Reborn Girl: Prince Charming's Hot Wife

C568 If She Tried She Wouldn't Regret It

C568 If She Tried She Wouldn't Regret It

The summer rain comes.    


Lieh Xiaoruan stood outside the window of the villa and could only feel the wind at first. Soon, she felt bean-sized raindrops falling.    


The rain was still very sparse in the beginning. However, in less than ten minutes, it became dense.    


She had chosen a spot to stand. It was not to the extent that she would be struck by lightning. Qin's and her wife in the room could see it too.    


She did not want to make things difficult for them. Therefore, she only stood outside to show her sincerity.    


Perhaps even the heavens wanted her to put an end to that secret crush that ended without a cause. It was the same when she chased him with the letter of proposal.    


However, at that time, if one were to say that she was looking forward to it... At that moment, her current mood was to make a perfect announcement of the past.    


Whether it was for the Luo clan, for Luo Tianqi, or for the obsession in her heart, it was also for the sake of the Luo clan.    


She did not leave. She just stood there quietly, straight, and motionless.    


The sky soon turned completely dark, but because this was a villa district, So, she wasn't worried about her safety.    


In the room, Qin's and her husband were silent for a while. Then, one went to make facial masks, and the other went to read the newspaper.    


They had always been clear about public and private matters. Even though Lieh Xiaoruan was a child that they liked whenever they saw her, they could not eat if they liked her.    


However, when Mrs. Qin went upstairs to close the window, she suddenly saw a figure standing at the bottom of the villa.    


She was stunned for a moment and then moved closer.    


Suddenly, the wind blew the rain and it fell on her face, bringing with it a trace of coldness in the summer.    


Borrowing the dim light of the street lamp, Mrs. Qin saw that it was a girl, seemingly Lieh Xiaoruan.    


She was slightly shocked in her heart and did not care about her facial mask, she quickly went downstairs to inform Mr. Qin.    


Compared to her, Mr. Qin seemed to be much calmer.    


He put away the gold-rimmed glasses, put down the newspaper, and walked to the French window in the living room.    


In the curtain of rain, the girl was standing there quietly. In less than half an hour, she was already drenched in sweat. Her hair, which was dripping with water, was no longer as delicate as it was when she came. It was messy as it stuck to her full forehead.    


There was no light around her. Only the dim shadow of the villa could be seen around her. Under the shadow, the rain had long become thick lines.    


Mrs. Qin looked at Mr. Qin and sighed, "This child!"    


Mr. Qin held the wife's waist and led her inside, "She will know to leave after she is drenched for a while."    


Mrs. Qin nodded. Although she could not bear it, they were both businessmen. They were able to start from scratch and were decisive people.    


It was just that now that they were old, sometimes it was easy for them to feel sentimental and it was easy to hurt the spring and the autumn.    


However, the matter this time was too big and they could not compromise.    


Hence, the sound of television rang in the living room. The two of them sat in front of the television and watched a program to support their health.    


Until the end of the program, the two of them, who had always been used to sleeping early and waking up early, started yawning one after another.    


Then, the two of them looked at each other and went upstairs together tacitly. They did not even look at the scene outside the living room.    


Mrs. Qin finished the skincare program and laid down on the bed. She even looked out the window.    


However, Mr. Qin had already pressed the remote control, making the curtains close automatically.    


"Xiaoruan that child should have left, right?" Mrs. Qin asked.    


"She should have left." Mr. Qin answered.    


The sound of thunder was heard outside, but it was because the villa had good soundproofing. Therefore, after closing the window and closing the curtains, it gave people the illusion that the rain was getting smaller and smaller.    


Lieh Xiaoruan was still standing in the same place. The grass under her feet was wet and the smell of mud and rain drilled into her nose. The rain kept falling and it somewhat blurred her vision.    


She began to count the rain in the lights. One, two, four, she counted and forced herself to pass the time and forget the coldness in her body.    


She saw the lights on the first floor of the villa go out, and then the second floor lit up.    


In the end, other than the street lights outside, the entire villa fell into darkness.    


But she still didn't leave.    


After an unknown amount of time, she lowered her head to look at her wristwatch.    


Her watch was not bad when it went easy. She pressed the dial and clearly saw the time.    


It was already past midnight.    


So tomorrow was Luo Tianqi's wedding.    


She did not know if Qin's and her husband would change their minds, but she did not leave. She still stood there, just for the last obsession in her heart.    


She would do her best. As for whether she could change the outcome in the end, she tried her best and would not regret it.    


The rain in the summer had no intention of stopping. Lieh Xiaoruan could even see that where there was light, the water vapor formed by the rain also stirred up something like a wave because of the wind.    


She felt that her body was a little cold and could not help but stretch out her arms to hug herself tighter.    


At midnight in the villa district, there would occasionally be cars passing by. However, none of them came close.    


She was still standing where she was. She only felt that the ground where she was standing seemed to have turned into mud.    


That night, Qin's and her husband did not sleep very well either.    


The two people who woke up early usually woke up a little late because they did not sleep for a long time at night.    


When Mrs. Qin opened her eyes, it was already seven o'clock in the morning.    


She sat up, went to wash up first, and changed her clothes. Only then did she finally make up her mind and look outside the window.    


It was still raining outside. The grass was still fresh and clear after the rain. The girl was still standing in the place she remembered last night, motionless.    


It was not known if it was Mrs. Qin's misconception but she only felt that Lieh Xiaoruan's face was slightly pale. Her eyes were closed and her body was slightly swaying as if she was about to fall down but she was still persisting.    


She only took a glance and immediately retracted her gaze, then walked towards the restaurant.    


The maid had already prepared breakfast and said, "Madam, I see that outside our villa, there is a girl who has been there all this time. She seems to have come to our house yesterday."    


"You don't have to worry about that." Mrs. Qin waved her hand.    


She sat down to enjoy breakfast, but she felt that today's food was exceptionally difficult to swallow.    


At this time, Mr. Qin also came down. He did not go outside the window, but sat down quietly.    


It was twenty minutes after breakfast. The couple seemed to want to find a topic to talk about. Then, they spoke in unison.    


"There's still a contract to sign today. I wonder if the rain will cause the city to be flooded."    


"I just saw the news. There are many places with serious water puddles. I want to see if the rain will stop in a while. That contract isn't big, so we can change it to afternoon."    


The two of them discussed it, but in the end, they still looked out of the window at the same time.    


Outside, Lieh Xiaoruan was still standing stubbornly. She finally raised her hand to wipe the rain on her face and opened her eyes.    


She had already stood for an entire time. It was night?    


She felt weak all over, and her head was dizzy, as if she would collapse at any moment.    


She didn't dare to move. She knew that if she moved, she wouldn't be able to get up.    


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