My Husband, Warm The Bed

C192 A New Designer

C192 A New Designer

When he arrived at the small house of the Mianmian, the first thing he saw was the Mianmian. Qin Yue almost couldn't recognize it.    


It had only been a short period of time since he last saw it. The Mianmian, which was originally fat like a ball, suddenly became much thinner. It was so thin that it was flat.    


It lay in its small house, weak and powerless. It looked as if it could swallow its last breath at any time.    


"Mianmian..." Qin Yue squatted beside it. He called it softly, and at the same time, he reached out to stroke its head.    


"Wuwuwu..." Hearing Qin Yue's voice, the Mianmian tried its best to open its eyes. It rolled its eyes, and there seemed to be tears in its eyes.    


"Mianmian, don't be afraid. Dad called the doctor. The doctor will be here soon." Qin Yue picked it up and carefully held it in his arms.    


"Wuuuuu..." The Mianmian made two more wuuuuu sounds. Its small head shook slightly, as if it was saying that it did not want to see the doctor. It wanted to leave with its mother. Since its mother was no longer around, it had no intention of staying behind. It wanted to go to another world to find its mother.    


Qin Yue still wanted to say something, but the Mianmian whimpered again. It closed its eyes, lowered its head, and swallowed the last breath in Qin Yue's palm.    


"Mianmian..." Qin Yue held the Mianmian in his arms, one hand tightly clenched into a fist, trying his best to suppress his heartache.    


Its mother was gone. Was it going to follow him in this way?    


Why didn't it want to stay by his side?    




Winter passed and spring came. It seemed like three winters had passed in the blink of an eye.    


The three-year world-class Miwa fashion show was being held in Milan like a raging fire. Other than the bright and beautiful models on the stage, the designer behind the scenes was also a top figure in the industry.    


The works designed by the rookies that could be promoted would definitely light up everyone's eyes. They would be very outstanding. Only then would there be a chance for the models to put on their works and walk onto the stage.    


The T show was about to begin. The designers and models backstage were still busy, hoping that the models could wear their own underwear to make it unique.    


In the corner, a group of designers and models was particularly eye-catching. Because the other combinations were all European and American faces, only their group had Asian faces.    


In this golden-haired and tall circle, the two of them were not inferior to the others.    


The model was called Su Hui, and she was one of the few top models from China who stepped onto this stage. She was 1.83 meters tall and had a perfect body shape, looking like an angel.    


Su Hui's designer was the only new designer in this fashion show, Astria.    


Astra was less than 1.7 meters tall and had a slender figure. Her exquisite face seemed to be carved out of fine carving, especially the indifferent temperament on her body. It would always silently attract other people's attention to her.    


She was busy helping Su Hui do the final check. She was serious and focused, totally not noticing that there was a gaze on her by the side.    


Her thick black hair was casually tied up in a bun. Two strands of fine hair fell down from her forehead. Perhaps it was because it was her first time participating in such a fashion show, she was a little nervous. She was so nervous that her forehead was covered in a thin layer of sweat.    


The secret of her work was confirmed by the people in the industry, so she was recommended to participate in the three year long Miwa fashion underwear show.    


This was an opportunity that many people would never get even if they worked hard for their entire lives. However, at such a young age, she had won this opportunity.    


"Astria?" The man lightly recited her name, and a profound smile hung on his lips. His gaze had always been fixed on her.    


Astria's attention was all on her model. When she saw that she was wearing her own work as she walked onto the T platform and received the enthusiastic applause of many professionals below the stage, she heaved a huge sigh of relief.    


After three years of hard work, her work finally walked onto the stage of Miwa fashion. In other words, her work was heading towards the world.    


When Su Hui stepped down from the stage, she walked over and gave a big hug to Astrea. "Astrea, thank you for designing such a good work, once again bringing glory to our people."    


Astra smiled and said, "I'm not as great as you think I am. I just want my work to be seen by more people, to be liked by more people, and to earn more money."    


"Astria?" A male voice that was not very standard sounded from behind them.    


Astra and Su Hui turned around at the same time and saw a man with black hair and brown eyes. He had a smile on his lips as he looked at them with a smile that was not a smile.    


He was wearing a suit, but he did not button it up. The shirt in the suit was messy and messy. His hair was messy on top of his head. It looked like he had just climbed out of bed.    


Perhaps it was because of his unique personality that people in the industry would remember who he was the moment they saw him.    


Ivan was a genius master in fashion design. He had won many international awards many years ago when he was in his twenties. No one could compete with him at the moment. However, he was extremely arrogant. Not everyone could attract his attention.    


"Ivan, you are looking for me?" Being called out by a genius master in fashion design suddenly, Astria was a little flattered.    


"Astrea?" He sized her up and down. He did not hide his gaze, but it was not annoying. "You are Asteria?"    


Astria nodded. "Is there a problem?"    


Ivan looked straight into her eyes and sized her up for a long time. He asked again, "What is your name in Mandarin?"    


Astria said, "Although I'm from China, I grew up in Europe and don't have a Mandarin name."    


Perhaps out of respect for this genius designer, Astria would answer whatever Ivan asked.    


"So you grew up in Europe." Ivan looked into her eyes, smiled, and said, "How about we have a meal together after the event?"    


Astria smiled apologetically. "After the event, our company has a gathering, so I'm sorry, I can't eat with you."    


"It doesn't matter, I can come with you" Even though he was rejected, Ivan didn't feel embarrassed. It should be because of his personality. He only saw himself being happy, and nothing else was within his consideration.    


Astria still wanted to say something, but Ivan interrupted her and said, "My appetite is not big, and I can't eat much, so don't reject me anymore."    


Astria:... ""    


Ivan waved his hand and said, "I'm going to get busy. See you later."    


After saying that, he turned around and left.    


Astria looked at his back and shook her head helplessly. This was the first time she had met such an unreasonable person. There was no way she could reject him.    


Su Hui said, "Astria, you know Ivan?"    


Astria said, "He's so famous in the industry. It would be strange if he didn't know him."    


Su Hui thought for a moment and said, "That person rarely talks to people on his own accord in the past. When others talk to him, he also ignores them. I think he's interested in you."    


Astria said, "If you talk to me, you'll be interested in me. Then Miss Su, Are you interested in me as well? "    


Su Hui shrugged with a helpless expression: "Alright, you win."    


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