Reborn Girl: Prince Charming's Hot Wife

C87 I Miss My Mother

C87 I Miss My Mother

When Soong Yiren and Gong Lingye came out of the ward together, the atmosphere could not help but become heavy because of Lee Xiaozi's illness.    


The two of them silently walked forward and turned a corner. Just as they were about to walk towards the elevator, they suddenly saw a familiar figure!    


Gong Mochen!    


Gong Mochen should have come to visit the patient. He was carrying a bag of things in his hand. When he came out, he happened to be answering the phone. He did not notice Soong Yiren and Gong Lingye, but they were coming towards them.    


At that moment, Soong Yiren's heart was in her throat. She almost subconsciously pulled Gong Lingye and wanted to run away.    


However, when she turned around, Gong Lingye did not move.    


She looked up and saw that he did not have any intention of leaving. She was anxious, and wanted to leave him and run.    


However, Gong Lingye held Soong Yiren's hand tightly.    


Soong Yiren knew that his unhappy mood had come again. However, she had too many things to do now and had not had the time to deal with her relationship with Gong Mochen.    


She would return to him and break up with him, but it was not under such circumstances that she caught both of them unprepared.    


Soong Yiren raised her eyes and looked at Gong Lingye. "Can you..."    


But before she could finish speaking, Gong Lingye suddenly lowered his head and blocked her lips.    


He held her waist and pressed her down the corridor. He put his hands on her cheeks and kissed her hard.    


Because he was much taller than her, she was completely in his embrace. This way, the surrounding people could only see Soong Yiren's clothes but could not see her face at all.    


Soong Yiren's brain went numb and her heart beat violently. She fiercely hit her chest and her hand grabbed Gong Lingye's shirt. Her palm was covered in sweat.    


Although she and Gong Mochen only had a pure contract relationship, after all, Gong Mochen came over just like that, and she was kissing Gong Lingye here...    


As expected, after Gong Mochen finished making the phone call, he walked over step by step. When he passed by Gong Lingye, he stopped.    


Gong Mochen looked at Gong Lingye in surprise. How could he not know when uncle had a girlfriend?    


Could it be Gu Tingxue?    


That was right. Gu Tingxue probably was not in good health and came to the hospital again. Gong Lingye suddenly could not help but to visit her.    


Therefore, Gong Mochen did not think too much about it. He planned to continue forward and not disturb the couple.    


However, Gong Lingye, who was kissing, suddenly stopped.    


He had an empty hand and pressed Soong Yiren on his chest. Then he turned to Gong Mochen and asked, "Are you here to see a patient?"    


Soong Yiren could not help but curse in her heart that Gong Lingye did it on purpose. She had no choice but to bury her face in his arms even more tightly.    


Gong Mochen did not know that much. He maintained his indecent behavior and did not look at Soong Yiren at all. Instead, he explained to Gong Lingye, "A friend has an accident. There is a blood lump in his brain and it is very difficult to treat. He is currently researching a plan."    


Gong Lingye frowned. "Have you invited Professor Nie?"    


Gong Mochen replied, "Yes, I invited Professor Nie, but I am not confident."    


He sighed and said, "Unfortunately, Soong Yuncheng, the Divine External Expert, is not here. Professor Nie said that if it was him, the success rate would be higher."    


Hearing this name, Those deep images appeared in her mind. Blood and flames... It seemed like yesterday...    


She tightened her grip on Gong Lingye's shirt and pressed her body closer to him.    


Gong Lingye did not know what Soong Yiren was thinking at this moment. This was the first time his little woman took the initiative to do so. His blood temperature rose because of this. His Adam's apple rolled and the sharp protrusion of his Adam's apple became itchy because of her hair. He used his body to press against her even tighter.    


"Mr. Song is indeed the first knife in Ning Country's outer divine realm. No one in Hua Country has the same level as him!" Gong Lingye seemed to have thought of something and felt a little sad. However, the body in his arms gave him warmth and a sense of reality.    


Gong Mochen understood that Gong Lingye did not know anyone more professional than Professor Nie, so he greeted him and went back to the ward.    


Gong Lingye slowly released the person in his arms.    


He lowered his head and continued to kiss her. In Soong Yiren's mind, she was still thinking about her father that they had just mentioned.    


She felt a chill all over her body. Until she felt the change in him.    


She lowered her head and looked somewhere in Gong Lingye's direction in shock.    


She was suddenly angry and turned around to leave.    


However, Gong Lingye held her wrist. "Nuan, just now you took the initiative to stick to me so close and even rubbed on my body. If you light the fire yourself, you will be responsible for extinguishing it."    


Only then did Soong Yiren remember that when she was close to him for the second time, his position had changed rapidly. It was just that she was nervous and did not think too much about it.    


"Who asked you to be in heat at any time?" Soong Yiren really did not have the mood to pay attention to Gong Lingye. She struggled her wrist but was unable to break free.    


"Do you want to be like my nephew, not reacting even after being rubbed by the person you like?" After Gong Lingye said that, he carried Soong Yiren up. "Not responsible for extinguishing the fire, just responsible for covering the fire."    


He hugged her loosely and just happened to block the spot where he had yet to recover. Soong Yiren was vexed. She was angry and anxious. "Gong Lingye, this is the hospital. People come and go. Aren't you afraid of getting caught up in gossip?"    


"I am fine. If you are afraid, hide your face in my arms." Gong Lingye had an indifferent look on his face.    


Soong Yiren was helpless. Seeing that someone was really looking at her, she could only turn her face to the side and bury her face completely on Gong Lingye's shoulder, like an ostrich.    


He carried her out of the hospital and into the car. He said, "Nuan, do you want to have supper?"    


Soong Yiren shook her head. "I will go back to the dormitory!"    


The cool night breeze blew, the original warmth. The ambiguous dissipated, and the two of them were feeling emotional in their hearts.    


Lee Xiaozi estimated that it would only be one or two months. Sometimes life was really fragile. It came and went in a hurry and was caught off guard.    


Gong Lingye also noticed the somewhat oppressive atmosphere in the car. He said, "Nuan, I'll take you to a place."    


He drove all the way to the moat and stopped the car. He held Soong Yiren's hand and walked to the embankment.    


On the river bank, many couples who had come out to date quietly talked about their worries under the dim light. In the distance, there were boats with colorful lights hanging on the river surface, sailing slowly on the sparkling water surface.    


Gong Lingye pulled Soong Yiren along and walked by the river. Seeing that she did not speak along the way, he finally stopped and asked her, "Nuan, what's wrong?"    


The light was misty and his handsome face was even more delicate and three-dimensional. Soong Yiren was silent for a few seconds and this was the first time she told Gong Lingye the true feelings of her heart. Her voice was a little soft when she opened her mouth. "I miss my mother."    


Gong Lingye was stunned.    


He had never heard Soong Yiren mention his mother. He knew that Yu Chengzhi and his wife had divorced more than ten years ago.    


Furthermore, his wife had never returned home to visit his three daughters after the divorce.    


But because of the blood bond, Nuan missed her mother?    


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