My Husband, Warm The Bed

C178 What Does It Have to Do with Me If You like Me?

C178 What Does It Have to Do with Me If You like Me?

Qin Xiaobao accompanied Jian Ran to sleep before carefully coming out of the room.    


When she went downstairs to the living room, she saw Zhan Nianbei sitting cross-legged on the sofa.    


He was talking to someone on the phone and saw that he was beaming with joy. Qin Xiaobao felt very upset.    


She walked a few steps to his side and sat down. She closed her ears and wanted to hear whether he was talking to a man or a woman.    


But before she could hear him, Zhan Nianbei pushed her away. He glared at her fiercely and continued to chat as if there was no one else around.    


"Zhan Nianbei, I like you." Qin Xiaobao stood up and put her hands on her waist as she fiercely roared at him.    


Finally, Zhan Nianbei hung up the phone and looked at her with raised eyebrows. "It's your business if you like me. What does it have to do with me?"    


"What?" Qin Xiaobao lifted her foot and kicked him, but this time, not only did she not kick him, she was even kicked back by him.    


Her balance was unstable and she fell backwards with a bang. If it was not for the thick carpet in the hall, her butt would have been smashed open.    


She got up and stomped her feet angrily. "How dare a man like you bully a woman? What kind of man are you? "    


Zhan Nianbei stood up, pulled his military uniform and said, "In my world, only the strong and the weak are separated. There has never been a difference between a man and a woman."    


Qin Xiaobao grabbed the cup of water on the coffee table and threw it at him. "Okay, then let's have a good fight. Let's split the strong and the weak."    


"You?" Zhan Nianbei slightly turned his body and dodged the teacup. He glanced at her with disdain and said, "I don't want to fight with a yellow-haired girl like you. When the time comes, you'll only know how to cry when you lose, as if I'm bullying you."    


"You're bullying me." As she spoke, Qin Xiaobao pounced over and firmly grabbed him like a wild cat. She lifted her head and fiercely bit his face, leaving a circle of bite marks on his face.    


Looking at her own masterpiece, Qin Xiaobao was extremely satisfied and laughed happily. However, she was only happy for a few seconds before Zhan Nianbei lifted her up high and threw her onto the sofa.    


"Zhan Nianbei, you..." Qin Xiaobao touched her aching butt and felt wronged.    


"Qin Xiaobao, you are almost nineteen years old. Then go and have a proper relationship. Don't cling to me all day long. I am not interested in a milk baby like you."    


After saying that, Zhan Nianbei turned around and strode out.    


Qin Xiaobao was so angry that he kept crying.    


Milk baby?    


She was going to turn nineteen very soon. The characteristics of a woman should have developed well. How could she be like a milk baby?    


She wanted to chase after her and ask about it, but she happened to bump into Aunt Liu and entered the house. She grabbed Aunt Liu and said, "Aunt Liu, quickly look at me. See if my chest is big or not? Is my butt sticking up or not? Also, do you think I'm pretty? "    


Aunt Liu was amused by Qin Xiaobao and laughed happily," Of course my family's young mistress is pretty. Who in this world can compare to you?"    


"Then why doesn't Zhan Nianbei like me?" Qin Xiaobao also felt that she was very beautiful, very cute, and very funny, but she just couldn't understand why Zhan Nianbei didn't like her.    


"Because..." Aunt Liu's expression slightly changed. She patted Qin Xiaobao's words and said earnestly, "Miss, he is your uncle."    


"He is not my uncle. I am a child adopted by Qin Family. In the past, grandpa wanted to make a pair of me and my brother's wood. Why can't I be together with Zhan Nianbei? " The relationship between them had never been within Qin Xiaobao's consideration.    


"Maybe the woman he likes is not your type." This was the family matter of the Qin Family, especially when it was related to Qin Xiaobao, this precious lump. Aunt Liu really did not want to express her opinion randomly.    


Zhan Nianbei did not like her type?    


Qin Xiaobao sat back on the sofa and lowered her head to think seriously again and again.    


Zhan Nianbei did not like her type. Then what type did he like? Wouldn't it be fine if she became that type? What was so difficult about that?    


After thinking about it, Qin Xiaobao's earlier sense of defeat instantly disappeared. If direct attacks were not enough, then she would change to a roundabout tactic. In any case, she would definitely think of a way to get Zhan Nianbei.    




When Jian Ran woke up and opened her eyes after waking up, Qin Yue was already sitting beside her bed. His gentle gaze was staring at her without blinking.    


Jian Ran rubbed her eyes and asked, "Hey, didn't you say you have something to do? Why did you finish so quickly?"    


"Yes, I finished." Qin Yue rubbed her head and helped her sit up. "Have you slept enough?"    


"I've slept enough, but the baby still hasn't slept enough." Jian Ran touched her belly and said, "I really want to see the baby be born soon. I really want to know whether it is a boy or a girl. I also want to know if the baby looks like you or me."    


Qin Yue took a coat and put it on for her. He said, "Whether it is like you or me, it is our child. I will like it very much."    


"Qin Yue..." Jian Ran called him, but she swallowed the rest of her words.    


Qin Yue asked, "What do you want to say?"    


Qin Yue pursed his lips and said apologetically, "It was all my fault this time. It was all my fault for being playful that I encountered this kind of disaster and made you so worried."    


Qin Yue said in a deep voice, "Why don't you try saying nonsense again?"    


Jian Ran pouted, "Don't tell me you want to hit me?"    


"No." After saying that, he held her head and leaned over to kiss her. After a long time, he let go of her and said, "If you speak nonsense again in the future, I will punish you like this."    


Jian Ran's face turned red again as she thought in her heart. Actually, she really liked this kind of punishment.    


When they went downstairs, Qin Xiaobao was lying on the sofa in the living room in a daze. Actually, she was not staring blankly, but rather sulking.    


Jian Ran asked, "Xiaobao, what's wrong?"    


Qin Xiaobao looked up at them and said in a muffled voice. "Nothing."    


When his brother came back, Zhan Nianbei left. She wanted him to stay for dinner before leaving, but he ignored her.    


She had already made it very clear to him that she liked him and wanted to marry him. But he said that it was her business and had nothing to do with him.    


Please, the person she liked was him. How could it not have anything to do with him?    


Thinking about his ruffian tone, Qin Xiaobao was so angry that she gritted her teeth.    


Just wait. If he dared to be nice to another woman, if he didn't like her, she would definitely blow up his base camp and become a bullsh * t commander.    


"Qin Yue, you go to the restaurant first." After sending Qin Yue away, Jian Ran sat beside Qin Xiaobao and rubbed her head. "Xiaobao, are you worrying about your sweetheart again?"    


Qin Xiaobao stubbornly said, "Of course not. I will not be upset about that bad man, Zhan Nianbei."    


Jian Ran smiled, "Xiaobao, This kind of thing cannot be rushed for a while. Let's go and eat first. After we are full, we can discuss further."    


Hearing Jian Ran's words, Qin Xiaobao smiled again, "Sister-in-law, do you have a way?"    


Jian Ran smiled gently," Let's think of a way together. It is better than you thinking alone. "    


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