Reborn Girl: Prince Charming's Hot Wife

C177 I Gave It to You for the First Time!

C177 I Gave It to You for the First Time!

Soong Yiren and Beiming Mo left Country R the next afternoon. At midnight, just as the two landed at the Imperial City airport, Beiming Mo received a call from Lieh Yuanchen, saying that there was an urgent matter that she needed to deal with.    


So, she directly took a nap in the airport VIP lounge for a while, and then she boarded the plane to Country M with Lieh Yuanchen and Ling Shaofeng.    


Luckily, Lieh Yuanchen bought a business class. Therefore, Beiming Mo planned to sleep after boarding the plane.    


However, just as she sat down and was about to put on the eyepatch, a familiar figure suddenly appeared beside her.    


The man was very tall and wore pants. Because Beiming Mo's line of sight was lower as she sat, when she looked up, she felt that he was exceptionally tall and straight.    


She also did not expect to meet Beiming Mo here. Xuanyuan Che was clearly slightly startled. Immediately, he only nodded at her lightly and sat down.    


Beiming Mo also nodded at him, then took out her eyepatch and prepared to take a nap.    


But at this moment, Ling Shaofeng, who was in the front row, suddenly turned his head. "My dear, you said you don't want to get back together, then I can chase you again, right?"    


After he said that, he blinked his peach blossom eyes. "After all, I have given you my first time!"    


Beiming Mo said, "Get lost!"    


After she said that, she subconsciously glanced at Xuanyuan Che, who was beside her, and saw that he had already taken out the documents and was looking at them. He did not even look at her.    


Therefore, after Ling Shaofeng said those words that would cause misunderstandings, Beiming Mo did not need to clarify anymore.    


In any case, she and Xuanyuan Che were already people from two different worlds.    


"Shao Feng, this time we are going out to do proper business. Don't disturb Sabrina for no reason." In front, Lieh Yuanchen said.    


"It will take seven or eight hours to go to America. There is a long way to go, and I don't want to sleep." After saying that, Ling Shaofeng turned around to look for Beiming Mo. "My dear, I was wrong. I really did not know that was your best friend, so I said a few more words. Furthermore, it wasn't that I wanted to hit on her, it was Third Brother! Third Brother asked me to hit on her!"    


Beiming Mo pointed at her eyepatch. "I'm going to sleep."    


Ling Shaofeng did not seem to hear her. "Baby, I have to marry you. Do you want to see me depend on my left and right hands for the rest of my life?"    


Beiming Mo raised her eyes and slowly approached Ling Shaofeng. "Let me give you a suggestion."    


Ling Shaofeng immediately became brilliant. "Babe, say it."    


"You can go to a special school and learn how to use your feet to do what a person without hands can do. " Maybe after a few years of training, you can marry your left and right legs. "Doesn't that mean you have two more wives?" After Beiming Mo finished speaking, she retreated and leaned back against the back of the chair.    


She swept her gaze and found that the documents in Xuanyuan Che's hands still remained on the first page after reading for a long time.    


In front, Ling Shaofeng was clearly hit and drooped his head listlessly. "My dear, what do you want me to do?"    


Just as he finished speaking, he saw the man beside Beiming Mo suddenly raise his eyes and look at him.    


That gaze was neither cold nor hot, but it was so calm that it was somewhat shocking.    


Ling Shaofeng swallowed a mouthful of saliva inexplicably, and then he said, "Handsome. You see, it's tiring for me to keep turning my head and talking like this. Next to you is my girlfriend. She is having an argument with me. Let's change seats. It's convenient for me to chat with her. You see... "    


Xuanyuan Che did not say anything. After glancing at Ling Shaofeng, he looked back at the document. There was no expression on his face.    


Ling Shaofeng was a little embarrassed and said, "Oh, if it is not convenient, then forget it."    


After he said that, he looked at Beiming Mo again and turned his head over. It was quiet.    


At this time, almost everyone on the plane had arrived. The cabin door was about to close. Beiming Mo turned her head and said to Xuanyuan Che beside her, "Thank you."    


His eyes were still glued to the documents. He did not even raise his head and his tone was indifferent. "No need to be polite. I just don't want to argue."    


Beiming Mo instantly understood what he meant. If he really switched places with Ling Shaofeng, Ling Shaofeng would always be in the back row and he would not be able to handle the mail.    


"Hey!" Beiming Mo said, put on the blindfold, and started to sleep.    


She was really sleepy. In Country R, because she was excited, she chatted with Soong Yiren and Soong Ziheng until midnight. Everyone almost did not sleep. Plus, she had a long journey back from Country R. Wu Chen didn't have time to fall down from the time difference and immediately flew to America.    


Therefore, even though Xuanyuan Che was still sitting beside her and could be considered as an 'old friend', Beiming Mo still fell asleep within two minutes.    


The plane took off very quickly. After flying smoothly, she would have time to take the plane over to pour water for everyone.    


Xuanyuan Che asked for a cup of coffee. When the flight was given to him, he turned his eyes slightly and found that the blanket on Beiming Mo's body had slipped off.    


He put down the coffee and hesitantly looked at the person beside him, but did not move.    


At this moment, the flight attendant's eyes suddenly lit up. "Momo?"    


Xuanyuan Che heard it and raised his eyes.    


The young man said something to the stewardess behind him and then quickly left. When he came over again, there was already a blanket in his hand.    


Then, he walked in front of Beiming Mo. First, he picked up the blanket that Beiming Mo slipped off and took it away himself. Then, he put a blanket on Beiming Mo that he had just brought over.    


Xuanyuan Che looked at the little brother's behavior in puzzlement and frowned slightly.    


However, due to work relationship, after the little brother finished doing all this, he saw that Beiming Mo was not awake and could not stay here anymore. He could only go and do his own work.    


Beiming Mo slept for a full five hours. She had been sleeping in the same position all this time and felt a little tired in the dream. So, she slightly turned around and changed directions.    


Xuanyuan Che just finished his work. This time, he came to talk with Gong Lingye about some things.    


Because Gong Lingye still needed to be in America for about a week, there were a few urgent matters that needed him to run over.    


Just as he closed the document and was about to sleep for a while, he suddenly felt a movement from the girl beside him. Then, her body slowly slid towards him.    


Xuanyuan Che frowned. He instinctively wanted to dodge, but before he could do anything, his shoulder sank.    


The girl beside him seemed to have finally found a place to support her. So, she snorted softly with her nose and continued sleeping.    


Xuanyuan Che turned his eyes and looked down at Beiming Mo, whose face was covered by an eyepatch. He was a little hesitant about whether or not he should correct her.    


However, at this moment, a faint fragrance drifted into his nose.    


He did not know how to describe this smell. It was a bit like fruit, but mixed with the natural fragrance of flowers. It was sweet, but it was also unusually fresh, as if he could still feel the morning dew in the forest.    


One could never forget it after smelling it.    


It was said that she was already the aromanist of Unique. Was this the unique perfume that she had made for herself?    


Xuanyuan Che was thinking about this when he saw the young man on the flight walk over.    


It had to be said that this flight attendant looked really young. He should be around 23 or 24 years old. He was very tall and had delicate facial features. He was a typical beautiful man of all kinds.    


He walked in front of Xuanyuan Che and slightly bent his body. His voice was a little low, but it did not cover the attack power. "Who are you to Momo?"    


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