In Love With The Fake Bride

C541 The Plan Was a Car Accident

C541 The Plan Was a Car Accident

Su Ci saw that Min Su's emotions were unstable, so he stood aside and waited for a while until Min Su looked at him with teary eyes.    


Min Su choked and said, "Third Master, are... are you waiting for me?"    


"You are the guests that I invited. If there is a problem, I will naturally need to be present. Do you still feel uncomfortable now?" Su Ci asked coldly and politely.    


Min Su stared at Su Ci and wanted to say something but stopped herself. She wanted to get closer but was also a little afraid. As soon as she took the first step, her legs went weak and she fell towards Ye Huiqian who was beside her.    


Ye Huiqian's face turned pale and she hugged Min Su tightly in fear, "Su, what happened to you? Quickly tell mother!"    


"Mom, my legs are so painful and numb." Min Su said with difficulty.    


Ye Huiqian shouted towards the corridor, "Doctor! Doctor! Quickly come and save my daughter!"    


Ye Huiqian was a jewelry designer and businessman who kept her word, but in front of her daughter, she was still the most gentle mother.    


Su Ci saw that Ye Huiqian's emotions were unstable, so he went forward to carry Min Su and comforted her in a deep voice, "Director Ye, it's fine."    


Ye Huiqian supported her forehead and said gratefully, "Thank you, thank you so much."    


Su Ci nodded and carried Min Su to another emergency room. Chung Jin went to call the doctor.    


Min Su reached out her bracelet and wrapped it around Su Ci's neck. His breath was filled with his breath. The strong sense of security instantly calmed her panic after the car accident.    


The next second, she blushed and lowered her head, embarrassed. She secretly moved her head closer to Su Ci. As she moved, her face could even touch the collar of his suit, as if she and his face were pressed together.    


After that, Su Ci put Min Su on the bed and the doctor came over to check on her.    


"Her bones were not hurt. She must have scratched her skin. She was too nervous just now, so she did not feel pain. She stood there for so long, so she was a little numb. That was why she was so scared."    


Because Su Ci was there, the doctor explained very seriously. It made Min Su's fear disappear.    


Min Su felt a little ashamed and said, "Mom, Third Master, I'm sorry for making you worry."    


Ye Huiqian let out a sigh of relief and immediately hugged Min Su, "Su, don't scare mother in the future."    


"Third Master, I..." Min Su smiled and said. She looked over and found that Su Ci took off his coat and put it in Chung Jin's hands. In Min Su's eyes, it seemed that he hated her touching clothes, "You, why are you like this?"    


"What?" Su Ci did not care.    


"Do you hate my touch so much? Then why did you help me just now?" Min Su said angrily.    


Ye Huiqian immediately understood Min Su's intentions and interrupted, "Su, you must not be rude. It is all thanks to Third Master."    


"I know, but... this really hurts people." Min Su stared at Su Ci with an injured expression.    


Su Ci's expression was too calm. His eyes were calm and composed. He gave a faint reason.    


"My wife is pregnant. Her sense of smell is sensitive. The perfume will make her nauseous."    


However, she did not.    


Shen Xining's physical fitness was the complete opposite of her thin and thin appearance. This should be because she lived in the countryside and exercised all over the mountains and plains, so not only was she not pregnant until now, the rest was the same as usual.    


But Su Ci said so to remind Min Su that he was already married and was about to have a child.    


Hearing this, Min Su felt that she did not have any face left, and there was even a trace of jealousy in her heart.    


Ye Huiqian's expression became even uglier. She pressed Min Su onto the bed and signaled with her eyes. Then she smiled at Su Ci and said, "Third Master loves his wife very much."    


"Yes." Su Ci's reply was very straightforward.    


Ye Huiqian was stunned for a moment. She had never thought that the reserved Su Ci would speak so directly.    


Min Su turned around and threw herself on the pillow. She was very sad, but she had to restrain herself.    


