Reborn Girl: Prince Charming's Hot Wife

C566 A Pure Fertility Tool

C566 A Pure Fertility Tool

In these two years, she needed to be responsible for giving birth to a son for the Lord of Gold, and when the son was one and a half years old and weaned, she could regain her freedom.    


During this period of time, her meals, books, and television were all specially arranged for her.    


She didn't need to do anything, she just needed to ensure that her body and mind were healthy and happy.    


As for the child's milk, it had nothing to do with her. Her relationship with the sponsor behind the scenes had also come to an end.    


As a pure reproductive tool, Chiang Xiaoxi's reward was that in these two years, her mother was transferred to a specialized hospital. Someone had taken special care of her.    


Furthermore, the other party would help her mother find a suitable specialist to perform the surgery and help her recover her basic mobility. She would also bear all the expenses from the surgery to the recovery.    


Finally, after the child was weaned, she would receive one million as compensation, as well as a two-bedroom apartment in the inner circle of Jin City.    


These things were undoubtedly tempting to Chiang Xiaoxi, who was now paralyzed because of her mother and could not even feed herself. The temptation was too great.    


Although she did not know what she would face in two years, she still agreed without hesitation.    


At this moment, she was led to a villa. Secretary Gao introduced her to the servants, "This is Miss Jiang. Please take good care of her in the future."    


He only said one sentence, and everyone had obviously gone through professional training. They were not curious at all.    


No one would reveal any information about the child's father to her. They were just fulfilling their own responsibilities as maids.    


After Secretary Gao had settled everything, he and Beiming Shen went into one meeting after another.    


The matter of surrogate pregnancy seemed to be just a small interlude. Before Chiang Xiaoxi got pregnant, they seemed to have temporarily forgotten about it.    


Thousands of miles away, Luo Tianqi was busy in the hospital.    


There were still two days left. It was his wedding, but his father's condition suddenly worsened. The chemotherapy in these two days had made his hair fall clean all of a sudden.    


He held Luo Tianqi's hand and said, "Tianqi, I finally saw you getting married... about Xiaozi back then. Sigh, why did I mention her again..."    


Luo Tianqi's breathing was a little stifled, but he still forced a smile. "Dad, it's fine. Don't mention the past. Aren't I getting married now? The wedding is the day after tomorrow. You have to have a good rest. When the time comes, you must not be absent from the wedding! "    


Father Luo answered, but he was unable to catch his breath. Therefore, Luo Tianqi hurriedly called the doctor loudly.    


Father Luo was pushed into the resuscitation room again. Luo Tianqi picked up his phone and immediately called the specialist.    


And at this moment, on the Luo clan's side, the Director of the Quality Department was like an ant on a hot pan.    


"Has Director Luo not been contacted yet?" He asked anxiously.    


The assistant shook his head. "Director Luo's phone has been on the phone all this time. It was not easy for me to call him just now, but he still hung up."    


Seeing this, the Quality Department Director took the landline on the table and called again.    


However, Luo Tianqi still couldn't get through.    


Just as he was having a headache, the marketing department's director came over and said, "I just received news that Qin's's side is preparing to go through legal procedures."    


The Quality Department Director's expression changed. The quality problem of the chip company that supplied the goods was caused by his lack of supervision.    


However, it was also strange. The other party had been supplying goods to the Luo clan for several years, but there had never been a problem.    


Hence, he relaxed his vigilance, but he never expected...    


"This matter, unless I personally find CEO Qin to apologize." The Quality Department's director said.    


"Qin's and her husband are usually very easy to talk to. I see that they like the girl in our department very much. I thought that they would agree to withdraw the complaint if we talked nicely, but..." The marketing department director sighed. "If I could plead, I would have begged a long time ago. It's because there's nothing I can do about it!"    


"Who is the girl you were talking about just now?" The Quality Department director said. "See if we can get her to plead with them?"    


"Lieh Xiaoruan, have you heard of it? It's the sister of the president of L Group, Lieh Yuanchen." The marketing director sighed and said, "She has already left our company. How can I find someone to go there?"    


"I can't care about that anymore. I'm just trying to save my life." The Quality Department director said. "Director Luo probably has something going on at home. If he knew that something went wrong with our big project this year, wouldn't it make things worse? "Furthermore, he will be getting married the day after tomorrow."    


Hearing this, the Marketing Department director was a little shaken. After a moment, he finally nodded. "I'll give it a try!"    


As he spoke, he found Lieh Xiaoruan's contact details and dialed her number.    


On the other side, Lieh Xiaoruan was printing the learning materials in the Heavenly Palace Group.    


Recently, the company was going to be online for some new products. The technical department had given them instructions beforehand and needed their marketing department to come up with a corresponding promotion plan.    


She had just returned to her seat with the data when she received a phone call.    


Lieh Xiaoruan was a little surprised when she saw the phone call clearly, but she still answered immediately. "Director Wang, you are looking for me?"    


Director Wang's attitude today was a thousand times better than before. He asked with a smile, "Little Lie, how have you been recently?"    


"I'm pretty good." Lieh Xiaoruan said, "Director Wang, do you have something on your side?"    


