Reborn Girl: Prince Charming's Hot Wife

C58 I Didn't See Him for a Few Days so I Thought of Her That Way

C58 I Didn't See Him for a Few Days so I Thought of Her That Way

Soong Ziheng's heart tightened, but he didn't show any superfluous expression. He just nodded his head with a calm expression.    


Chu Mingyao rubbed his hair and said gently, "Ziheng, it's good to make more friends, but I can't say your name. After all, you know it's very chaotic outside, and your identity is special. It would be bad if someone took advantage of you."    


Soong Ziheng continued to nod his head, his eyes calm.    


Chu Mingyao looked at him for a few more seconds, then said, "This weekend, I have nothing to do. Let's go on an outing together. When we come back, we will take a look at Dad and Mom."    


Soong Ziheng was shocked. He did not know if the girl he met today would also go to the cemetery. If he bumped into her...    


He thought of something and wrote on the paper, "Brother, I don't want to go out this weekend. I want to draw drafts at home."    


Chu Mingyao smiled. "You are really like your sister. She used to like to stay at home all day. It was not easy to ask her out! Alright, I'll do as you say. I'll go next time. "    


He looked at Soong Ziheng for a while, then turned around and left.    


In the room, the youth picked up a cup of water to drink. Only then did he realize that his palms were covered in cold sweat.    


That night, Soong Yiren sat in the fountain square in the center of Ning City. Looking at the neon lights that filled the sky, she already knew in her heart that Soong Ziheng would not be able to come.    


Chu Mingyao was actually so attentive! She felt a faint chill in her heart. For a moment, her entire person seemed to be surrounded by a chill.    


This was the prosperous business district of Ningcheng. In front of her was a beautiful music fountain. Above her head, there was a huge LED screen that spanned across a street from east to west. On the dome of the huge screen, there was an music video playing.    


After the song ended, the scene gradually darkened. Then, a soft music played, followed by snowflakes falling on the screen.    


Man-made snowflakes fell from the dome. The white shadows were like fluttering catkins. As they fell, they covered the entire street.    


Instantly, the traffic on the street slowed down. The whole world seemed to be affected by an indescribable romance because of the 'snow'.    


Soong Yiren stood up and raised her finger. She saw those snow-white shadows falling from her fingers. They were all stained with her long hair and eyelashes before they disappeared.    


Her eyes lit up and her voice was very soft, as if she was only saying to herself, "Ziheng, it is snowing..."    


At this moment, on the busy road, in a black car, Pei Jun, who was sitting in the front passenger seat, opened his mouth to Gong Lingye, who was behind him. "President, this street in Ningcheng is really special..."    


When Gong Lingye heard this, he lifted his gaze from the document and looked out the window.    


"Stop the car." Gong Lingye ordered.    


The driver wondered why the boss suddenly asked him to stop the car, but he still slowed down the car and parked the car smoothly on the side of the street.    


"You guys go back to the hotel." Gong Lingye said and put down the documents. He only took his phone and opened the car door.    


Pei Jun, who was in front, was still hesitating. "President, you..."    


"I will go back myself." Gong Lingye said and walked towards the snow.    


He stood on the other side of the street and his eyes fell on the charming figure on the other side of the street.    


He had never seen her like this before. Her entire body was bathed in the white light. She raised her hand piously to catch the snow that did not feel cold.    


The surroundings were noisy, she stood there quietly, her entire person seemed to be the only tranquility in this world.    


From the speakers on both sides of the big screen above her head, low-magnetic singing sounds could be heard. "Lightly landing in my palm. Quietly freezing in my palm. Meeting again was destined to happen in my previous life. "Pain and happiness, taste it all."    


Soong Yiren stood in the snow with a blank look in her eyes.    


"Obviously, the words are so cold. Pretending to be like that was just a warning. "Even if you shed tears, you still can't believe it. "Your life is as thin as a piece of paper."    


Gong Lingye crossed the road and looked at the girl who was only seven or eight meters away from him. He did not go forward, but just looked at her indifferently.    


The music continued. "I slowly listened to Xue Luo's voice. I closed my eyes and imagined that it would not stop. You can't get close. It's not that you're too heartless. You just love the scenery outside the window. It's a good view. "    


Soong Yiren looked at a small shop on the side of the street and walked over.    


At the door, there was a two year old baby who was reaching out to grab the snow. His face was filled with a pure smile.    


Behind him, a young couple was smiling as they said something. On the plaque above their heads, there were shockingly a few words: "Yan Qinxing."    


Seeing them, Soong Yiren revealed a faint smile as she continued to approach.    


Not far behind her, Gong Lingye also followed, only maintaining a distance of seven to eight meters from her.    


The snow was getting heavier and heavier, and the music had already reached a high pitch. The low and magnetic voice of the singer filled the streets of Xia Xue. "I slowly savored it. The sound of the snow falling seems to be you calling me Qing Qing. Open your eyes. The sky is filled with Xue Wuqing. Who's going to compensate for the good times of this life... "    


Gong Lingye heard the last sentence and could not help raising his head to look at the big screen above him.    


At this moment, his vision was occupied by the snow. He knew that it was man-made shadows, but he still couldn't help but raise his hand to touch the crystal hexagonal shape.    


"Who will compensate for the good times of this life..."    


Soong Yiren lightly sighed and walked to the door of Qin Xing.    


"Hello! Are you here to see the zither?" The young woman asked.    


Soong Yiren shook her head and hesitated for two seconds before saying, "Can I borrow your piano to play?"    


The woman was a little confused but she still nodded immediately, "Okay!"    


After saying that, she picked up the baby at the door. "Baby, let's listen to beautiful sister play the piano!"    


The little guy obviously liked playing with snow more. So, he twisted his body and didn't want to go in.    


At this moment, Soong Yiren was already sitting in front of the piano.    


She raised her hand and her white and slender fingers landed on the piano keys.    


At this moment, the song just now had already ended, but the snow still covered this romantic city.    


Gong Lingye looked at Soong Yiren, who was facing him diagonally at the door. His gaze passed through the sparkling snowflakes and landed on her face.    


Her expression was quiet, but he could read some kind of sadness.    


A familiar melody flowed by his ears. It was the song "Snow Treading" that he had missed.    


When he heard her play on the phone the other day, he had imagined what kind of scene it would be.    


He had thought of many things, but only at this moment did he realize that all of his imaginations seemed too pale and frail compared to the current her.    


She sat there quietly, and the lights in the zither shop covered her face with a layer of gentle light. Behind her was a strange and mottled light. The color of the neon lights was like fire from the sky. The snow white and sparkling light covered the entire world with a layer of haziness.    


He stood in the snow, his gaze silently falling on her as he listened to her performance that she had given him.    


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