A Mistaken Marriage with Mr. CEO

C95 He Yining's Attitude

C95 He Yining's Attitude

Shen Qi could no longer understand Hee Yining's attitude.    


Why did he treat her so well?    


Because the birthmark on her body coincided with the person he was looking for?    


Because he only needed a woman to help him resist the pursuit of women from outside?    


Or was it because she had always known herself, so he didn't need to worry about breaking up?    


Only when he hugged Shen Qi did Hee Yining feel at ease in his heart.    


He had never felt this way before.    


Hee Yining gently closed his eyes.    


Although he did not want to admit it, he knew it.    


From now on, he was no longer an invincible man.    


Because he had a weakness.    


Shen Qi bit her lips and said, "You already know?"    


"You think you can hide it from me?" Hee Yining released Shen Qi slightly and flicked her head. Shen Qi immediately grimaced in pain.    


"It hurts!" Shen Qi raised her head and glared at Hee Yining.    


"Since you know pain, why don't you fight back? Second Young Madame Hee, are you someone that those people can mock?" Hee Yining said with a straight face, "If the Shen family dares to offend me, they will have to bear the consequences. "You are not allowed to plead for the Shen family!"    


Shen Qi opened her mouth.    


She was not going to plead for the Shen family!    


No matter what the Shen family did, it had nothing to do with her!    


Hee Yining saw Shen Qi standing there obediently. His eyes softened again. He reached out and grabbed her head. "Are you hungry? Let's go eat."    


Just as Hee Yining was about to leave, Shen Qi suddenly reached out and grabbed his wrist.    


Shen Qi's fingers were pressed tightly onto Hee Yining's wrist. Shen Qi could almost feel Hee Yining's strong pulse.    


Hee Yining looked back at Shen Qi. There was a slight surprise on his handsome and charming face.    


He just looked at Shen Qi and waited for Shen Qi to take the initiative to speak first.    


"Why are you so good to me?" Shen Qi could not hold it in and finally asked this question.    


Just when Shen Qi thought Hee Yining would laugh and avoid this question, Hee Yining raised his other hand and helped Shen Qi brush the messy hair on her cheeks. He gently touched Shen Qi's nose and dotingly replied, "Because you are my wife..."    


Shen Qi looked up at him.    


Just because she was his wife?    


Was it because he wanted to protect his own dignity and not because he liked her?    


"Although this marriage is a coincidence, the person you married and the person I married are not the one we imagined. But what does that have to do with it? " At least we're getting along well now, aren't we? " Hee Yining looked seriously into Shen Qi's eyes. He wanted to see through Shen Qi and understand her heart.    


At this moment, he did not mind letting Shen Qi understand his heart.    


The premise was that Shen Qi was willing to believe his heart.    


"You can doubt me or test me. But don't hurt yourself." Hee Yining understood Shen Qi's insecurity. He reached out and pinched Shen Qi's cheek. "Alright, we still have a lot of time to get to know each other. Now, let's eat."    


After Hee Yining said this, he turned around and pulled Shen Qi towards the restaurant.    


Shen Qi walked behind him and looked up at Hee Yining's handsome back.    


For some reason, Shen Qi suddenly wanted to cry.    


In her entire life, this was the first time a man had said this to her. You can doubt me and test me, but don't hurt yourself.    


This was something that even Zhan Bo had never said to her before...    


Even if this man did not like her at all and did not love her at all.    


However, he was still willing to give her peace.    


Shouldn't she be content?    


When they arrived at the restaurant, butler had already brought the chefs to serve the dishes one by one.    


Shen Qi only came back to her senses at this moment. "You came back so quickly. Is the matter settled?"    


"Money can't be earned all at once." Hee Yining picked up a prawn and handed it to Shen Qi. " "Besides, you are not proactive in doing things. It's not my fault. "Since they are not prepared, if they still want to sign a contract with me, they should come to H city."    


Shen Qi put the prawn into her mouth and Hee Yining smiled in satisfaction.    


Sure enough, dinner was the most comfortable at home.    


It was only when he ate with her that he felt the most at ease.    


"What did you do today?" Hee Yining asked casually. "Why didn't you come back for a day? " Why didn't you bring your phone? "    


Shen Qi lowered her eyes and replied, "Those people know my phone number. They keep calling and scolding me. I panicked and turned off my phone to go out to relax. However, I did a good thing when I went out today. first young master of the Feng family broke down his car on the way. He had an acute intestinal obstruction. "I sent him to the Kangyu Private Hospital."    


Hee Yining raised his eyebrows, and his phoenix eyes became heavier. "What did you say?" he asked. Fong Manlun went to the hospital?"    


Shen Qi nodded. Yes, you seem very surprised. "    


"Of course I am!" Hee Yining looked at him wickedly. "Do you know what day it is? Fong Manlun went to the hospital. In that case, Wen Yibo and the others are going to make a huge profit."    


Shen Qi looked at Hee Yining in confusion." Huh? "    


"Do you still remember when I took you to see Wen Yibo, Fann Sheng and Fan Li's family, they mentioned that they wanted to buy Northwest Mining?" Hee Yining smiled happily. "Didn't they say that they didn't have enough money, so they couldn't afford it for the time being?"    


