99 Days' Love Contract

C31 Mu Yifeng Was Angry

C31 Mu Yifeng Was Angry

Mooh Yifeng came out of Emperor Pavilion with Min Rou and said coldly, "The address!"    


Min Rou looked at Mooh Yifeng. Then she said an address. Mooh Yifeng's handsome face, which was as sharp as a knife, did not show any expression.    


Mooh Yifeng did not say a word until he sent Min Rou to her destination. They were about to reach their destination. Min Rou was also anxious. If she did not do anything, everything she did tonight would be in vain.    


The car stopped and Mooh Yifeng pursed his lips. He did not say anything.    


"Director Mooh, me. " Before Min Rou could finish, Mooh Yifeng's phone rang.    


When Mooh Yifeng saw Liu Yu's number on the screen, he raised his eyebrows and answered the call. "What's the matter?"    


"young master Feng, Miss Mu's right ankle is dislocated. The doctor asked her to stay in the hospital for one night. She will only be able to fix her ankle tomorrow. " Liu Yu directly reported.    


"Where are you?" The news of Mu Qianhan's ankle dislocated reached Mooh Yifeng's ears. He was very anxious, but he did not show it on the surface.    


"Heren Hospital, Emergency Department. "    


Mooh Yifeng heard Liu Yu's address and immediately hung up.    


He turned to Min Rou and said coldly, "It's your home. " There was no emotion in his cold voice. It was just that Min Rou's intuition as a woman could clearly tell that the CEO's mood had changed after receiving the call. He had just been indifferent before. He was now the kind of chill that emanated from his bones, and it almost made her tremble.    


"Thank you, President. " Min Rou trembled and thanked Mooh Yifeng, then she immediately opened the car door and left.    


Once she got off the car, Mooh Yifeng started the car and left.    


In the emergency room.    


Liu Yu hung up the phone, turned around and said to Mu Qianhan, "Miss Mu, you can stay in the hospital for one night first!"    


Did Mooh Yifeng allow it? Mu Qianhan's eyes darkened. She said, "Thank you, Liu. " Mu Qianhan had a forced smile on her face. Too many things had happened tonight and she was really tired.    


Liu Yu saw Mu Qianhan's eyes darken. He originally wanted to say that young master Feng would come over later. But he thought that he could not intervene in young master Feng's matter, so he did not say it out loud.    


After Mu Qianhan was sent to the ward by the nurse, Liu Yu rushed to get the hospitalization procedures done. When he was doing the hospitalization procedures, Liu Yu realized that he did not have Mu Qianhan's medical insurance card, so he rushed back.    


Because the hospitalization procedures had not been completed yet, the doctor had yet to prescribe a prescription for Mu Qianhan. Mu Qianhan's small face was wrinkled due to the pain.    


"Miss Mu, your medical insurance card. "    


Mu Qianhan came back to her senses and looked at Liu Yu absentmindedly. She said, "I don't want to be hospitalized. " At that time, Mu Qianhan thought that it would only be 100 days. Other than a few clothes, she did not bring anything else.    


As Mu Qianhan spoke, she was about to get up. Liu Yu stood by the side and was about to stop her when he heard the sound of the door being forcefully pushed open. Then he saw Mooh Yifeng walk in from the outside. Behind Mooh Yifeng was a nurse with a frightened face.    


Mooh Yifeng's eyes swept over Mu Qianhan's body. There was an abrasion on her elbow and her right ankle was swollen. His eyes focused and landed on Mu Qianhan's somewhat embarrassed face.    


The nurse was still in shock as she looked at Mooh Yifeng's handsome back. The moment this person ran into the emergency room, he asked with a hostile expression, "Is there a woman with dislocated right ankle living here?" Before the doctor on duty could reply, he grabbed the collar of the doctor on duty, and in the end, she brought him over with great trepidation.    


This good-looking man was actually so terrifying. The nurse lightly caressed her frightened little heart.    


Mu Qianhan did not speak. She only slightly turned her face and did not look at him.    


She heard footsteps heading out. It should be the sound of Mooh Yifeng leaving. Just now when she saw him enter, she actually wanted to cry. When did she become so weak?    


