Reborn Girl: Prince Charming's Hot Wife

C572 A Single Person's Army Was in Chaos

C572 A Single Person's Army Was in Chaos

"The day before yesterday, she came to our house, made us some pastries, and changed the way we agreed" Mr. Qin said, "But we didn't agree. We even told her that she was forcing us. She didn't insist and left. "    


"Your aunt and I thought that she really left. But she didn't. Instead, she stood in the courtyard of our villa."    


"You should know how heavy the rain was the day before yesterday, right?"    


Luo Tianqi's body swayed.    


The day before yesterday, his father was resuscitated in the hospital. He paced anxiously outside the operating theater. Looking out from the window in the corridor, he could only see the rain that could topple cities and thunder.    


"She stood from the afternoon of the day before yesterday until this morning. Later, we woke up in the middle of the night and found that she fainted outside my villa. "    


Mr. Qin sighed." Actually, we really didn't want to agree. However, she let me see your aunt's past. So, we took the risk and agreed to withdraw the complaint. "Not only for her, but also for our past, to provide more warmth."    


Luo Tianqi felt his throat suddenly clogged up, and for a moment, he actually could not make a sound.    


No wonder this morning, when Lieh Xiaoruan spoke to him, her voice was somewhat hoarse, revealing exhaustion and powerlessness. It turned out that it was because she stood alone in the rain for forty hours for his company!    


Why was she so stupid?    


Back then, when she sent the tender, it was because of him that she, who loved cleanliness and liked to dress up, was covered in mud. When she came out, she was even bullied by the hoodlums.    


If not for Gong Lingye's timely appearance, he would not have dared to imagine what had happened after that.    


It was also because of that time that he had started to fall in love with her. It was as if grass had grown in his heart. Unknowingly, it had flourished like before.    


And now, after he had treated her that way, after she had said she hated him, she had foolishly stood alone in the rain for him!    


In the end, she only said one sentence, because Qin's and her husband liked her, that was all.    


At this moment, the rain had long stopped, and the outside was filled with bright and beautiful heavenly light.    


However, Luo Tianqi felt that his world seemed to be collapsing bit by bit.    


What had he done to her?!    


Mr. Qin's words still echoed in his ears. "Tianqi, you are also married now. Since you don't love her, don't give her any fantasies. Sometimes, gentleness is crueler than coldness. "    


Luo Tianqi's throat rolled. "I am not married. I will marry her."    


In Mr. Qin's daze, he added: "I do not not not love. In fact, I really like her."    


After saying that, he thanked her and hung up the phone.    


At that moment, the driver had already driven to Lieh Xiaoruan's house.    


Luo Tianqi lowered his head to pay, but he did not know that there was a car passing by him at this moment!    


The distance between them at this moment seemed to be the shortest distance in a long time. However, he did not raise his head, nor did he see her.    


After getting out of the car, Luo Tianqi walked to the neighborhood and went straight to Lieh Xiaoruan's house.    


He pressed the doorbell, but there was no sound from inside.    


Thus, he called Lieh Xiaoruan again.    


This time, no one answered.    


He simply stopped at the door and waited quietly.    


The wound on his cheek and back of his hand was burning. It was spicy and painful, but his heart did not feel any better than the wound.    


He thought about that night, he seemed to be entangled with her. Sponsored many times.    


Although he couldn't remember the details, he remembered her soft body and silky smooth skin.    


He was immersed in it and felt that it was familiar and reassuring. It was completely different from the unfamiliar feeling Fu Xiner gave him.    


The next day, he thought that it was because he was drugged that he felt that the woman at night was good. However, he didn't know that he had already been frozen by Li Dai.    


He remembered that day when he was in the hospital, she accused him of being a scumbag and said that he did not take responsibility.    


At that time, he only thought that she said that he flirted with her but found a new lover. But he did not know that she was talking about that one. The madness of the night.    


Yeah, As proud as she was... After that night, when he saw her the next day, he did not have any intention of being clear or responsible. How could she take the initiative to seek an explanation from him?    


And that day in the hospital, she must have been furious and that was why she took the initiative to admit that she liked him, right?    


It was just that at that time, she said that she followed him and Fu Xiner to the hospital from outside.    


But now that she thought about it, At that time, he had taken a taxi to the hospital from his apartment. She did not know where his apartment was, so how could she follow him?    


At that time, her face was pale. The clothes she was wearing seemed to be the casual clothes sold by the chain stores downstairs of the hospital. It did not fit her at all and did not suit her taste at all.    


When she thought about it again, a day ago, he called her and she said she had a cold...    


So, she actually did not follow him to the hospital at all, but stayed in the hospital?    


If it was a cold, her voice should be buzzing, right? But when they met downstairs, her voice seemed to be very normal, just a little weak!    


Countless details that he had overlooked previously were now silent. Only then did the frame replay in his mind like a slow-motion movie.    


Some of his guesses almost held his breath.    


Could it be that she didn't catch a cold, but was hospitalized due to another illness?    


And her body had always been healthy. Could it be that she had gone for an abortion?!    


A bolt of lightning suddenly struck Luo Tianqi's heart. His breathing became tense. Even his hand, which was holding the phone, could not help but tremble.    


He called his secretary. "Help me check it out. Last month, on the 25th, did Lieh Xiaoruan go to the Central Hospital to register for treatment?"    


After he finished giving instructions, he leaned against the wall and waited for the time.    


At the wedding scene, Gong Lingye was comforting the people from the Luo family.    


Fortunately, this wedding only invited the family of husband and wife, as well as Gong Lingye and a few others who were childhood friends.    


As for the female Fang family, Gong Lingye had people investigate. Only then did he realize that the old couple was just an actor hired with money.    


On the Luo family's side, although they didn't know what exactly happened, they still had some doubts because Luo Tianqi hadn't appeared yet.    


Gong Lingye said that Luo Tianqi had something to do and that there was a problem with the bride's identity, so he canceled the engagement.    


Immediately, the relatives were in an uproar.    


Luo Tianqi's mother was worried when she heard the voice of a man behind her. "The wedding is not going to be held anymore? "Something happened?"    


Mother Luo turned her head and her heart sank. "Old Luo, why are you here? Didn't I tell you to sleep in the lounge for a while? We'll call you when it's time?"    


Father Luo, however, had already waved his hand. "If I didn't come, I wouldn't have known that such a big thing had happened!"    


He looked at the hall that was decorated with festive decorations. He felt as if his heart had not been lifted and his entire person shook.    


Beside him, the caregiver hurriedly supported him.    


"Where's Tianqi?" Father Luo was still asking, "What bride has a problem? "Didn't you say that I'm going to see my grandson soon?"    


He became more and more agitated. His vision darkened and he fainted.    


At that moment, even though Gong Lingye immediately sent a doctor over, the surroundings were in chaos.    


Luo Tianqi, who was at the door, received a call from Xuanyuan Che. "Tianqi, Uncle Luo fainted again. We will send him to the hospital immediately."    


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