Ye Huiqian immediately changed the topic, "I don't know how Young Madam and An Xin are doing now."    


"Chung Jin has already told me the actual situation. Their works have been recognized once again. Speaking of which, I also have to thank Director Ye for helping me create a trending search for free and making my company rise to a higher level."    


Although Su Ci said words of gratitude, his words were also the most polite words to mock Ye Huiqian and Min Su's doubts about Shen Xining.    


Ye Huiqian finally understood that the unreasonable and even heartless Third Master was actually a good husband who doted on his wife.    


Ye Huiqian was not angry but her smile became even wider, "Third Master, let's have a pleasant cooperation."    


"Okay." Su Ci nodded faintly.    


Ye Huiqian knew that Su Ci had the upper hand in this fight, but the strange thing was that she admired Su Ci more and more. No wonder Min Su kept thinking about this.    


When the atmosphere became awkward, the doctor walked in.    


"Third Master, Director Ye, Miss Chu is awake."    


"How is her condition?" Su Ci asked.    


"Not very well. She has been seriously injured, but we have tried our best to save her hand." The doctor shook his head.    


Ye Huiqian immediately asked, "Doctor, what do you mean by this?"    


"It's just that this hand of hers might become disabled in the future. Everything will still depend on her recovery. However, I think it's better for you to be mentally prepared." The doctor said frankly.    


"How could this be?" Ye Huiqian was stunned.    


When Min Su heard that Chu Yaruo would be crippled, her entire face lost all color. She got up and hugged Ye Huiqian tightly, "Mom, it's all my fault! She became like this to save me! Wuwuwu... If it wasn't for her, the person who might have become crippled would be me!"    


"Alright, alright, don't be sad. Everything will be fine. Mom will help you make it up to Chu Yaruo as much as possible." Ye Huiqian consoled.    


Su Ci frowned slightly when he heard the compensation.    


Chung Jin took a step forward from behind him, "Third Master Ye, I have asked the doctor in private. The doctor said that Chu Yaruo's hand injury was already very serious. Adding the impact and compression this time, it caused irreversible damage."    


"It seems like it was not Chu Yaruo's plan to go to the square today. It was a car accident." Su Ci understood.    


"Third Master, do you need to remind Director Ye?"    


"It's too late. The witness this time is Min Su. Do you think Director Ye will listen to you or her own daughter?"    


"Are we just going to let it go like this? In the future, there will be a lot of cooperation between the company's monks, jewelry, and Min Corporation. Chu Yaruo staying by Director Ye's side is like a time bomb." Chung Jin said worriedly.    


"But there is one thing that Chu Yaruo cannot do."    


"Jewelry design."    


" Her career is over. " Su Ci said quietly.    


Chung Jin took a closer look at what Su Ci said and immediately understood what he meant.    


"Chu Yaruo is really a vicious woman. Not only is she cruel to others, but she is also ruthless to herself. She used her hands and career to exchange for Director Ye's kindness. What a great kindness."    


"She is good at using people's hearts. This is what she is good at. Now no matter what we say to Director Ye and Min Su, it is useless." Su Ci's voice was heavy.    


Chung Jin held his breath, "Third Master, what should we do next?"    


"She doesn't deserve me to think so much." Su Ci's voice was emotionless.    


After the two of them talked in low voices for ten thousand years, Ye Huiqian walked in front of Su Ci.    


"Third Master, Su and I plan to go and see Chu Yaruo. Do you want to go with us?"    


"No need, I am not familiar with her."    


... "" Ye Huiqian and Min Su were stunned.    


Wasn't Chu Yaruo and Su Ci having a scandal previously? Why didn't they get to know each other?    


Was Shen Xining's charm that great? To let a man reach such a stage?    


At this moment, the people outside the door were gnashing their teeth so hard that they made squeaking noises.    


Not familiar? Su Ci! You will regret it!    


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