Reborn Girl: Prince Charming's Hot Wife

C72 His Childhood Friend Had Come

C72 His Childhood Friend Had Come

Lee Xiaozi woke up again and found herself in a hotel room.    


The room was very dark and there was the smell of cigarettes at the tip of her nose. It was a little suffocating.    


She coughed a few times and her eyes gradually lit up. She saw Luo Tianqi smoking in front of the floor-to-ceiling window.    


In her memory, he had never smoked before, but the way he smoked at this moment, he must have smoked for some time.    


He did not turn on the lights. The only light in the room was from the French window. In front of him was a bright area, and he was the only shadow in the light.    


Lee Xiaozi moved her body. She found that her whole body was still in great pain. She took a deep breath and was about to get off the bed when Luo Tianqi, who heard movement, turned around.    


Their eyes met and Lee Xiaozi quickly looked away and asked with her eyes lowered. "Where is this place?"    


"This is not the place where you usually receive guests?" Luo Tianqi mocked. "Oh, that's right. I'm afraid that no one among the guests you picked up can have a room on the top floor. No wonder you don't recognize it."    


Lee Xiaozi heard this and could not help but grab onto the bed sheet under her. The humiliation made her heart feel as if it was being held by an invisible hand. It swelled and hurt, making it difficult for her to breathe.    


"You can get lost now." Luo Tianqi said coldly, his mouth full of disgust.    


Lee Xiaozi got up and found that there was only one bathrobe in the room. She picked it up to barely cover her mottled body. She walked two steps barefoot and finally said, "You haven't paid me yet."    


"Haha..." Luo Tianqi's eyes instantly narrowed. He walked in front of her in two or three steps.    


She did not know how long had passed and felt that she was about to die. Especially since there seemed to be something surging out of her stomach. However, she had already vomited all of it downstairs. Now, there wasn't even acid. It was just that the pain made her ears echo.    


This time, it was over. She couldn't even move a finger.    


Luo Tianqi took out a cheque from his wallet, wrote down 1.1 million, and then threw it mercilessly on Lee Xiaozi's face.    


He pinched her chin. "This is from the time downstairs and this time! Tell me, am I the most generous one among your guests?"    


She did not speak and just looked at him quietly.    


Luo Tianqi felt a wave of irritation in his heart. He quickly tidied his clothes, turned around, and left. He did not look back at her again.    


In the luxurious suite, only Lee Xiaozi, who was on the carpet, grabbed the cheque, and then there was no more movement.    


That night, Gong Lingye directly sent Soong Yiren to school.    


The next morning, as expected, he sent Lee Xiaozi's information over.    


After reading the information, Soong Yiren could not help but feel a little disappointed. From the information, Lee Xiaozi and Beiming Mo did not seem to have any relationship.    


Lee Xiaozi's parents were both from China. Her father passed away not long after she was born and her mother brought her along alone.    


She came from a poor family, but it was easy to learn. She was admitted to Dong Cheng University. She was an exchange student when she was in her second year. She went to study abroad in America and got to know Luo Tianqi, who was one year older than her.    


The two of them got to know each other for three months and confirmed their relationship as a couple. After that, they spent three years together.    


However, when Lee Xiaozi graduated, she took the initiative to break up with Luo Tianqi and quickly married a boy from the same batch as Zhang Ai Hui.    


In the next three years, her relationship with Zhang Ai Hui was stable. However, a year ago, there was a problem with the Zhang family's business and their debt was high. Zhang Ai Hui could not take the blow and fell ill half a year later. Now, she was still sleeping in the hospital.    


In order to raise Zhang Ai Hui's medical expenses, the Zhang family had sold everything. Lee Xiaozi, on the other hand, went to Phoenix City to apply for the job a week ago. Last night, it was her first time applying for the job.    


After Soong Yiren finished reading the information, she could not help but sigh at fate.    


This girl met her ex-boyfriend the first time she came out. It was also a coincidence.    


