Reborn Girl: Prince Charming's Hot Wife

C589 He Was Hit Right in the Face

C589 He Was Hit Right in the Face

On the sofa, the man's kiss became hotter and hotter, making Hee Wanshuang unable to breathe.    


Her eyes were slightly red as she looked at Lieh Yuanchen's face that was so close to her. She was a little angry, but also a little aggrieved.    


However, she had no strength at all. She could only obediently stay still and let him do whatever he wanted.    


Just as the man suddenly became dangerous, suddenly, an ear-piercing bell rang, breaking the silence in the room.    


Lieh Yuanchen originally did not want to pay attention to it, but the ringtone was really persistent. It kept making noise, making him very irritated and no longer have any charming thoughts.    


He let go of Hee Wanshuang with some annoyance and walked to the coffee table to pick up his phone.    


It was Mrs. Phil who called. "Leo, Luna said she wants to go with you to the company today?"    


Lieh Yuanchen was slightly stunned and immediately replied, "Yes, yes."    


"Okay. I am going to prepare to go back to the country today. Luna still needs to stay for a few days. Take good care of her." Madame Phil said.    


"Okay, I will." Lieh Yuanchen said, "Auntie, I will arrange for someone to take you to the airport."    


After hanging up the phone, Lieh Yuanchen saw that Hee Wanshuang had already tidied her clothes and stood up.    


The shy blush on her face had already faded. Go. At this moment, she seemed to have returned to her usual cold manner towards him.    


He lowered his head and looked at her ankle. "Does it still hurt?"    


"No." Although Hee Wanshuang still felt some pain, However, she did not want to have any more interactions with Lieh Yuanchen.    


She did not know if what he said yesterday was drunk talking or something. However, no matter what the reason was, he told her on the phone today that he had a fiancée.    


Even if they were just money transactions, Hee Wanshuang had been taught since she was young that he had a fiancée, so she should not have intervened.    


Or rather, if time could be reversed, she shouldn't have given him the water last night.    


Lieh Yuanchen did not know that Hee Wanshuang was thinking so much. He only glanced at the villa and hugged it a little. He apologized, "Shuang, because I haven't moved yet, there are no ingredients here, and the delivery can't reach the villa area, so we can only go out to eat."    


Hee Wanshuang shook her head, "You don't have to worry about me. I still have work today. I'm leaving now. "    


As she spoke, she walked away.    


However, because her ankle wasn't healed yet, at that moment, her footsteps were a bit unsteady.    


She endured the pain and still wanted to continue, but in the next second, she was already lifted into the air.    


Lieh Yuanchen carried Hee Wanshuang and walked to the door with large strides, "Shuang, I'll send you."    


As he spoke, he carried her and walked out in large strides.    


Yesterday, when he asked his secretary to come over, he left the car in the garage. Therefore, Lieh Yuanchen carried Hee Wanshuang to the garage.    


He carefully placed her in the front passenger seat. Lieh Yuanchen bent down again and wanted to fasten Hee Wanshuang's seatbelt.    


Hee Wanshuang originally wanted to come by herself, so their hands collided.    


Hee Wanshuang retracted her hand, but Lieh Yuanchen did not put it down.    


He pinched her palm, then took the seatbelt buckle and fastened it.    


They were very close, and she could still smell the familiar scent on his body.    


"Shuang, where do you live now?" Lieh Yuanchen asked again.    


"I live at home." Hee Wanshuang did live at home. After all, she did not need to do activities with Xiao Cheng and the others. Therefore, it was rare for her to return to Imperial City. She always wrote a column.    


Thinking about this, she felt a little annoyed. Last night's column was stranded again.    


Lieh Yuanchen drove the car and easily arrived at Hee Wanshuang's residential area.    


In the underground parking lot, he parked the car and walked to the front passenger seat to carry Hee Wanshuang out.    


However, he had just walked two steps when he felt Hee Wanshuang's body suddenly stiffen.    


He followed Hee Wanshuang's line of sight and turned his head. He saw Hee's father and Hee's mother.    


"Dad, Mom," Hee Wanshuang said nervously.    


She got out of Lieh Yuanchen's car so early in the morning, and he was holding her.    


In addition, she was wearing the same clothes as when she went out yesterday. Obviously, she had not changed at all.    


Her body could not help but tremble. Hee Wanshuang did not know how to face her parents.    


Beside her, Lieh Yuanchen also followed her and called out, "Dad, Mom."    


Hee's mother was still in shock, but Hee's father coldly shouted. "We don't have a son like you! Mr. Lieh, we can't accept your title!"    


At this moment, Hee Wanshuang wanted to find a hole to hide in. She pulled Lieh Yuanchen's sleeve and said, "Put me down."    


Lieh Yuanchen did not seem to hear Hee Wanshuang. He also said, "Shuang's ankle is a little sprained. I will send her upstairs."    


Hearing this, Hee's mother finally reacted and quickly went to look at Hee Wanshuang's ankle, "Shuang, how did you sprain? Was this person bullying you again?"    


Lieh Yuanchen only felt that his breathing was a little rough. It turns out that the incident back then, in front of her parents, his impression was already so deeply rooted?    


"No, he just accidentally fell. It has nothing to do with him." Hee Wanshuang said in a low voice.    


"Haha, I only got hurt because I met him. Sure enough, it would not be good to have a relationship with him!" Hee's mother sneered and asked Hee Wanshuang, "Shuang, can you leave by yourself? Or should we help you? "    


Hee Wanshuang said to Lieh Yuanchen, "Put me down."    


However, Lieh Yuanchen did not listen to her. He carried Hee Wanshuang to the elevator.    


Hee's father and Hee's mother were civilized people after all. They could not act like they were robbing their daughter. Therefore, they could only get angry and go to the elevator.    


Lieh Yuanchen had been here before. He could still hold Hee Wanshuang and press the floor.    


The mirror of the elevator was very smooth. It clearly reflected everyone's faces. No one said anything. The atmosphere in the room was awkward and dull.    


When they finally reached the floor, Hee's father looked at Lieh Yuanchen and said, "You can go now."    


Lieh Yuanchen held Hee Wanshuang's hand tightly. "I will put her on the sofa and leave."    


Hee's mother opened the door and the four of them went in together.    


Lieh Yuanchen put Hee Wanshuang down and put the red flower oil in his pocket into her hand. "Shuang, remember to follow my method and wipe it twice."    


Hee Wanshuang did not say anything.    


On the side, Hee's mother reminded, "Mr. Lieh can go now. You are not welcome here. I also hope you will never appear in front of us."    


Lieh Yuanchen clenched his fists tightly.    


He could choke on Lieh Cheng'an sometimes, but he could not say anything in front of Hee Wanshuang's parents.    


It was he who made Hee Wanshuang go to jail helplessly. It was also him who made her self-harm from her depression.    


He was not qualified to do anything.    


Swallowing his bitterness, he straightened his body and said, "Farewell."    


Just as he walked out of the door, the sound of the door closing came from behind him.    


In the room, Hee Wanshuang lowered her eyes and did not know how to face her parents.    


But Hee's mother did not have the hostility from before and said gently instead. "Shuang, have you had breakfast? Mom brought you some specialties from Lin City..."    


Hee Wanshuang's eyes were a little hot, "I haven't eaten yet."    


"Then Mom will go and heat it up for you." Hee's mother said and immediately went to the kitchen.    


Hee Wanshuang, who was sitting on the sofa, only then did she slowly heave a sigh of relief.    


However, downstairs, Lieh Yuanchen was leaning against the front of the car. He looked at a window upstairs and did not move.    


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