Reborn Girl: Prince Charming's Hot Wife

C585 Shuang-er This Is Our Home

C585 Shuang-er This Is Our Home

Hee Wanshuang lived with Lieh Yuanchen for a while. At that time, even if he had social gatherings at night, he rarely drank too much when he returned.    


Furthermore, she had never seen him throw up.    


But at this moment, the man who was nearly three meters away was throwing up, as if he could spit out his entire stomach.    


Hee Wanshuang wanted to leave, but her footsteps seemed to have been nailed, and she could not move at all.    


She remembered that day when she was drowning, he jumped into the water to save her.    


After that, he carried her upstairs and asked the resident boss to help her find the medicine.    


He had saved her before, and now he seemed to be in a very bad situation. She shouldn't have ignored him.    


Hee Wanshuang thought of this and bit her lips, walking towards Lieh Yuanchen.    


There was also a bottle of mineral water in her bag. Although she had drunk two mouthfuls, there was no convenience store in this villa area. Those who were drunk would probably be thirsty. So, after thinking for a while, she still handed the water to Lieh Yuanchen.    


He had also finished vomiting. He put one hand on the wall and panted heavily.    


Seeing the mineral water bottle in front of him, he blinked and only reacted after a few seconds. He slowly turned his head and looked at Hee Wanshuang.    


Hee Wanshuang subconsciously stepped back slightly. However, she did not withdraw the action of handing the water back.    


Lieh Yuanchen looked at Hee Wanshuang for a while, and only then did he realize that he had received the water.    


He unscrewed the cap of the bottle, rinsed his mouth first, and poured it into his mouth.    


He drank most of the water in one go. Only then did he cover the bottle in a daze and return it to Hee Wanshuang. "Thank you."    


Hee Wanshuang took it and hesitated for a moment before saying, "Are you alright?"    


Lieh Yuanchen looked at the thing that he spat out on the ground. His slow thinking suddenly seemed to realize something. He hurriedly walked away with Hee Wanshuang.    


She was pulled by his arm and walked for more than ten meters before she stopped. She was a little anxious and wanted to pull her arm back. "Don't pull me!"    


Lieh Yuanchen wanted to let her go when he heard her, but when he realized that it was Hee Wanshuang, he pulled her towards the villa opposite him.    


Hee Wanshuang was instantly frightened and hurriedly struggled, "Let go of me! What are you going to do? Don't break into the house!"    


However, Lieh Yuanchen pulled her to the door of the villa. Then, he pressed his fingerprint and the door opened.    


Hee Wanshuang was stunned. Only now did she remember that Lieh Yuanchen had said that after she gave birth to the baby, he would move to the villa he had bought before.    


And this villa should have been bought by him in the past, right?    


It was just that she had never been here during her marriage with him.    


"Lieh Yuanchen, you're drunk. Go back and sleep. I'm leaving. My classmates are still waiting for me." Hee Wanshuang was pulled by Lieh Yuanchen and kept struggling.    


However, the drunk man had a lot of strength. She could not break free at all. She even felt pain in her arm from being pulled.    


In the next second, he had already brought her into the room, and then he slammed the door of the villa shut.    


Hee Wanshuang's heart trembled. She regretted why she had bothered with him at that time.    


There was a popping sound in her ears. The lights in the living room were turned on and instantly, her entire vision was lit.    


Hee Wanshuang saw that the entire villa had a beautiful European style. It also had some ancient elements added to it. It gave people the feeling that it was an oil painting of a noble from the beginning of the last century.    


She did not expect that it would be so different from the modern simplicity of Lieh Yuanchen's apartment.    


Beside her, the man seemed to be stunned, and then he realized that this was indeed his home.    


The renovation style, furniture, and furnishings of the villa were all decided by him.    


At that time, he still did not know Hee Wanshuang. He just thought that in the future, he would transfer all of his business to Hua Country to develop and stay far away from Lieh Cheng'an. And this place would be his home for the rest of his life.    


Therefore, in fact, every inch of this place was filled with his painstaking efforts.    


However, because he separated from Hee Wanshuang later on, he actually didn't have any intention of moving in.    


He even almost forgot what kind of parents he had.    


Today, due to an accident, he actually met her and even brought her to see their marriage.    


Even though it was a late wedding.    


"Lieh Yuanchen, I'm leaving." Hee Wanshuang repeated again, "My classmate sent me a message and asked me."    


After saying that, she tested the man next to her, who was in a daze, and gently pulled his finger away.    


She finally broke away from his shackles but the moment she turned around, she heard the man say, "Shuang, this is your home and mine."    


Hee Wanshuang was stunned, and then she suddenly turned around.    


She saw that Lieh Yuanchen did not seem to know whether he was talking to her or not. He looked forward and continued, "After you left, I did not come back."    


"I originally planned to move my family here after you gave birth to the baby."    


"But now, if I hadn't opened the door, I would have forgotten that I still have a home."    


Hee Wanshuang had never seen Lieh Yuanchen like this. His words seemed to have no ups and downs. However, she did not know if it was an illusion or not, but she kept feeling that his mood at this moment was at its lowest.    


She couldn't bear to leave just like this. However, at that moment, her phone rang. It was a call from her classmate. "Frost, are you there? I roasted chicken wings at home, waiting for you!"    


Hee Wanshuang hurriedly replied, "Yes, yes, I will be right there! Wait for me! "    


She put away her phone and did not look at Lieh Yuanchen's back anymore. She was about to open the door and walk out.    


Lieh Yuanchen seemed to be completely immersed in his own world. So, even when Hee Wanshuang left, he did not have any reaction.    


While Hee Wanshuang breathed a sigh of relief, an indescribable complex feeling surged in her heart.    


She took a deep breath, suppressed this feeling, and walked out of the villa's door.    


However, before she could close the door, she heard the sound of a heavy object landing on the ground behind her.    


Hee Wanshuang was shocked and waited for two seconds. There was no movement on the other side. There was only a dead silence.    


Her heart was torn by these two thoughts, but her footsteps were faster than her brain. She reacted first.    


Quickly entering the room, Hee Wanshuang discovered that Lieh Yuanchen's entire body had fallen onto the carpet.    


Perhaps he had sent people to clean this place regularly, so there was basically no dust on the floor. He lay on the carpet, as if he was sleeping in a luxurious oil painting.    


"Lieh Yuanchen!" Hee Wanshuang saw that the man's eyes were closed and could not help but feel worried.    


However, she shook his arm and called him a few times, but he did not have any reaction.    


There was a large sofa beside. Hee Wanshuang tugged at Lieh Yuanchen but he was too heavy. She dragged him but did not drag him at all.    


Hee Wanshuang had a headache. She looked around and could only close the door first. Then, she went to the kitchen to prepare some water ice on Lieh Yuanchen's forehead to see if it could wake him up.    


The kitchen was very spacious. There was a beautiful crystal lamp, a marble wall with striations, and a semi-open structure. It made people feel that cooking was something pleasing to the eye.    


Hee Wanshuang only took a quick look and went to fetch the water.    


Fortunately, although no one lived there, the water and electricity were all connected.    


She received some water and returned to the living room.    


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