My Husband, Warm The Bed

C172 Kidnapping

C172 Kidnapping

It was hot today. Jian Ran was wearing a thin white dress, and the dagger was pressed against her waist. If they used a little bit of force, the dagger would stab into her abdomen. Then her child -    


Thinking of this, Jian Ran's heart panicked and panicked. She nervously swallowed a mouthful of saliva and her body was so stiff that she did not dare to move.    


She did not know why these people wanted to hold her hostage.    


For the sake of money?    


If that was the case, she could give them all her savings over the years, as long as it could be exchanged for the safety of her and her children.    


For revenge?    


If it was for revenge, then who could it be?    


Jian Ran was so nervous that her mind was in a mess. She could not think of anyone who would cause trouble for the two of them.    


She looked up and saw a couple passing by them, but no one noticed anything unusual.    


There were two security guards not far away, but she didn't dare to call for help. Once she called for help to annoy them, no one knew what they would do.    


In a short period of time, Jian Ran thought a lot and her hands were trembling slightly.    


But she did her best to calm herself down and did her best to not be so afraid. Before she was taken away by these two people, she must think of a way to leave some clues before Qin Xiaobao would know that something had happened to her.    


After working hard for a long time, Jian Ran's emotions finally stabilized a little. She really wanted to pretend as if nothing had happened and speak, but the sound she made was still trembling.    


She said, "You, what exactly do you want to do? If you want money, I can..."    


"Don't f * cking talk nonsense. Just say one more word and cut off your tongue. Just come with us honestly." The man holding the dagger's hand pressed down slightly and Jian Ran felt pain.    


She hurriedly shut her mouth and did not dare to say another word. It was even more impossible to leave behind any clues for Qin Xiaobao to know and could only let the two men take her away.    




Qin Xiaobao bought two bottles of water and when she bounced back to where she was, she did not see Jian Ran. She thought that Jian Ran should have gone to the washroom so she sat down and waited for her.    


But after a while, Jian Ran still did not come back and Qin Xiaobao felt that something was not right. She quickly took out her hand to call Jian Ran's phone. After dialing, she heard the cold mechanical voice. "The number you have dialed has been turned off. Please dialing later."    


Unable to contact Jian Ran, Qin Xiaobao quickly contacted the driver who sent the two of them over and asked if Jian Ran was tired and went back to the car to rest.    


But the driver said that Jian Ran did not return to the car and did not see Jian Ran, much less know where Jian Ran went.    


After hearing the driver's words, Qin Xiaobao quickly went to the service center of the shopping mall and asked them to help broadcast the search. After the broadcast, there was still no news of Jian Ran.    


Qin Xiaobao and Jian Ran had been together for a few days and knew that Jian Ran was not a person that people would worry about. When the two of them separated, they would not let the other party not find her.    


After thinking about it, a bad idea surfaced in Qin Xiaobao's mind. Could something have happened to her sister-in-law?    


Her sister-in-law was pregnant. What if something happened? Then she...    


With this thought in mind, Qin Xiaobao was extremely anxious.    


She was the one who brought sister-in-law out. If something were to happen to sister-in-law... How could she still have the face to see her brother and all the elders of Qin Family? She felt even more sorry for trusting her sister-in-law who loved her and the child in her womb.    


Qin Xiaobao was so anxious that she walked a few rounds in the same place. Only then did she remember to find help to find people. She immediately dialed Qin Yue's number.    


Qin Xiaobao heard Qin Yue's voice and hurriedly said, "Brother, I came out with sister-in-law to shop. But she suddenly disappeared. I couldn't find her no matter how I looked. Her phone was also turned off."    


Qin Yue's low voice came from the other side of the phone, "Report the time and place immediately."    


Qin Xiaobao was anxious but still reported the address clearly. After hearing that, she hung up the phone and did not give her a chance to say another word.    


Qin Xiaobao heard the busy tone and felt afraid and sad in her heart.    


She was afraid that if something really happened to sister-in-law, what should she do?    


Even if she used her life to pay for sister-in-law's life, she would not be able to let her feel at ease for the rest of her life.    


What she was sad about was that her brother had never hung up on her phone like this before. She seemed to be able to feel his anger from the other end of the phone.    


Qin Xiaobao bit her lips and thought of another person. She carefully dialed his phone again. While waiting for him to answer, she turned two rounds anxiously and finally picked up the phone. Zhan Nianbei's voice came from the phone to her ear, "What is it?"    


Hearing his voice, Qin Xiaobao anxiously cried out. "Zhan Nianbei, I lost sister-in-law. What should I do?"    


The person on the other side of the phone paused. Zhan Nianbei's voice came again. "Tell me your address and stay there. You are not allowed to go anywhere."    




When Qin Xiaobao called, Qin Yue was holding an important meeting.    


Everyone saw him answer the phone with a slight frown, but he hung up the phone with a gloomy face.    


The moment he hung up the phone, the higher ups in the meeting room felt an unprecedented haze. Qin Yue's handsome face became gloomy and livid, as if he was an Asura in the world.    


Xu Huiyi and Liu Yong looked at each other almost at the same time and thought that things were not good. They heard Qin Yue calmly instruct, "Special Assistant Xu, get someone to send the surveillance footage of Tianmao Mall over immediately. Assistant Liu, immediately contact people to block the airports, docks, and land roads of Jiangbei City. You are only allowed in and not out. You are not allowed to let even a fly out."    


Qin Yue instructed as he walked. At the same time, he dialed a person's number. "Lend me the best and strongest special forces unit in your army. I need them urgently."    


Zhan Nianbei said, "What you need, I have prepared everything for you. Let's go to the crime scene mall and meet up. "    


After hanging up the phone, Qin Yue didn't stop for a second. He rushed to the mall and sat in the car. He clenched his fists.    


He didn't seem to have any expression on his face, or it could be said that his expression was calm. However, only he knew how scared he was in his heart.    


When he heard Qin Xiaobao say that Jian Ran was gone, for a few seconds his mind was blank, so blank that he could not hear any sound or see anything.    


When he woke up a little, he felt as if his heart was being grabbed by someone's hand. It was so hard for him to breathe.    


He did not even dare to imagine what would happen to Jian Ran -    


Without her and the child, his world would never see light again.    


But very quickly, he calmed himself down.    


Jian Ran was in trouble. He was her reliance. He had to find her as soon as possible. He would not allow her and the child to be hurt in the slightest.    


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