Reborn Girl: Prince Charming's Hot Wife

C82 I Suddenly Miss You

C82 I Suddenly Miss You

That night, just as Soong Yiren finished washing up and was about to look at her phone to sleep, her phone suddenly rang.    


She picked it up and saw that it was Pei Jun, so she answered the call.    


"Miss Yu, I'm downstairs at your dormitory. Come down. The CEO has something for you." Pei Jun said.    


Yu Ruonuan did not suspect him. Seeing that she was wearing a nightdress, she changed into a skirt and walked down the dormitory.    


The dormitory during the holidays was exceptionally quiet. The lights outside seemed to be dimmer than usual.    


Under the dim light, the man was wearing a shirt and pants. He stood tall and straight, painting the surrounding grass and trees with a noble aura.    


Soong Yiren looked at Gong Lingye in shock, so much so that she forgot to walk towards him.    


But he took the initiative to come over and pull her hand, "Nuan."    


Only then did Soong Yiren come back to her senses. "Why are you here? Didn't they say that Pei Te was here to help? " Besides, didn't you return to Imperial City the day after tomorrow? "    


I suddenly missed you, so I came back for a while. " Gong Lingye only explained this once, then pulled Soong Yiren out.    


"Where are we going?" Soong Yiren was puzzled. Other than the phone and the key, she did not bring anything else.    


"Let's go for a walk." Although Gong Lingye said so, he actually pulled Soong Yiren and jogged.    


He was wearing leather shoes, but she was wearing slippers.    


There was a cool breeze in the summer night, blowing up Soong Yiren's scattered hair. She was pulled by Gong Lingye's big hand and ran in the campus. She suddenly felt that the pressure in the competition field these two days was no longer there.    


Until he pulled her into the woods. He stopped and pressed his hand against her forehead. "Nuan, my flight at 12: 30 at night."    


Soong Yiren was shocked, "It is almost 10 o'clock now. Furthermore, where are you flying to?"    


Gong Lingye said, "Shanghai."    


Soong Yiren thought she had misheard him." Aren't you in Shanghai during the day? "    


Gong Lingye nodded and turned his head to kiss her. "Yes, I will stay with you for a while before going back. There will be a meeting in the morning tomorrow, so I can't stay overnight."    


She also wanted to say that he would be back the day after tomorrow, so there was no need to do that. Besides, his flight at 12: 30 would probably take him another half an hour to leave, right?    


Was there a need to travel back and forth like this?    


However, all of Soong Yiren's questions were sealed in Gong Lingye's stomach.    


He entered her world, stirring up her tongue and lips. It was as if there were electric currents on her petals that kept flowing into her brain, sucking away the air and reason.    


Her nose was filled with his scent, the familiar cool fragrance, as if it was the smell of his commonly used bath.    


She was surrounded by him between the wooden chair and his chest, and her entire body was burning with him.    


Until she was pressed against by something.    


Her body shrank, and she suddenly woke up.    


At that moment, a gust of wind blew by. The leaves rustled in the wind. It seemed that someone was approaching from afar.    


Soong Yiren jumped in fright and pushed Gong Lingye away.    


Because her movements were too fierce, she sat on him again. So, she lost her balance and fell backwards.    


He quickly bent over to grab her and picked her up. At this moment, the tree shadow was blown away by the wind. Under the moonlight, Gong Lingye saw Soong Yiren's face turn completely red.    


He went over to kiss her again, but she quickly dodged and pricked up her ears to listen to the surrounding sounds.    


It turned out that it was really just the sound of the leaves blowing. It was not that someone really came.    


However, she really didn't dare to walk on the tip of the blade anymore, because at this moment, there seemed to still be the temperature that she felt earlier on left on her finger.    


Both of them did not speak until a long time later, Gong Lingye seemed to have recovered. He held Soong Yiren's hand and moved closer to her ear. His voice was low and hoarse, "Nuan, I did not plan to do anything."    


Her ears were still hot. She felt that she had never been so embarrassed in her life. It was all because this man's kissing skills were too good. Every time, it made her brain dull because of lack of oxygen.    


She obviously didn't believe this man's explanation. She glared at him. "Then what else do you want?"    


Gong Lingye smiled. "Really, I'm not lying to you. I just want to kiss you. If I want to do something else, how can this half an hour be enough?"    


Soong Yiren's expression changed when she heard this. Her chest heaved up and down. When she saw that Gong Lingye was still wearing a tie and had a well-dressed appearance, she wanted to let others see his true nature!    


However, in this aspect, he never knew when to stop. He continued. "Furthermore, this is outside. I don't even know how to guarantee that you won't be seen by others."    


"Gong, Ling, Ye!" Soong Yiren could not bear it any longer. She suddenly got up and was about to leave.    


Gong Lingye quickly followed and hugged her from behind. He hugged her in his arms and laughed softly, "Nuan, I really want you! This is my birthday wish. I want you to give me the robot and also you to give yourself to me."    


Soong Yiren lifted her elbow and mercilessly slammed it backwards.    


Gong Lingye dodged sideways and hugged her tightly again, imprisoning her. "Nuan, what I told you was the truth. I really want to..."    


This time, before he could finish, Soong Yiren's slippers stepped on his feet.    


However, Gong Lingye was wearing leather shoes and did not hurt at all.    


He sighed and bit her ear. "Alright, be good. Let me hug you. In a few minutes, I have to go again."    


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