Reborn Girl: Prince Charming's Hot Wife

C349 Secretly Taken

C349 Secretly Taken

Soong Yiren, who was at the side, said faintly, "Momo, tell me. She wants to be with you. Read her name backwards!"    


Xuanyuan Che's pupils shrank as he looked at the stage. His eyes became deeper.    


Soong Yiren continued to add on, "Momo's tone was determined to say it twice."    


Xuanyuan Che,... ""    


As the wedding venue was open air, the lunch was held in a hotel in the city of Nirvana City.    


After everyone finished lunch, Gong Lingye and Soong Yiren went to rest. The others had arrived late yesterday. That was why they had the time today to take photos at the ancient building.    


Gong Moyan had come with the people from the Gong Family. In fact, she had been looking for Xiao Pei, but she had not seen him even after looking around.    


While she was sighing in her heart, she saw a familiar figure behind an ancient city wall.    


Xiao Pei was playing with a machine in his hand.    


He usually looked casual, but when he thought about problems, he was particularly focused.    


Under the sunlight, his fine hair was filled with bits and pieces of golden light. Half of the outline was in the golden sunlight, and the other half was covered in a thick shadow by the shadow of the stone pillar in the distance. It made his facial features even more distinct.    


Gong Moyan felt that her breathing was almost frozen. She did not hear what her brother and sister were saying to her behind her. She unconsciously moved closer to Xiao Pei.    


She could not climb up the wall and could only stand under it and look at him.    


He was still playing with the thing in his hand and did not notice her approach at all.    


It wasn't until he changed the position of the object that looked like a solar panel that he noticed that there was someone under the wall.    


The little girl had already changed into a dress. He almost couldn't recognize her since she wasn't wearing her maid attire.    


After recognizing her, he realized that he did not seem to know her name at all. He only knew that she was a child of the Gong Family.    


Therefore, Xiao Pei said, "Child, what are you doing here?"    


Gong Moyan was at a loss for what to do with the way Xiao Pei addressed her. She was too lazy to correct him. Instead, she tiptoed and curiously looked at the thing in his hand. "Brother, what is this?"    


"I am testing the conversion rate of solar charging." Xiao Pei's tone was casual. "You haven't learned physics, have you?"    


Gong Moyan shook her head and then looked up. Her eyes were bright and clear. "I know you can be a robot! My aunt used to work with you!"    


Xiao Pei nodded and did not say anything.    


Gong Moyan said again, "My aunt gave me a robot!" After saying that, she took out the small robot that she had been holding in her hand. "Brother, look!"    


Only then did Xiao Pei take it with interest. He turned on the power and tested it. He said, "It's done very well. It's very suitable for children."    


Gong Moyan became anxious. "I'm not a child!"    


Xiao Pei only smiled. Clearly, he did not take her words seriously.    


Gong Moyan bit her lips in disappointment and then asked, "Brother, what did you study in college?"    


Xiao Pei did not even raise his head. "Artificial intelligence and microelectronics."    


Gong Moyan did not know what kind of major this was and only said seriously, "Then I will also take this test!"    


Xiao Pei was amused. He looked at her under the wall. "It is not suitable for girls."    


Gong Moyan did not say anything. She just firmly remembered this professional name. She hesitated for a moment. "Brother, I can't climb up. Can you pull me up?"    


"I am leaving. You can go down by yourself after coming up for a while?" Xiao Pei asked.    


Gong Moyan felt even more disappointed and murmured, "Then I will not go up."    


Xiao Pei put away the small solar machine and jumped down elegantly. He said, "Kid, I'm leaving."    


She looked at his back as he left. She picked up the little robot in her hand and secretly took a picture.    


She had never thought that many years later, it would be that blurry image of his back that accompanied her through the laboratory. Long and boring days and nights...    


The sun moved west bit by bit. Gradually, the ancient buildings were dyed by the evening glow of the setting sun.    


Hee Wanshuang held her camera and was taking pictures of the various buildings. On the side, Lieh Xiaoruan pulled Lieh Yuanchen to take pictures of her.    


Men never had much interest in taking pictures. Therefore, when Lieh Xiaoruan realized that Lieh Yuanchen's pictures were getting uglier and uglier, she got angry and took a selfie stick to take a picture.    


Lieh Yuanchen put away his phone and turned his head. He saw Hee Wanshuang taking pictures of the sun in reverse.    


Her expression was serious and focused. Her eyes were narrowed, but the corner of her mouth was slightly raised, as if she was very satisfied with the scene just now.    


He took a look and did not understand what was there to take a picture of a stone pillar.    


In the next second, Hee Wanshuang put away her phone and put her hands together. She closed her eyes as if she was making a wish.    


Her expression was pious, as if the wish she made just now was of utmost importance to her.    


Hehe, silly woman, what is there to make a wish for a broken pillar!    


Lieh Yuanchen thought so, but he picked up his phone and took a picture of Hee Wanshuang at the moment.    


Just as he put away his phone, she opened her eyes and turned to look at him.    


His tone was slightly heavy. "Are you done filming?"    


Hee Wanshuang nodded.    


"Let's go." He said and went to pull her hand.    


She hesitated, but still let him hold her hand and lead her forward.    


The two of them didn't say anything and just walked forward along the red land. The wind in the air was dry. After the sun had set, the weather was a little cold.    


Hee Wanshuang was wearing a skirt. At this moment when the wind blew, she unconsciously retracted her arm.    


Lieh Yuanchen noticed her reaction and stopped. "Cold?"    


Hee Wanshuang nodded. In fact, she was not so afraid of the cold before, but since that day, she had been frozen outside. After the night, the current her seemed to be especially fearful of the cold.    


"Then let's go back." Lieh Yuanchen said and turned around. Then, he let go of Hee Wanshuang, put his arm on her shoulder, and took her into his arms.    


The man was tall and big. She was almost completely in his arms. She was not cold at all.    


There was still the final arc of light after the sun set in the horizon, but it had already become quite dark.    


The two of them silently walked forward. Just as they passed through an ancient city wall, they heard a barking sound.    


Hee Wanshuang was a little afraid and unconsciously leaned towards Lieh Yuanchen's embrace.    


This was the first time she took the initiative to approach him. He looked down at her head, his Adam's apple lightly rolled, and his arm retracted a little. His voice slowed down. "It's nothing. It's just a stray dog."    


She hummed and continued forward with him.    


Who would have thought that after they had taken two steps, a black shadow suddenly dashed out diagonally and rushed towards the two of them.    


Hee Wanshuang screamed in fear. Lieh Yuanchen had already pulled her behind him and lifted his leg to kick at the dog.    


The dog was kicked and made a sharp sound. However, after landing on the ground, it rushed over again.    


At this moment, Hee Wanshuang could clearly see that it was a rather large firewood dog.    


However, it was possible that it was sick. Its eyes were filled with a fierce light. Under the dim light, it was especially frightening.    


It rushed towards Lieh Yuanchen fearlessly. Its movement was very fast. It bit Lieh Yuanchen's sleeve with one bite, and in the next second, it seemed like it was going to bite his arm!    


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