrs. Chi's protection now and are only a step away from the door. If you can make good use of your injured hand, I think that you will definitely surrender in peace."    


"She even injured my hand like this, how could she listen to me? She wants me to become a worthless cripple right now. " Ann Ying said angrily.    


" Miss Ann, after all, you are the elder sister of a peaceful family. You even owe her a favor. If she wanted to get rid of you, she could have killed you during the chaos. How could she only cripple one of your hands? Wouldn't it be better to get rid of the root of the problem? This meant that she was still thinking about your relationship. As long as she made use of this point... If she dies in one move, there's absolutely no way for her to turn the situation around."    


Shen Muxue's voice was very soft, as if she was afraid that anyone would hear her, but every word of hers was deeply imprinted in Ann Ying's heart.    


Ann Ying's originally pure and clean eyes, which had been influenced by music for a long time, were now covered with a layer of gray hatred, and was no longer as clear as before.    


Ann Ying said hatefully, "Miss Shen, tell me what it means to die in one move."    


"An Xin is a very clever person. Now you are injured. An Xin will definitely lower his guard. We just need to start from the weakness and fear of an easy life. As for the weakness and fear of an easy life, I think no one knows better than you, my dear sister. " Shen Muxue carefully guided Ann Ying step by step.    


Ann Ying swept a glance at Shen Muxue and then stared at the white wall in front of her.    


"I am the one who is most sorry for being comfortable, so my weakness is also me. The people she is most afraid of are her mother and... father. Father, father."    


Ann Ying repeatedly shouted the word 'father' and an idea appeared in her mind.    


"I know what to do now."    


"Miss Ann is a smart person. Since she has already thought of a way, I will remind her again. I heard that there is a ribbon cutting ceremony on a boat at the harbor of Chi family this weekend. It was hosted by Young Master Chi. Whoever stands beside Young Master Chi will be a real girlfriend. Don't worry about Mrs. Chi. I have already arranged everything for you. As long as you drive away your comfort, the position beside Young Master Chi will be yours. Remember, at that time, all the influential people in Jingshi will be present. Whether you can succeed or not will depend on your ability."    


After Shen Muxue finished speaking, she waved her hand at Ann Ying.    


"Miss Ann, I will be leaving first. Take good care of your body."    


Shen Muxue knew that her words had deeply moved Ann Ying and there was no need for her to say more about the following matters.    


She got up and left quietly. She just happened to see what Su Ci and Shen Xining were talking about. Su Ci's face rippled with a smile that no one had seen before. Even his pair of icy eyes melted.    


Shen Muxue's face immediately changed into the same jealousy and hate as Ann Ying's. They were clearly much better than Shen Xining and the rest, who knows how many times better they were. Why did these men seem to be blind?    


She would not admit defeat. Very soon, Su Ci's unique tenderness was all hers.    


Shen Muxue lightly snorted and entered the elevator to leave.    




Huo Manyu carried some food into the ward and found that Ann Ying seemed to have changed into another person. She did not cry and just sat there with an ugly expression.    


Huo Manyu was uncertain as she went forward and said, "Ying, are you alright?"    


"Mom, did you tell dad about my injuries?" Ann Ying asked.    


When Huo Manyu heard this, she was as if she was facing a great enemy, "Of course not! If this kind of thing was told to your dad, your dad would definitely think that you were useless to him. How can I rely on you? You promise your mom that you will never tell your dad, okay? Especially not to let that old woman in the An family know that she has been trying to catch my tail for the past two years. If I hadn't been on guard, I wouldn't have known how many times I would have died."    


"Mom, go and tell Dad that I can't play anymore." Ann Ying said calmly.    


"Are you crazy? ___ asked. Do you know what the consequences are? Are you out of your mind? If you want to die, don't drag me along with you. " Huo Manyu said selfishly.    


Ann Ying stared at Huo Manyu and her heart became even more desolate. She had always thought that she was the child that her parents doted on the most and was even more favoured than the daughter that Mrs. Ann gave birth to. She did not expect that she was only a perfect piece that her parents had nurtured.    


Even if she was as good as new now, her outcome would only be to exchange for a marriage that her parents thought was perfect.    


Since that was the case, even if she had to die, she had to choose a man she liked! She didn't care if Chi Lih really loved her or not!    


Ann Ying took a deep breath and cleared her throat, "Mom, do you still want me to be the Chi family's Young Madam? After you tell dad, I think dad will take advantage of the time when my injuries are uncertain. Find a family that is beneficial to him and marry him."    


"You still want to tell him when you know? Are you... Wait. " Huo Manyu narrowed her eyes and stared at Ann Ying as she guessed, "Ying, could it be that you want to use this matter to force a peaceful decision?"    


" Yes, I think that she did not get rid of me in one breath. It should be because she still cares about the relationship between us sisters. Since that is the case, I can only take advantage of the time when she still have feelings and loyalty to use up the last of her kindness. " Ann Ying said directly.    


Huo Manyu finally understood but she did not expect Ann Ying to be so smart when she was enlightened.    


Ann Ying had already started to scheme and settle down, so what else could she do about it?    


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