"Yes, Little Lie is smart." Director Wang first praised Lieh Xiaoruan. After a while, he got to the point. "It's like this. You still remember Qin's's CEO Qin and his wife, right? The two who really like you?"    


Lieh Xiaoruan of course remembered and replied, "En."    


"The contract between the Luo clan and Qin's was also negotiated by you and Director Luo back then." Director Wang paved the way for Lieh Xiaoruan and said, "But recently, there has been a problem with our cooperation with Qin's..."    


Lieh Xiaoruan's heart sank. "Didn't the contract and the first batch of goods go well?"    


"The problem lies in the second batch." Director Wang was very satisfied with Lieh Xiaoruan's sense of responsibility, so he directly said, "The second batch's purchase plan is much bigger than the first batch. We are also very happy, but there is a problem with the A.I. Chip. After Qin's received the goods, She raised her doubts. "After checking, we found that the A.I. Chip indeed has defects in quality."    


He continued: "Originally, this was nothing much. After all, we just need to get a refund from the supplier. Then, Purchase another batch of quality chips and replace them. However, Qin's and our contract have an agreement on the delivery date. This time, even if it was the fastest, it would still be three days late. Hence, Yes. "Qin's used the excuse of the Luo clan's breach of contract to file a lawsuit against the Luo clan.    


Lieh Xiaoruan finally understood the cause and effect of this. She also knew that Qin's and her husband had a very strong sense of time.    


Moreover, she estimated that there were some downstream purchasers below Qin's. They had a night together with other competitors. Hence, the loss to Qin's was not small.    


Although the Luo clan was willing to compensate for the corresponding losses, those invisible losses could not be determined. Who would pay for them?    


To put it more seriously, if in the next three days, Someone caught Qin's's delay and snatched the cake everyone wanted on the market. Then, the impact on Qin's could not be said to not be far-reaching.    


There were some things that could not be seen at the moment, but the difference between the two was like a thousand miles. Everyone understood this principle.    


Lieh Xiaoruan asked, "Director Wang, I understand what you mean, so you are looking for me..."    


"Little Lie, I know I am forcing you to do this. Furthermore, you have already left Luo clan. Asking you to look for Qin's and her husband again is really unreasonable." Director Wang said, "But we really have no other choice. You were also involved in this project back then, and they liked you very much. So we want you to help us. "Go to Qin's and see if she can make an exception."    


When Lieh Xiaoruan heard this, she was also a little hesitant. "Director Wang, I was only a small assistant in the marketing department back then and my words were soft. Such a big matter, how could they give up business interests because of that little bit of affinity with me?"    


Director Wang actually did not have the slightest confidence in his heart, but he sent the most powerful public relations personnel under his command, but they all returned without any success.    


Therefore, he could only grab onto the last straw in front of him. He said, "Little Lie, we have no other choice! Director Luo's father is seriously ill in the hospital. He is about to get married again. He is still not clear about such a big thing happening in the company. We can't contact him either. You can see that when you were in the company, he took care of you... "Can you..."    


When Lieh Xiaoruan heard Director Wang's relationship card, she could not help but think of the past.    


Those scenes that she deliberately forgot about when she worked hard to work appeared in front of her eyes again.    


But, was he deliberately taking care of her?    


She only knew that after he had obtained her body and mind, he had ruthlessly stabbed her with his blade!    


"Little Lie, if something were to happen to the Luo clan this time, it would be the same as when the Heavenly Palace Group was questioned. However, the Heavenly Palace Group came back with the right timing, geographical, and human conditions. Hence, it managed to reverse the situation, and it even caused the popularity to rise once again." Director Wang said, "But the Luo clan was indeed overlooked by our Quality Department this time. If we were to be sued, then in the future..."    


When Lieh Xiaoruan heard this, her heart sank.    


Yes, Luo Tianqi had let her down.    


However, with so many Luo clan employees, she liked them.    


Especially the colleagues in the marketing department. When she first entered the company, they had been friendly with her.    


At the celebration banquet where she won the bid for the Luo clan, no one was jealous or anything.    




She held her cell phone and said, "Alright, Director Wang, I'll give it a try."    


Director Wang seemed to have heard some good news and almost cried with joy. "Great! Little Lie, where are you? I'll send someone to pick you up?"    


There's no need. I drove my own car." Lieh Xiaoruan said, "I'll go to the Luo clan immediately, but I want to say that I can't guarantee that I can change the outcome, so..."    


"It's alright, it's alright. You don't need to be stressed!" Director Wang sighed. "What we can do now is to do our best and listen to the heaven's will."    


Hence, an hour later, Lieh Xiaoruan arrived at the Luo clan office building.    


Director Wang had already gotten someone to prepare all the information for her in advance. Then, he explained the entire incident to her in detail, as well as the public relations plan that the Marketing Department had used.    


Lieh Xiaoruan heard this and nodded. "I will go and try Qin's now."    


"Little Lie, how many people do you want to bring?" Director Wang asked.    


"Just me." Lieh Xiaoruan said.    


She had seen all the public relations plans, but they were all flawless.    


However, the other party did not recognize it. Clearly, it was a piece of iron.    


Then, if she wanted to shake the iron board, no matter how many people she brought, it would be useless. She could only find another way.    


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