Reborn Girl: Prince Charming's Hot Wife

C65 You Won't Regret Being with Me

C65 You Won't Regret Being with Me

It had to be said that Soong Yiren really considered Gong Lingye's words for a few seconds.    


But it was only for a few seconds.    


What he said was right. Whatever Gong Mochen could give her, he could give her too.    


But he didn't know that she actually didn't want anything.    


The reason she chose Gong Mochen was because he didn't like her. That was why she dared to be at ease and boldly threaten him to admit that she was his girlfriend.    


Once she had the ability to settle down and no longer had to worry about Yu Chengzhi's means, she would immediately draw a clear line with Gong Mochen and completely cut it off.    


However, Gong Lingye was different. He could bring her benefits, but he would also bring her a huge risk.    


Soong Yiren could not afford to take the risk.    


Back then, Chu Mingyao had been with her parents for twenty years, but they had not been able to recognize that person. Then, in this world, What else can she believe?    


Because Gong Lingye had helped her a few times, she wanted to completely trust him? Impossible.    


Maybe he really wanted to help her, or maybe he really liked her. However, Soong Yiren thought that she was no longer the same as before. After three years like that, she had already lost the ability to believe in someone, and she did not know what it felt like to like someone.    


She did not explain anything to Gong Lingye and only said faintly: "Sorry, but I only like him. Regardless of whether he has feelings for me or not, I only like him. " Right now, my relationship with him makes me feel very good. I don't want to change. "    


Gong Lingye was next to her pillow. His eyes were locked on Soong Yiren. He wanted to see any hesitation or lies from her expression, but he failed.    


His lips. The petal moved, but in the end, he did not say anything. He turned around and turned off the light on the bed. He even closed the curtains.    


In an instant, it was pitch black in their line of sight. Their breathing seemed to have become deeper.    


Just when Soong Yiren thought that Gong Lingye would not say anything more, he pulled her into his embrace and tightly hugged her. His chin rested on her head and his tone was low and deep, "Nuan, you still do not understand me."    


She looked up and wanted to say something but Gong Lingye pressed her head, "Don't move."    


Soong Yiren instantly realized what he meant and did not dare to move anymore.    


Her mind was a little messy because of Gong Lingye's attitude and also because she met Chu Mingyao today, Soong Yiren thought that she would have insomnia. But she did not expect that she would fall asleep very quickly. She did not even know when she had lost consciousness.    


In the darkness, Soong Yiren discovered that she was running on an endless road. In the distance, Soong Ziheng and Beiming Mo were asking her for help, but she could not get there no matter how hard she ran.    


Suddenly, she bumped into a person. Then, that person grabbed her arm and said in a gentle but ruthless voice. "Yiren, so you are not dead!"    


Chu Mingyao!    


Soong Yiren shivered and suddenly opened her eyes.    


Because of her fear just now, her heart was still violently pounding against her chest. Soong Yiren breathed in big gulps and after sensing it, she realized that it was just a dream.    


The man in front of her hugged her tighter. His body was warm and his arms were strong. She was completely pressed into his embrace and could feel his steady and powerful heartbeat pounding on her body.    


At the tip of her nose, a familiar cool smell accompanied the fragrance of the shower gel, which made Soong Yiren's heart gradually relax.    


Ever since she was reborn, she rarely had this kind of nightmare. Perhaps because she just saw Chu Mingyao, she had this kind of dream again.    


However, in the past, when she woke up, there was no one around her because she was still in a state of shock. So she had to get up, drink a cup of water, then turn on all the lights and sit for a long time to calm herself down.    


And now...    


The man's arm completely wrapped around her. She was wrapped up like a baby, as if no one could hurt her.    


As she calmed down, she started to feel sleepy again. Unknowingly, she fell asleep again, and after that, she no longer had any dreams.    


When she woke up again, Soong Yiren found that it was already the morning of the next day.    


She was still in Gong Lingye's arms. He seemed to have woken up a long time ago. Just as she moved slightly, she met his eyes.    


"Nuan, good morning." Because he had just woken up, the man's voice was somewhat hoarse.    


Soong Yiren lowered her eyes, "Good morning."    


At this time, her phone that had been charged rang. Soong Yiren picked it up and saw that it was an alarm clock.    


She said, "You are here for a business trip, right? I am going back to Imperial City. I will be on the plane in three hours. "    


Gong Lingye said, "I'll go back with you."    


"You..." Soong Yiren was speechless.    


Gong Lingye moved closer to her. "Nuan, do you know what I wanted to say to you last night?"    


Soong Yiren saw the danger in his eyes and became alert, "What?"    


"I didn't tell you yesterday, but I was afraid that you wouldn't be able to sleep because of my words." Gong Lingye looked straight into her eyes. "I don't care how much you love Gong Mochen. You have to break up."    


"What do you mean?" Soong Yiren frowned.    


"I can give you time, but on my birthday, you must cut off all relations with him! Gong Lingye said word by word, "I will not do anything to you, but he is not that lucky!"    


What did you say?! " Soong Yiren was completely shocked," He is your nephew! "    


Furthermore, in her opinion, their uncle and nephew seemed to have a good relationship. Although it was not as good as his childhood friend, it did not seem like there was any conflict.    


Gong Lingye bent over and his gaze was parallel to Soong Yiren's lips. He leaned closer to her. "Nuan," he said. That's why I said I will give you a few months. You know what to do. "Hmm?"    


Soong Yiren felt all the hairs on her body stand up. Yesterday, she felt that this man had become different from before. He was no longer so strong and violent, but today, it seemed that he had not changed at all!    


She did not doubt what he would do if she really did not break up with Gong Mochen!    


Gong Lingye saw that Soong Yiren did not answer and his finger was on her lips. He gently rubbed the petal, and his voice was soft and magnetic. "Nuan, you will not regret being with me."    


Soong Yiren looked up at him, "Being with someone you do not like, it will be unbearable for you at any moment. How can you not regret it?"    


He narrowed his eyes and grabbed her chin. "Very well, you forced me!"    


After saying that, Gong Lingye directly blocked Soong Yiren's lips.    


His wide palm tightly gripped the back of her head, and his other hand pressed her into his embrace. Instantly, she heavily crashed into his body. Before she had time to cry out in pain, the air in her lungs was compressed to nothing, and even the oxygen in her mouth was sucked clean.    


Because Soong Yiren lacked oxygen, her brain went blank. She wanted to breathe, but Gong Lingye pressed her tightly to the point that she could not even breathe. She could only fight with him for the air in his mouth.    


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