Reborn Girl: Prince Charming's Hot Wife

C581 You Should Know My Bottom Line!

C581 You Should Know My Bottom Line!

"See if there are any traces around the car? "Is the car damaged?" Gong Lingye said again.    


"Prince, there are no signs of fighting outside the car, but there are scratches at the back of the car. It's not serious, just some paint." As the man spoke, he took a photo and sent it to Gong Lingye.    


Gong Lingye thought for a moment and immediately contacted Pei Jun. "Check the surveillance cameras nearby."    


At this moment, he already felt that even if he checked the surveillance cameras, Lieh Xiaoruan might not be able to find it.    


They missed the best time to find someone. All the traces might already be nowhere to be found.    


At the side, Soong Yiren was thinking when her heart suddenly lit up.    


Anything that passed by would leave behind traces. Lieh Xiaoruan's car, wherever it went, her robot would record it.    


Therefore, she quickly said to Gong Lingye, "Lingye, tell them to open Xiaoruan's car immediately and look for the yellow robot inside that looks like an ornament. If they find it, immediately send a video request and I will tell them how to operate it. "    


Therefore, Gong Lingye immediately did as she said.    


On the other side, his men had already driven Lieh Xiaoruan's car.    


The documents in the car were all gone, but no one would think of moving the ornaments on the car.    


The yellow robot that could shake its head was also perfectly placed there.    


The subordinate sent a video request to Gong Lingye. After Gong Lingye passed, he gave the phone to Soong Yiren.    


Soong Yiren asked someone to take the robot down and tell them how to turn on the central control. She then entered the password and sent the itinerary.    


Thus, on Zacha's side, they had already received the itinerary map.    


Soong Yiren turned on the computer and sent the data over.    


Therefore, Lieh Xiaoruan drove out of the neighborhood at a few o'clock. Where did she go at that time? How long did she stop in front of the traffic light? All traces were displayed on the computer screen.    


When Luo Tianqi saw the track and time, he felt as if he had been hit hard by a stick.    


Because the time he saw her leave the house happened to be when he went to her neighborhood to look for her!    


They might even pass by each other!    


On the other side, Soong Yiren quickly analyzed the data. Gong Lingye and Lieh Yuanchen kept answering the phone, while Luo Tianqi kept looking at the computer screen.    


"This is where Xiaoruan parked her car." Soong Yiren saw Gong Lingye finish the call and put the screen in front of him. She said, "Except for the 39 red and green lights in the middle. The rest had stopped at two places. The first place was near the entrance of this neighborhood. But I just checked the 3D street map and found that there were people coming and going... They often block off the intersection, so... Xiaoruan parked the car probably because she was avoiding pedestrians. "    


Soong Yiren said and opened another three places, "These places are all normal roads. There are no residential areas and no convenience stores around, so I suspect that one of the places where the accident happened is one of them."    


Gong Lingye immediately said, "Send the locations to me separately. I will arrange to investigate the surveillance video."    


On the other side, the news came one by one. The result was that Lieh Xiaoruan suddenly stopped at the first two places for some reason. However, because there was a surveillance camera, even though they could not see her face clearly, they could still see that she did not get off the car, nor did any suspicious people approach.    


As for the last one on Linyin Road, the surveillance cameras were broken, and there were no records.    


"It's that Linyin Road." Gong Lingye immediately said, "Locate between 11: 28 to 11: 35. All information about the plates entering and exiting this road."    


It was another screening process. All the cars were recorded. Some went to the mall, some went to the neighborhood. There was also an off-road vehicle that went to the port.    


The surveillance cameras nearby were also out. Gong Lingye zoomed in on the high-definition cameras and found out the details that his subordinates did not notice before.    


Lieh Xiaoruan originally wore a white shirt, but after she drove out of the woods, she changed into a white shirt. If one did not look carefully, one would not be able to tell.    


Lieh Xiaoruan had not worn sunglasses all this time, but after she came out, she wore sunglasses.    


Although their hairstyles and figures were basically the same, Lieh Yuanchen and Lieh Xiaoruan had been together for so long. Therefore, with just a glance, he could tell. "The one behind is not Xiaoruan!"    


At this moment, the truth had finally come to light.    


Gong Lingye narrowed his eyes. "Someone deliberately pulled Xiaoruan into this off-road vehicle. After that, someone pretended to be Xiaoruan and tried to divert our attention. They also thought that the place where she got into trouble was the place where the car was thrown. In fact, Xiaoruan had already been transported to the dock. "    


When he said this, his entire body was filled with killing intent.    


There was almost no need to guess. He could already guess that there would definitely be a ship sailing towards Country J.    


Indeed, not long after, Pei Jun sent a message over. "President, I just found out that in the time you mentioned, there was indeed a boat heading to J Country."    


Gong Lingye looked at the time. At this moment, it had been two hours since Lieh Xiaoruan was kidnapped.    


The speed of the boat was fast, and it would definitely change to a speedboat later on. Therefore, even if he used the helicopter now, it would be too late.    


And who was the person who attacked Lieh Xiaoruan?    


Shangguan Xun? Beiming Shen? Or... Shangguan Ao?    


On the other side, Lieh Yuanchen saw the murderous look on his face, as if he could see what Gong Lingye had guessed.    


He said, "Gong Lingye, do you know where Xiaoruan was taken to?"    


"I will handle this matter immediately." After Gong Lingye finished speaking, he made a phone call. "Uncle -"    


"Ye, why did you want to call me?" Shangguan Ao's tone was indifferent.    


"Uncle, I have something to say. "You don't need me to make it clear, do you?" Gong Lingye said with certainty, "I have already found out. For my wife's technological means, some things are not difficult."    


He was not sure, but if he did not do so, it would not be easy to get information out of him.    


Sure enough, Shangguan Ao smiled. "Lingye, you still surprise me like this."    


After he said that, he said, "I am old now. Sometimes I like to have a family neat and tidy."    


Gong Lingye did not respond.    


"You see, my brother gave birth to a niece for me outside. I just found out." Shangguan Ao said, "Don't worry, I just invited Xiaoruan over to play for a few days. It's about time. I will send her back."    


Gong Lingye's fingers, which were holding the phone, suddenly tightened. "Uncle, you should know my bottom line."    


The bottom line was that everything was for him alone. However, he did not want to touch his family.    


"Lingye, look at what you said. The position of the family head will be yours in the future. I will give you everything. What else do you have to worry about? " Shangguan Ao said," Xiaoruan is a sensible girl. She is now taken away by my helicopter. "She just entered the country and I haven't seen her yet... but I saw the photo. She looks a little similar to your father and is quite close."    


Gong Lingye only said," Uncle, I hope you can send her back as soon as possible. "    


"Of course." Shangguan Ao said,, "You can relax. Even if you come to J Country now, I can't guarantee that you will see her. Fourth, you are so smart. You should know what I mean?"    


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