Reborn Girl: Prince Charming's Hot Wife

C306 Dad Please Help Him!

C306 Dad Please Help Him!

Gu Chiyun took a deep breath. His fingers were shaking. "Tingxue, listen to me. I feel sorry for you."    


"I don't want to listen!" Gu Tingxue was emotional. "Are you going to hurt them just because you feel sorry for me? Tell me, were you the one who killed Mr Ling Ye's three brothers?"    


Gu Chiyun shook his head. "Tingxue, they died because they lacked a medicinal ingredient. I didn't do anything!"    


"You have the antidote. You would rather let them rot in the ground and make soup for me. You know that even if I drank it, it would have no effect on my illness. You are not willing to use it to save people!" Gu Tingxue's tears gushed out. "Now, even Mr Ling Ye has been harmed by you. Right? "    


"Tingxue, don't forget, you... His mother died because... "Gu Chiyun said.    


"That was an accident!" Gu Tingxue sobbed." Yes, I did say that I miss my mother! But I believe that if my mother was still alive, she would not be able to accept you like this!"    


She sobbed as she spoke. Suddenly, she could not breathe. Gu Chiyun was so scared that he quickly walked over and held her waist.    


"Tingxue, be good. It's Dad's fault. Don't be agitated. Don't scare Dad, okay?" Gu Chiyun lightly patted Gu Tingxue's back.    


Gu Tingxue struggled but did not have any strength. She looked at her father in front of her. For a moment, she felt that... He was the best father in the world.    


Just as she took a breath, she said word by word, "If Mr Ling Ye dies, I won't live either!"    


Gu Chiyun only felt that his daughter's words were like a knife stabbing into his heart.    


His voice trembled. "Tingxue, Dad has taken care of you for so many years, but you still can't compare to that man?"    


"You want to kill him. I feel that I have never met the real you." Gu Tingxue wiped away the tears from her blurred eyes and looked at Gu Chiyun. "I once thought that you and him were the best. But now, I know... "    


Before she could finish her sentence, Gu Chiyun knew what she meant.    


He clenched his fists. The hatred in his heart for Gong Lingye had never been so burning!    


His gentle and kind daughter, who had never disobeyed him, actually said such words to him for Gong Lingye! The disappointment and unfamiliarity she felt towards him just now had pierced through his heart like a needle!    


After a short period of silence, Gu Tingxue looked at Gu Chiyun and tried her best to make her tone appear more peaceful. "Dad, then tell me, is that medicine really gone?"    


Gu Chiyun nodded. "Yes, it was already gone three months ago."    


Three months ago, Gu Tingxue suddenly became seriously ill. At that time, he saw another woman beside Gong Lingye. At that moment, Gu Chiyun only wanted to kill Gong Lingye!    


However, he had chips in his hands. So, he endured it.    


He burned all the medicinal herbs.    


The ashes were buried in the flowerbed, which was why the soil had that kind of extract. That was why the flowers grew so well.    


As for Gong Lingye, since he had chosen another woman... Then, he could not be blamed for being impolite!    


As for the rest of the people from the Gong Family, which was also Gong Lingye's two older sisters, they were considered lucky. Because they had consumed a lot of that medicine in the past few years, they had already neutralized the remaining poison in their bodies, which could be considered as having survived the tribulation.    


Furthermore, Gu Chiyun thought, how boring would it be if all of the people from the Gong Family died?    


Old Madame Gong was a traditional woman, and her ideology of favoring men over women was deeply rooted. She had lived for a long time, watching her son die one after another, and even the most outstanding one die. Then, living was even more torturous for her!    


Who asked her to destroy everything he had at that time?    


Gu Chiyun smiled. There would always be no one in Gong Family!    


Because, after he had taken care of Gong Lingye, there would still be people who would take care of Gong Mochen.    


As for the person who had secretly helped him, he didn't know, nor did he need to know.    


In any case, cooperation only needed benefits. As long as the goal was achieved, that would be good. Who cared about the process?    


When Gu Tingxue heard her father say that there was no medicine, the expression on her face gradually froze.    


She reached out and pushed her father's chest. "Then I will go and rest."    


Gu Chiyun saw her distant attitude, and his whole body seemed to be ignited.    


He grabbed Gu Tingxue's arm. "Tingxue!"    


She turned her head, but her eyes were suddenly filled with water vapor. She knelt down. "Dad, please save him! "I don't want anything to happen to Mr Ling Ye! Please, save him! "Alright, this is my only wish..."    


He saw his daughter kneeling in front of him, begging him to save another man! Gu Chiyun felt as if his heart was being torn apart in an instant!    


He narrowed his eyes. "Tingxue, I can promise you anything else, but I can't promise you this! It's not only because I don't have any medicine left. Even if I have medicine, I will never save you!"    


Gu Tingxue's eyes instantly widened, and the light in her eyes suddenly extinguished. She thought of her and Gong Lingye's past, and thought of how she liked him no matter what. She felt that everything in front of her had lost all of its light bit by bit.    


Her vision went black and Gu Tingxue fainted...    


Gu Chiyun picked up his daughter and quickly called the doctor.    


After he was done, he picked up his phone and made a call.    


The person on the other end of the phone obviously did not know him. His tone was indifferent. "Who is it?"    


"Lieh Yuanchen, you don't need to know who I am. I called to tell you a piece of news." Gu Chiyun said, "Gong Lingye is sick, an incurable disease."    


On the other side of the phone, Lieh Yuanchen found it funny. "Does it have anything to do with me?"    


"I know you want to deal with him. Don't miss this opportunity." After saying that, Gu Chiyun immediately put the phone down.    


At this moment, Soong Yiren's plane was already in the air.    


Imperial City and Ningcheng were not far from each other, so two hours later, Soong Yiren had already stepped onto the land of Ningcheng.    


She picked up her phone and called Beiming Mo. "Momo, I am here. We will meet in court later."    


"Okay, okay. We'll meet again after the trial ends." Beiming Mo also came to court today as the plaintiff.    


Soong Ziheng had 'disappeared', and the people of the Soong Family had all passed away. Therefore, Beiming Mo was the only survivor of Chu Mingyao's case.    


Since she was the plaintiff, it was naturally inconvenient for her to meet Soong Yiren, especially since Soong Yiren's current identity could not be exposed.    


Ever since she had sent that message to Xuanyuan Che that day, Beiming Mo had never seen him again.    


He had come to find her once and she was busy. After that, she had not seen him again. After he called, she did not answer. Then, there was nothing else.    


Today, Beiming Mo's parents had come to accompany her to the court hearing. Originally, Beiming Xiao wanted to come but was stopped by Beiming Mo with one sentence.    


After all, Beiming Xiao was an artiste now. Although their family was the victim, it was a lawsuit after all. It would not be good for the career if an artiste got involved in these topics.    


At 1: 30 PM, the Soong Family murder case officially started.    


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