Shen Qi nodded. "Yes, I remember!"    


"Today is the day of the auction. After Fong Manlun's surgery, he should be very upset, right? If he wasn't there and couldn't control the situation remotely, the three of them could have gotten it without any suspense." Hee Yining smiled. "Juli Electric Company has suffered a great loss this time."    


Shen Qi opened her mouth. "Then you really invested?"    


"Yes, I invested 2 billion pounds." Hee Yining nodded. "I took 40% of the shares. The other three shares."    


Shen Qi heaved a sigh of relief. "It is good news."    


At this moment, Little Chun handed over a phone. "President, it's Fann Sheng, young master's phone."    


Hee Yining immediately picked up the phone. "Huh? What is it?"    


She did not know what Fann Sheng had said. Hee Yining laughed and said, "I already know. You guys probably don't know yet, do you? Qi unintentionally helped you guys. Qi sent Fong Manlun to the hospital. There was no way for him to control the surgery remotely. "    


After hanging up the phone, Hee Yining smiled at Shen Qi and said," The three of them said that they must celebrate well. They called for you to go together. Let's go to their place to eat."    


Shen Qi said in surprise, "I want to go too? But our dinner is here! "    


"It is said that the Yibo is going to open the bottle of Edjek champagne he treasured. The last time I offered a million dollars, he was unwilling to sell it to me! This time he said that he was going to open the bottle of wine. " Let's celebrate. " Hee Yining smiled happily. "They heard that you were the one who sent Fong Manlun to the hospital. They all called you a lucky star, so they wanted me to take you there."    


Shen Qi could not help but laugh. "When I saved Fong Manlun, I did not expect to earn a glass of champagne."    


Hee Yining immediately brought Shen Qi to the door of Fann Sheng and Fan Li's house.    


This was the second time Shen Qi came.    


However, this time, master showed his greatest enthusiasm and welcome.    


As soon as Shen Qi got out of the car, she saw Wen Yibo, Fann Sheng, and Fan Li standing at the door. They looked at her with smiles on their faces.    


Wen Yibo opened his arms and smiled exaggeratedly. "My Little God of Fortune, come, let me hug you!"    


Without waiting for Shen Qi to speak, Hee Yining lifted his leg and kicked Wen Yibo.    


Wen Yibo was smart and laughed. "Hey, hey, hey, Hee Yining! You value sex more than friends!"    


Fann Sheng and Fan Li stood there with smiles on their faces. They said at the same time to Shen Qi, "Qi, welcome."    


"Thank you." Shen Qi smiled at the twins. "I heard that there is good champagne here, so I came."    


Wen Yibo cried out. "Hey, hey, hey, hey. That wine is mine. Why are you thanking them?"    


Hee Yining's phoenix eyes swept across. "It is your honor that Qi can drink a cup of wine from you."    


Wen Yibo yelled in an exaggerated manner, "Fann Sheng, Fan Li, listen to his tone!"    


Fann Sheng nodded at the same time and looked at Shen Qi with a smile, "Qi, please come in!"    


At this moment, this small group finally officially recognized Shen Qi.    


Although Shen Qi was really not in the mood today, she had indeed helped them a lot.    


Swallowing the Northwest Mining was a very important matter to Hee Yining, Wen Yibo, and Fann Sheng.    


Shen Qi had helped them so much by chance, so they naturally accepted Shen Qi into their small group.    


At this time in the Kangyu Private Hospital, Fong Manlun smashed all the documents in his hands onto the ground.    


He had been planning for so long, and it looked like he was about to succeed.    


Who would have thought that he would suddenly have a intestinal obstruction today?    


Who could he blame?    


Resentment Shen Qi? Blame himself?    


He could only blame his bad luck!    


What a big duck, it slipped away from his mouth!    


Fong Kexin walked in from outside. When she saw the documents on the floor, she said casually, "Brother, forget it. Isn't it just a Northwest Mining? Our Feng family's foundation is very stable now. It's fine to lose one Northwest Mining. On the other hand, I have a piece of news on my side. "I'm in a hurry to tell you."    


"What is it?" Fong Manlun quickly regained his composure.    


He controlled his emotions very quickly.    


His anger and calmness only lasted for an instant.    


"Hee Yining has dealt a blow to the Shen family. The Shen family has lost a lot of money in this project. Our Feng family has also been implicated. We have lost less than a hundred million." Fong Kexin immediately sat beside Fong Manlun and held his hand. "Brother," she said. Didn't you say Hee Yining didn't care about Shen Qi? Why did he get involved for Shen Qi?"    


"Even if Shen Qi isn't someone Hee Yining likes, Hee Yining will still help her. You used Shen family. It was a bad idea. "Because you are slapping the Hee family's face, it would be strange if Hee Yining didn't attack." Fong Manlun thought of Shen Qi's frank and straightforward face. His eyes flashed and he said, "You used the wrong method. If you want to target Shen Qi, Hee Yining only need to get rid of the chaos anyway. It's not difficult at all. "    


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