Reborn Girl: Prince Charming's Hot Wife

C337 I'm Still Waiting for Your Muscle Show!

C337 I'm Still Waiting for Your Muscle Show!

Since Soong Yiren was reborn, she and Xiao Pei could be considered old comrades. They went to MSRA for internship, participated in the robot competition, and entered the Heavenly Palace together.    


Therefore, he mentioned the best man candidate. She immediately asked if it was convenient for him to be the best man, and he agreed immediately.    


However, if there was one more best man, then there would be another one for the bridesmaids.    


Previously, Wei Qianran heard that she was getting married and also said that she wanted to be the bridesmaid, so she agreed.    


But now, counting, there were six groomsmen and only five bridesmaids.    


When the car passed through a green belt, Soong Yiren's heart moved and thought of a person - Su Mi.    


Previously, if it was not for Su Mi, she really would not have been able to get the video so smoothly. Hence, all of this had to be attributed to Su Mi.    


Although Gong Lingye secretly arranged the resources for Su Mi, Soong Yiren still felt that it would be even better if she thanked her in person.    


Hence, she found Su Mi's phone number and called her.    


The other side quickly answered, "Miss Yu?"    


"It's me. Soong Yiren said, "It's like this... I don't know if you have time for my wedding next weekend. I want to invite you to join my bridesmaid group."    


Su Mi was stunned for two seconds. Then, her voice became excited. "Really? Oh my god! That's great! I'm willing to participate! Oh, right. "Miss Yu, you and Mr. Gong have a happy wedding!"    


Soong Yiren could not help but raise the corners of her lips. Okay, thank you! The bridesmaids' clothing was unified by Sabrina. Tell me your size, and I'll ask her to arrange another set immediately! "    


"Okay, okay!" Su Mi said happily, "I really didn't expect you to invite me!"    


Soong Yiren smiled. There were some things that she did not need to say because they both knew each other.    


Su Mi was a smart person and naturally knew why she would invite her.    


It was just that Su Mi would not know that the person she helped was Soong Yiren herself!    


Although there were many things in this world that were ungrateful, Soong Yiren could see from Su Mi the meaning of her mother's charity.    


Helping more people without asking for anything in return, even though she looked silly. However, there might really be a day when those small acts of kindness would pass down and return to her in the future!    


The matters of the bridesmaids were settled, and Beiming Mo would also take a plane to come early tomorrow morning.    


At night, Soong Yiren and Yu Hsingfan and Soong Ziheng finalized some plans for the future, and the time became especially fulfilling.    


Before she went to bed, she still sent a message to Gong Lingye as usual, "Husband, good night."    


The next morning, Beiming Mo arrived at the Imperial City airport on time.    


Soong Yiren originally wanted to go and pick him up, but because there was something urgent at the company's side, she asked Aa Mian to help pick him up.    


Beiming Mo pulled her suitcase out. When Aa Mian saw her, he waved at her.    


"Aa Mian, thank you!" Beiming Mo looked at him and spoke in a light tone. "You've become handsome again recently!"    


Aa Mian's hand, which had taken her suitcase, paused.    


He still could not forget... That day, she was drunk. The scene of him being teased. He glanced at Beiming Mo and decided to keep a distance from her.    


Beiming Mo did not know what she had done that day. She was still teasing, "Aa Mian," she said. Were you the best man that day?"    


Aa Mian said, "No."    


"Ah, what a pity!" Beiming Mo said regretfully. "I am still waiting for your muscle show!"    


Aa Mian hurriedly moved to the side and retreated a few more steps.    


"Hey, do you have a girlfriend?" Beiming Mo asked as she walked.    


Aa Mian was about to shake his head and look at Beiming Mo, so he lied with difficulty, "Yes."    


"You really have it?" Beiming Mo asked curiously, "Quick, show me the photos!"    


Aa Mian replied, "No photos."    


No way! They didn't even have photos of their girlfriends? You don't qualify!" After Beiming Mo finished speaking, she saw that the distance between the two of them was getting further and further, so she quickly took two steps to catch up. "Are you alright? Why can't you walk straight? Did you get a problem with your legs from fighting?"    


Aa Mian,... ""    


He would never pick up the lady boss's best friend again!    


At this moment, Soong Yiren received a call from Gong Mochen. "Ruonuan, I'm at the coffee shop across from Starry Night."    


Soong Yiren was somewhat surprised why Gong Mochen suddenly looked for her, so she said, "Are you looking for me for something?"    


He replied, "Yes, you can come down for a while. It's official business."    


"Okay." Soong Yiren said a few words to Pei Jun and then went downstairs.    


Gong Mochen sat in the coffee shop across the street. In the corner, he quietly stirred the foam in the coffee in front of him.    


When he saw Soong Yiren, he got up and pulled a chair for her. "I ordered a Moka for you."    


"Thank you." Soong Yiren sat down. "Mochen, you are looking for me..."    


She used to call him "Mr Mochen," but now, did she call him "Gong Lingye"?    


Gong Mochen held the spoon in his hand. He used a little strength in his hand and looked up. His tone was gentle. "It's like this... I didn't know that Starry Night was my company, so I didn't do anything when something happened here."    


Soong Yiren smiled. "It's fine. It happened too suddenly. Furthermore, with the obvious actions of L Corporation, if Heavenly Palace is also involved, the impact will be too great."    


Gong Mochen looked into Soong Yiren's eyes. "uncle gave me all the shares of the Heavenly Palace. So if you need anything from me, I will support you. "    


Soong Yiren knew that Gong Mochen was doing this out of good intentions. If she rejected him directly, she was afraid that he would think too much. So she said, "Yes, but we are still settling the accounts. There were no bank loans on Star Night's side, so it should not be a big problem. After everything is sorted out, if you need anything, I will contact you "    


When Gong Mochen heard her say this, he knew that he might not even be able to do this much.    


His heart was filled with disappointment. He calmed down and said, "Alright. In any case, if you need help, remember to call me."    


Soong Yiren nodded. "No problem!"    


Gong Mochen did not say anything else after that. He watched Soong Yiren finish drinking the mocha before standing up. "Then I won't delay you anymore."    


Soong Yiren replied, "Alright, then I will also go back and continue to make documents."    


"Yes." Gong Mochen nodded and walked behind Soong Yiren.    


The two of them walked out of the coffee shop together. Soong Yiren was about to go to the company opposite. Gong Mochen saw that she was about to leave and his heart suddenly trembled. He could not help but stop her. "Ruonuan!"    


Soong Yiren turned her head.    


Gong Mochen's throat rolled. He wanted to say a lot, but he could not make a sound.    


Soong Yiren met his complicated gaze. She sighed in her heart, but in the end, she could only pretend that she did not understand. She smiled naturally. "Then I will go up!"    


He looked at her and his breathing became painful. "Okay."    


In the end, he still could not say anything. A marriage certificate was no longer possible between them!    


His gaze followed her all the way until she walked into the building opposite him and disappeared. He was still standing where he was.    


At this moment, a familiar female voice sounded behind him, "Mr Mochen!"    


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