It was also good that he left. He probably heard that the 'goods' were injured and came over to take a look! Mu Qianhan comforted herself like this. Only she knew how much pain she felt in the depths of her heart.    


Tears slid out from the corners of her eyes and wet the pillow.    


"Why hasn't she taken the medicine yet?" After Mooh Yifeng came out of the ward, Liu Yu immediately stood respectfully behind him.    


"Miss Mu's medical insurance card and her other documents are in her house. " Liu Yu lowered his head.    


Mooh Yifeng looked at the neon lights outside the window. He suddenly took out his phone and dialed a number. Soon, a voice came from the phone, "Mr Feng!"    


"Tuan Sheng, do you have any acquaintances in Heren Hospital?"    


"Heren Hospital? No! Mr Feng, why are you in the hospital? Are you injured? I'll be right there. I'll ask the director of Linhe Hospital to transfer you to another hospital. The director of Linhe Hospital is quite familiar with me. "    


"It's not that I'm injured. You don't have to come over. I'll handle it myself. "    


"Mr Feng, do you not believe me?" Tuan Sheng felt depressed. Mr Feng called him. How rare was this? What was the relationship between this person who was hospitalized in the Heren Hospital and Brother Feng?    


"I will immediately check the number of the director of the Heren Hospital. "    


Not long after, Tuan Sheng called again, "Mr Feng, the director will be here soon. Where are you? "    


Mooh Yifeng said the ward number, then he hung up the phone and walked into the ward.    


Not long after, the doctor on duty hurriedly brought the nurse over here with medicine.    


Mooh Yifeng stood by the bedside with a cold expression on his face.    


"Dr. Lau, the authoritative orthopedist in our hospital, will soon come over to correct your ankle. " The doctor on duty had cold sweat on his forehead. When he was in the office just now, he received a phone call, and the person on the phone scolded him. He felt that it was very strange.    


Later, when the person on the phone asked about the situation in this ward, he told the truth. When the person on the phone heard that the procedures had not been completed and the medicine had not been prescribed, he cursed even more fiercely. Then, the person asked him to call the Heren Hospital's orthopedist, Dr. Lau. At this time, the doctor on duty knew that the person who scolded him was the hospital director.    


The director said that he would immediately come to the ward with Dr. Lau.    


The nurse gave Mu Qianhan an injection. The doctor on duty carefully found an ice bag and wanted to ice Mu Qianhan's ankle.    


Mu Qianhan frowned and struggled to say, "It hurts. "    


Mooh Yifeng could not help but roar, "How did you become a doctor? You hurt her!"    


Mooh Yifeng looked at Mu Qianhan's painful face. His heart was gripped and his heart was also in a frenzy. He wished he could throw the doctor who hurt Mu Qianhan out.    


The doctor on duty was yelled at by Mooh Yifeng and he immediately did not dare to move.    


At this moment, hurried footsteps came from outside. Then the door of the ward was pushed open and two middle-aged men walked in. The person in front had a square face, a big belly, and a suit. He was the director of Heren Hospital. The person behind him wore glasses and a doctor's white robe. He was Dr. Lau, the authoritative orthopedist of Heren Hospital.    


The director walked towards Mooh Yifeng after he came in. He said, "Director Mooh, I only found out that you were in the hospital after Director Lin informed me. "    


The director's flattering manner scared the surrounding people. Was this still their director? What was the identity of this person? He was actually able to make the dean behave like this.    


"Then I'll have to trouble the dean. " Mooh Yifeng nodded his head lightly. He was neither too friendly nor too cold.    


If it were not for the fact that he did not want Mu Qianhan to endure the pain and run around, he would have gone to the Linhe Hospital as Tuan Sheng suggested.    


The dean didn't care about Mooh Yifeng's attitude. He immediately called Dr. Lau out and said, "Dr. Lau, quickly come and take a look!"    


Dr. Lau immediately rolled up his sleeves and held Mu Qianhan's legs to carefully examine them.    


"She has dislocated. I will immediately perform ankle correction for her. You guys hold her down first. "    


Mu Qianhan heard his words and immediately nervously pinched the corner of Mooh Yifeng's shirt. Mooh Yifeng lowered his head and looked at Mu Qianhan, whose face was pale from the pain on the bed, and then he said, "I'll do it. "    


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