Furthermore, Gong Lingye even explained it to her later on. When Luo Tianqi had gone abroad to study, his father had asked him to get engaged to the eldest daughter of the Han Enterprise. However, Luo Tianqi did not like that girl at all, so he strongly opposed it.    


After that, he met Lee Xiaozi and fell in love with her at first sight. Because of that, his father was furious. Luo Tianqi was locked in the secret room by his father for a month. He only gave her some water every day, and she was so thin that she was like a bag of bones.    


Later on, his father had to compromise because of the old man's pressure, but he had a condition.    


He did not allow Luo Tianqi to tell Lee Xiaozi his real identity. He said that if their relationship could withstand three years of test, then he would agree to let them be together.    


Unfortunately, when the three years were about to end, Lee Xiaozi took the initiative to break up with him because of Luo Tianqi's' poverty '.    


The story could not be simpler. After Soong Yiren finished reading, she also had some doubts. Could it be that Lee Xiaozi and Beiming Mo looking like each other was really just a coincidence?    


That afternoon, she went to the back mountain manor of Gong Family as promised.    


Gong Mochen's mother Yue Wenqing really invited a lot of people this time. When Soong Yiren arrived, there were already many wives and young ladies drinking tea by the tree.    


Seeing the maid bring Soong Yiren over, someone turned around and asked Yue Wenqing: "Madam Gong, this is?"    


Yue Wenqing looked at Soong Yiren who was only wearing a simple yellow dress but instantly attracted everyone's attention and a light smile hung on her face. "This is the Yu family's Yu San xiaojie. She is still in school and perhaps you have not seen her before."    


Someone seemed to have thought of something and asked, "Is it Yu Ruonuan? I saw gossip saying that she was dating Young Master Gong?"    


Yue Wenqing smiled. "Young people, it's normal to gather together. Mochen has never been engaged, so naturally the reporters keep thinking about him."    


When she said this, it was equivalent to saying that Yu Ruonuan and Gong Mochen were just the reporters catching up and making fun of each other.    


At this moment, Soong Yiren had already walked in front of them and naturally heard these words.    


She was not worried that these people's words would reach Yu Chengzhi's ears. Because, the people who came and went in the Gong Family were all the famous wives and young ladies of the Shangguan family in Imperial City. They had no relationship with Yu Chengzhi at all.    


However, it seemed like today was really the Hongmen Banquet.    


However, Yue Wenqing was only putting on a show of strength for her. Did she have other plans?    


Soong Yiren did not show it on her face. Instead, she greeted Yue Wenqing with a smile. "Hello Auntie."    


Yue Wenqing also smiled. "Are you nervous about your homework?"    


Soong Yiren shook her head, "It's alright, it's not too difficult."    


The two of them seemed to be very amiable as they chatted until a mother and daughter pair walked in.    


Seeing the two of them, Yue Wenqing immediately stood up. "Ah Shao, you are finally here."    


"Sheng-er just got off the plane. She's late." As the woman spoke, she led the girl behind her to Yue Wenqing. "Sheng'er, quickly call your aunt."    


"Hello Auntie." The girl was tall and should be 172. She wore a pair of nude high heels and a champagne dress. She had an elegant temperament and delicate facial features. One look and one could tell that she was born from a prestigious family.    


"Sheng-er, it's been a year since we last met. You look beautiful again." Yue Wenqing sighed emotionally. "A few days ago, you, Mr Mochen, were muttering about when you would be coming back. " You two grew up together. It's rare for you to be separated for such a long time... "    


"Aunt Yue, I have graduated from my master's degree. I will be in Imperial City from now on." Le Haisheng smiled gently and magnanimously. "How is Mr Mochen recently?"    


"He is still at the company. He should be back in a while. When the time comes, you guys can have a good chat." Yue Wenqing pulled Le Haisheng's hand.    


In an instant, Soong Yiren finally understood. It seemed that this Hongmen Feast was to make her back off!    


Furthermore, Gong Mochen did not like her. When he saw his childhood friend later, his attitude would probably explain everything, right?    


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