Reborn Girl: Prince Charming's Hot Wife

C319 Will the Baby be Gone?

C319 Will the Baby be Gone?

Beside her, Hee Wanshuang seemed to have just recovered some of her consciousness from the pain. Her voice trembled, "Baby..."    


Although, at the beginning, she really did not want a child because she and Lieh Yuanchen had no relationship at all. How could a child grow up healthily in an environment where parents were suspicious of each other?    


However, she was the mother of the child after all. The feeling of being connected by blood and bones became more and more profound as time passed.    


Before going to bed, she would tell the baby a story. During lunch break, she would also play the fetus teaching music for the baby.    


The quarrels with Lieh Yuanchen became less and less. She even thought that perhaps she could try to continue like this with him and educate their child together.    


And now...    


The flesh in her stomach was clearly transmitted. The feeling of his body being stripped off, The feeling of something important about to pass away made her want to grab it, but she was powerless to reverse the situation.    


Hee Wanshuang looked at Lieh Yuanchen who was beside her, and her voice trembled. "I am bleeding. Will the baby be gone?"    


"Shut up!" Lieh Yuanchen shouted and accelerated again.    


As the warmth flowed out, Hee Wanshuang only felt her body become heavier and heavier until it sank to the back. Her eyes slowly closed and she completely lost consciousness.    


Everyone was racing against time. Another two days passed.    




In a trance, the man's voice seemed to be in another world: "F * ck, I guarded for three days in vain! That kid must have died a long time ago!"    


"It's not Bai Shou either. If something were to leak out later, how are we going to explain it to the higher-ups? You know, the head of the family..."    


"Shh, you dare to mention the patriarch?!"    


"Brother, you, he... Mom is too cowardly, right? Can't you just say one sentence? "We're the only ones here!"    


Sigh, I was also frightened by the Patriarch's iron-blooded methods! Forget it, let's not talk about it anymore. Hurry up and report back to the clan!"    


As the two of them spoke, there was a series of footsteps that came from close to far. Finally, it completely calmed down.    


Soong Yiren, who was in the corner, slowly rolled her eyes. After a long time, she slowly moved her fingers.    


Her whole body was very stiff, but also very weak, so she tried hard to support her body. She tried several times but failed.    


Her hand knocked on something, and the pain also became sluggish and insensitive. Feeling it, Soong Yiren fumbled around and opened the Zara to probe outside.    


After activating the scan and confirming that there was no one around, Soong Yiren then slowly squeezed out.    


She knew that she could not go out immediately. What if she did? The other party charged back. Then, all of her persistence went down the drain.    


Soong Yiren waited for time bit by bit. She waited at the entrance of the underground tunnel but did not notice that Zahara finally connected the signal.    


The previous few messages were finally sent out. A thousand miles away, Ares received the message she sent to Gong Lingye.    


The last sentence was: "Gong Lingye, I suddenly want to marry you immediately!"    


In Ningcheng, the Ruwa in Gong Mochen's hand also received the communication signal from Zahara.    


Gong Mochen's body trembled, and he immediately opened the location of the Ruwa.    


This was the new function that Soong Yiren had gained after the Ruwa was damaged. He did not expect that it would be put to use in such a way.    


After locking onto the location, Gong Mochen informed Aa Mian while preparing the car. Hence, a few cars sped towards Soong Yiren's location at lightning speed.    


It was currently evening and the sun had dyed the entire sky red. Soong Yiren leaned against the pipeline and looked at the sky full of red clouds. She heard a prompt from Zahara, "Scanning Ruwa approaching... 500 meters... 200 meters... 50 meters!"    


Soong Yiren's heart shook and she quickly used all her strength to climb out.    


She could no longer climb out, but she saw Gong Mochen and Aa Mian rushing towards her.    


The corner of her lips curled up into a smile, and she weakly placed Zahara on the ground beside her, while her body softly fell down.    


"Ruonuan!" Gong Mochen was shocked and hurriedly wanted to jump down.    


Beside him, Aa Mian stopped him. "Young Master Gong, let me take a look."    


Gong Mochen knew Aa Mian was more professional, so he moved aside a little.    


Aa Mian immediately supported himself from the ground and carefully did not touch Soong Yiren.    


It was as if she was really only holding on to that last breath. So, when she saw them, she completely fainted.    


Aa Mian picked Soong Yiren up from the inside and handed her to Gong Mochen who was on the ground.    


The two of them took her and quickly rushed to the nearest hospital.    


Soong Yiren only felt as if she had experienced a long journey. When she woke up again, her entire body was still heavy.    


She turned her eyes and saw that she was lying in a white room. There was a hanging bottle on her head and beside her, Gong Mochen was taking a nap.    


She opened her mouth. Peel, she found that her throat was extremely dry and hoarse. "I - -"    


"Ruonuan, you're awake?" Gong Mochen quickly sat up. He had not slept much for a few days, and his eyes were bloodshot.    


"Water." "Water," Gong Mochen said.    


Gong Mochen quickly handed the warm water with a straw to Soong Yiren's lips.    


She drank half a cup and finally felt that she had recovered. She asked, "Am I still in Ning Country?"    


Gong Mochen nodded. "Yes, you have been unconscious for a long time. How do you feel now? I will get someone to prepare porridge for you."    


Although Soong Yiren had lost the nutritional substance, she was immediately hungry when she heard Gong Mochen mention eating. "I want to eat wontons."    


Gong Mochen did not know whether to laugh or cry. At this moment, he felt that she was still the little girl who had chased after him in the past.    


He shook his head. "The doctor said that your stomach has been empty for three days. You can only eat some unstimulated food first. Once your stomach has gotten used to it, you can only eat something else tomorrow."    


Soong Yiren bit her lips in disappointment. "Okay!"    


Gong Mochen wanted to rub her hair, but he raised his hand and gave up. He stood up. "I'll go and get the kitchen to send it over."    


Soong Yiren nodded. She saw that Zahara was by her side, so she used her non-infusion hand to pick it up and looked at the message sending record.    


She had sent so many messages to Gong Lingye, but he had not replied a single one.    


Furthermore, after he went to Country F, he did not contact her. All of a sudden, Soong Yiren felt that she could not even finish the porridge.    


When Gong Mochen returned, she asked, "Mochen, where is uncle?"    


Gong Mochen's hand holding the porridge suddenly paused. After two seconds, he pretended to be natural and sat down. He said, "In Country F, there is a communication problem. You know it."    


It was better to let him tell her about Gong Lingye.    


Soong Yiren pouted and felt a little disappointed.    


Although she did not have an appetite to eat, when her taste buds were stimulated, she still ate half a bowl.    


Her body gradually gained strength. Soong Yiren picked up her phone and called Gong Lingye.    


When she heard the notification that she could not answer from the other end of the phone, she was gloomily putting away her phone when a thought suddenly occurred to her.    


Previously, Gong Mochen had gone overseas and contacted her. She did not answer the phone once, but she had returned later. Even if the signal was not good, the notification from the other end had tried to connect, and only then did the notification indicate that it could not be answered.    




Soong Yiren's heart moved. She found Pei Jun's phone and called him.    


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