Reborn Girl: Prince Charming's Hot Wife

C305 She Saw Everything!

C305 She Saw Everything!

Soong Yiren ran all the way to the entrance of the villa, but she still couldn't catch up to Gong Lingye's car.    


She stood by the roadside and looked at the wide road filled with oil. Tears rolled down her face.    


She did not know why she suddenly had such a difficult mood. This kind of inexplicable thing made her unable to suppress it no matter what.    


She was like a child abandoned by an adult in a foreign world. She was lonely, pitiful, and helpless. Her eyes were still eagerly looking in the direction where the car disappeared. Clearly, there was nothing there.    


Soong Yiren did not know what she came home to. When she went back, she found that when she ran across the grass, there was snow on the ground. It wet her blanket and socks. At this moment, it was ice and heavy.    


Her hands were also frozen. Her fingerprints were unlocked for a long time but could not be unlocked. Even when she pressed the password, her hands were stiff as if they were not hers.    


When she entered the room, she saw Soong Ziheng, who had heard the noise.    


Soong Ziheng saw Soong Yiren looking like she had lost her soul, so he quickly went over. "Sister, what's wrong?"    


As he spoke, he went to pull Soong Yiren's hand. Only then did he realize that it was frighteningly cold. Even her feet were red from the cold.    


Soong Ziheng hurriedly pulled Soong Yiren to the sofa and sat down. He placed her hand in his palm and covered it.    


The young man's hand was not too big. It was slightly smaller than Gong Lingye's, but it was still warm and dry.    


Soong Yiren only felt that her body began to return to its normal temperature bit by bit.    


Her eyes turned a little, and she looked at the time. Then, she said, "Ziheng, I'm going to the airport."    


"Sister!" Soong Ziheng was worried when he saw Soong Yiren like this.    


He frowned. "I want to go with you!"    


"I'm fine. It was only because your brother-in-law wanted to go on a business trip just now. I thought about Chu Mingyao's trial today, so I was more excited. " Don't worry, I'm fine by myself. " Soong Yiren gradually regained her senses. She said," You can't go. The person behind the scenes must be looking for you. We are at a critical stage. We can't have any uncertain factors!"    


Although Soong Ziheng really wanted to go to Ning Country, he understood what Soong Yiren said was right. The person behind the scenes had not appeared yet. He could not show himself now, and he could not mess up all his plans because of him.    


However, he was still a little worried. "Sister, keep the phone clear at all times. If anything happens, call me immediately!"    


Soong Yiren nodded. "Okay."    


Her body had already recovered the warmth and when she saw that it was not early, she quickly got up. "I will go and pack up and prepare to leave."    


At this moment, Gong Lingye had already arrived at Dr. Tan's place.    


He asked, "Dr. Tan, after lowering the metabolic rate, should I stay awake or something? Can I control myself to wake up midway? "    


Dr. Tan said, "Once the metabolism is lowered, my whole body will be in a state of deep sleep, so I won't know what is happening outside, but my body will have some basic senses. Mr. Gong, if you want to wake up halfway, you can, but the shortest frequency is to wake up once a week."    


Gong Lingye nodded." Alright, I will prepare now. Wake me up a week later. I still have things to deal with. "    


Dr. Tan replied, "Alright."    


Gong Lingye walked to the side of the room and called Gu Chiyun.    


Very quickly, Gu Chiyun answered. "Lingye," he said. "Is something the matter?" Gong Lingye asked.    


Gong Lingye smiled. "Uncle Gu, you should know what I meant by calling."    


He paused and said, "I'm at the Blood Research Institute."    


Gu Chiyun seemed to have waited for two seconds before he spoke. "Lingye, I don't know what you mean."    


"Uncle Gu, I saw that the flowers in your flowerbed were especially blooming that day, so I specially brought some soil with me." Gong Lingye sighed. "But I didn't expect that there would be such a big discovery."    


When Gu Chiyun heard this, he knew that there were some things that did not need to be said secretly.    


He might as well be frank. "That's right. I just didn't expect you to discover it so quickly. Lingye, you are very smart. It is a pity that Tingxue's life is thin and her health has been bad since she was young. You are also not willing to be my son-in-law."    


Gong Lingye's tone also became fainter." Tingxue, do you know that you have done these things? Have you thought about how she will look at you? "    


Gu Chiyun smiled. "She will not know! And you didn't plan to tell her either, did you? "    


Gong Lingye fell silent and did not continue this topic. Instead, he said: "Where is the medicine?"    


Gu Chiyun's smile became even deeper. "Lingye, I just praised you for being smart. You should know that since I have decided, how could I still keep that medicine?"    


"So, you mean there is no solution?" Gong Lingye asked calmly.    


"Yes, it is a pity. I would rather let it rot in the ground and give it to Tingxue as the most common nourishing medicine. I would rather not give it to you to save your life!" When Gu Chiyun said this, "What did our Gu family do to you back then? In the end, my wife was called to treat your mother's illness while she held her stomach up. She even let her die on the way back! Tingxue was dissected. She had never eaten a mouthful of mother's milk and had never seen her mother once. For so many years, she had been lingering on the line of life and death. How are we going to settle these debts?! "    


"I admit that it was my mother's illness that caused an accident in your family. However, it was not us who caused everything." "All these years, we have been making amends, but you enjoyed all of our amends, and now you treat our trust and guilt as sharp weapons!" Gong Lingye said.    


"Don't tell me that!" Gu Chiyun held his phone and his chest heaved up and down. "I only know that if it weren't for you, my wife would still be alive and Tingxue would also be healthy! I wouldn't have to face someone with white hair! "    


"So, Uncle Gu, no matter what, you won't compromise?" Gong Lingye asked.    


"Yes!" Gu Chiyun said and sneered, "Even if you use Tingxue as a threat..."    


Gong Lingye also smiled. "This is a grudge between our families. It has nothing to do with Tingxue. Even if I want to live, I cannot use her as a bargaining chip to threaten you."    


"Haha, Gong Lingye, don't think you are so noble by saying that!" Gu Chiyun, who had shed all pretenses of cordiality, no longer looked like a gentle senior. He gritted his teeth, one word at a time. "That medicine is gone! "You can't find a substitute for it with just a little extract. Just wait for death! " Not a single one of your Gong Family... "    


Before Gu Chiyun could finish his words, the words that came after were stuck in his throat.    


Because, his daughter, who had never woken up so early, suddenly opened the door and looked at him in shock.    


Gu Chiyun hurriedly pressed the phone and called out in panic, "Tingxue!"    


Gu Tingxue's chest heaved up and down, and the shock in her eyes was slowly replaced by disappointment and anger. "Dad, what you said to Mr Ling Ye just now, was all true?"    


Gu Chiyun shook his head and hurriedly reached out to support Gu Tingxue's shoulder. "No, Tingxue, listen to dad's explanation..."    


"I heard it just now!" Gu Tingxue looked into her father's eyes. At this moment, she felt that her father, who was usually amiable, had become strange and scared. "When your phone rang, I was already at the door. I heard everything!"    


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