Reborn Girl: Prince Charming's Hot Wife

C98 Gene Assessment Results

C98 Gene Assessment Results

Gong Lingye looked at Soong Yiren's back and felt delighted.    


Speaking of which, his little girl was becoming more and more lawless in front of him. Why was he so happy?    


It seemed like she had treated him as a true family member.    


Soong Yiren came out and sat down. The coffee they ordered had arrived.    


She stirred the milk on the coffee, tasted it, and added some sugar.    


Actually, coffee usually didn't add sugar with milk. However, the person opposite was Chu Mingyao, a man who knew Soong Yiren's eating habits like the back of his hand. She had to guard against these details.    


"Girls like sweet food." Chu Mingyao smiled. "Little classmate, I think there are still some desserts over there. I didn't dare to give you some. Take a look at which type you like."    


Soong Yiren smiled and was very polite. "It's fine. I'm not hungry."    


Gong Mochen said at the side, "Go ahead. Just buy some."    


Since he had spoken, Soong Yiren naturally got up immediately and went to buy a tiramisu.    


She was just about to pay when she saw Gong Mochen by the side, seemingly wanting to pay with his wallet.    


At this moment, Gong Lingye, who had just returned from the washroom, also walked over. He pointed at a box of half-cooked cheese and said, "Give me a box of this."    


After saying that, he took out his card and handed it to the waiter.    


Gong Mochen quietly put away the wallet.    


The three of them returned to their seats. Gong Lingye took out the half-cooked cheese box and said, "Mr. Chu, please."    


Chu Mingyao had a habit of not eating what others brought him from outside. What he wanted to eat was all bought by himself.    


So he shook his head. "I'm not hungry. Thank you, Mr. Gong."    


Gong Lingye took a piece and tasted it. Then he said to Soong Yiren, "Ruonuan, try it."    


Soong Yiren subconsciously glanced at Gong Mochen who was beside her. She saw that he did not seem to think much about how Gong Lingye addressed her, so she took a piece and took a bite. "It's quite delicious. I didn't expect uncle to also like dessert."    


Gong Lingye said faintly, "The cats at home like it. I also tried it on the way. I think it's really not bad."    


Gong Mochen was puzzled. Why didn't he know when uncle adopted a cat?    


Chu Mingyao did not think too much about it and just greeted him. "Mr. Gong is very caring. It seems that your cat must be very pampered."    


Gong Lingye nodded. "My cat is very pampered. I can't say for sure. It can't be fierce. It will get angry if it is not careful. It still needs to be coaxed."    


As he spoke, he raised his foot under the table and gently touched Soong Yiren's leg opposite him. He seemed to be hinting, "Cat, I am talking about you."    


This man, would he die if he did not tease her?    


She retracted her leg and ignored him.    


Chu Mingyao laughed. "I have never raised a small animal, but this cat you mentioned is really interesting. I will also raise one later."    


Gong Lingye seemed to be very regretful. "I'm afraid Mr. Chu can't raise such a cat, because such a cat is the only one in the world. I can't bear to part with it!"    


Gong Lingye and Chu Mingyao were different. Chu Mingyao came from Han Wei, and after being adopted by the Soong Family, he always had the feeling of living under someone else's roof. It could be said that he was used to enduring patiently. Even if he bit someone, he would hide in the dark like a poisonous snake, waiting for an opportunity to strike.    


However, Gong Lingye had been arrogant since he was young. He was not the one who was at a disadvantage. Chu Mingyao's words pissed him off, so he directly announced his authority in front of him, not giving him any face at all.    


At this moment, he felt that he was being tactful!    


"Mr. Gong is indeed humorous!" Chu Mingyao obviously did not care and laughed as he changed the topic. "To tell you the truth, I asked my little classmate to have coffee this time because I wanted to ask if she had any intentions of joining the Haisheng Group. But since she is Mr. Gong's girlfriend, I will not take her away from me! "    


Gong Mochen said lightly, "Yes, after she graduates, she will go to the Heavenly Palace Group."    


"I understand." Chu Mingyao took a sip of coffee and smiled kindly. "No matter what," he said. This time when I come to Imperial City, I can get to know a few of you. Whether it's a cooperative relationship or a competitive relationship, it's official business. In private, we'll be friends from now on. "I hope that the two of you can take care of me! I also hope that our little classmate, Yu, will have the opportunity to visit our Haisheng with Mr. Gong in the future!"    


No problem. " Gong Lingye nodded. Gong Mochen, who was standing at the side, also faintly responded.    


Soong Yiren also smiled. "Alright. The last time I went to Ning Country, I haven't been to the Haisheng yet! The previous reports said that the Haisheng's unmanned driving technology was the best in the world. I have always wanted to see what the new unmanned cars are like."    


Chu Mingyao smiled and said, "That car has been tested for nearly half a year, so it will be put into the market in the near future. At that time, my little classmate will be able to see it!"    


Soong Yiren asked, "I saw on the news that it will be officially put into the market next month?"    


"Yes, the date is the birthday of my former fiancée, August 21st." Chu Mingyao said, and there was a nostalgic look in his eyes.    


Soong Yiren's hands instantly clenched into fists.    


How ironic! This man was actually able to act so righteously in front of her, the victim, after doing those crazy things!    


Soong Yiren held the coffee in her hand and really wanted to pour it on the other party's face.    


However, she only bit her lips and said curiously, "Director Chu, can I ask you a personal question?"    


Chu Mingyao said generously, "Just ask whatever you want."    


"Will your girlfriend be jealous?" She was embarrassed, but her eyes were full of gossip.    


Chu Mingyao could not help but laugh. "She understands me. No one can replace my fiancée in my heart."    


When Gong Lingye heard this, he felt inexplicably uncomfortable.    


However, he quickly adjusted his emotions and said faintly, "Mr. Chu is a nostalgic person."    


When the few of them talked about old friends, they seemed to have nothing to say. In addition to the failure of the original plan, Chu Mingyao made an excuse to leave.    


Coming out of the coffee shop, Gong Mochen asked Soong Yiren, "Where are you going?"    


Soong Yiren said, "I'm going back to school."    


Gong Mochen took the car keys and seemed to want to send her off.    


Soong Yiren called out to him, "Mr Mochen, I have an appointment with my classmates. She is still waiting for me at the stadium, so I will go over first."    


When Gong Mochen heard this, he was somewhat displeased. But he still replied with a "En. After that, he greeted Gong Lingye and left with large strides.    


Although Soong Yiren had a strong desire to survive on Gong Lingye's side, she still had to act. Therefore, she did indeed walk towards the stadium.    


She had just turned a corner when a car stopped beside her.    


Gong Lingye rolled down the window and said, "Get in the car."    


The driver was Pei Jun, and Aa Mian was not in the car. Pei Jun turned around and smiled. "Hello, Miss Yu."    


Soong Yiren greeted him and asked Gong Lingye, "Where are we going?"    


"To the hospital." Gong Lingye simply explained, "Lee Xiaozi has been at Tianqi's house these few days, but she suddenly fainted this morning and is now being resuscitated in the hospital."    


Soong Yiren was shocked and quickly said, "Then let's go and take a look!"    


On the way, Soong Yiren's phone rang with a notification sound.    


She picked it up and saw that it was an email from Beiming Mo's mother. The words were filled with excitement. "Where is that girl? "I did a DNA test. She is my daughter! "My biological daughter! "Could she be Momo?"    


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